“The energy reserve module of the transport aircraft must have been lost in the impact just now. The main engine has insufficient energy. The existing energy is only enough for us to leave the scope of gravity of Mothership, and then we will drift freely in space …” Xu Jingyao’s face Depressed expression.

“What do you mean is that everything we just did is in vain, and we can’t go back to the Transmission Gate near Ganymede 3?” Li Zheng confirmed to Xu Jingyao.

“Yes, once we get rid of the gravity of Mothership, we will become a random stone in the universe …” Xu Jingyao answered Li Yan.

“I depend! Is this the result of being busy for a long time?” Champion Chen couldn’t help but be discouraged.

“Expert Xu can do this step very well.” Su Han comforted everyone.

“Turn off the engine! The rudder is turned 90 degrees to turn off the engine! A fighter is flying towards us!” Xu Jingyao said to Liu Gan and the others that he had just detected that the Mothership had a fighter taking off, and it was obvious that Mothership had detected it. The energy fluctuated when the transport engine started the engine, and the fighter was sent to understand the situation.

Liu Gan quickly shut down the main engine and quieted the transport plane again.

“From now on, everyone should not speak, and there should be no movement. After the fighter is approaching, any small noise may draw them over …” Xu Jingyao explained to everyone.

The trainees each seized the body around them to fix their bodies, and then lay motionless on it. No one spoke again. From the broken porthole, it was clear that there were 2 fighters flying from Mothership in the direction. Obviously where the transport plane is.

Within a short time, two fighters flew near the wreckage of the transport plane. The hearts of the trainees mentioned in their throats. The current transport plane is a pile of scrap iron. Once discovered by a bee-type alien fighter, it will be torn instantly Got crushed.

And this pile of scrap iron is the only place where students can live.

Good in the vicinity There are a lot of crushed stones, many of them are huge, not only brought from Europa 3, some may be brought from Europa I, Europa 5, or even farther away by Mothership Gravity capture has been cruising near Mothership, and transport wreckages are inconspicuous compared to them.

The two fighters patrolled the perimeter, left without any abnormalities, and flew to another place. The energy fluctuations caused by the transport engine just before starting the engine are similar to the energy fluctuations caused by the collision of two boulder. Without continuous energy fluctuations, in the dark space, two fighters are not so easy to find the wreckage of the transport aircraft.

“Expert Xu, what shall we do next?” The students asked Xu Jingyao, because the previous Xu Jingyao’s performance, now the students have some reliance on him.

“I don’t know.” Xu Jingyao was sighed. He was only proficient in spaceship maintenance. Now the transport plane is broken and the energy is not enough. What to do next is still blank in his mind.

“Mothership of the bee is going to Earth, right?” Liu Gan asked the students.

“Well, the information shows that it will reach the moon first, destroy the lunar base, and then go to Earth, lie on the entire Atlantic Ocean and extract Earth’s core.” Su Han answered Liu Gan.

“Expert Xu, how long will it take to get near Earth at its current speed?” Liu Gan asked Xu Jingyao again.

“Earth and Jupiter are about 800 million kilometers apart. Mothership is currently at about 20,000,000 kilometers per hour, and it will take about 40 hours to reach Earth. Of course, as long as it does not stop near the fire star halfway.” Xu Jingyao answered Liu Gan.

“How long can we persist?” Liu Gan asked Xu Jingyao again.

“The oxygen tanks rescued from the transport plane are evenly distributed and should be able to last for about 50 hours … This is without any accidents.” Xu Jingyao answered Liu Gan after doing some calculations.

“In this case, let ’s follow Mothership to fly to Earth. In the space where Independence Day is located, Earth humans already have some alien technology. On Earth, we should be able to find the spaceship we need, get a spaceship and fly back. Near Ganymede 3, look for the Transmission Gate and return to the trembling Academy. “Liu Gan quickly made a plan. In the absence of everyone’s idea, someone must stand up and get an idea.

“It won’t be so smooth, we’re dead!” Chen champion said in a frustrated tone.

“If you give up, just go forward and jump into the cosmic space! If you still want to live back to the trembling Academy, then don’t say that!” Liu Gan said coldly to the champion Chen.

“Speak lightly …” Chen champion shook the head and said nothing more.

“When Mothership arrives in Earth, there will be severe friction with the atmosphere. Mothership’s powerful field armor will be fine, but we and these stones will be burned into powder. This is something that must be considered.” Xu Jingyao was silent. A few words reminded Liu Gan after a while.

Although Liu Gan’s plan is good, many details in it need to be considered, such as the safe landing on Earth, which can not be done under the existing conditions.

“In Independence Day 2, humans already have a base on the moon. We can consider landing on the moon and find transportation in the human lunar base to return to Earth.” Liu Gan thought of a solution.

“The moon? The moon is not yet as large as Europa. Unless Mothership turns on the antigravity device, once the Mothership approaches the moon, the moon will also be torn. According to the urine of the bee aliens, they will definitely not turn on anti-gravity. The gravitational device will quickly pass near the moon, tear the moon and the human base above it, and then directly crash into Earth’s atmosphere. “Xu Jingyao analyzed it.

“Then … we have to find a way, Mothership can only reach the moon first.” Liu Gan looked at the huge hull of Mothership outside the porthole and returned Xu Jingyao a few words.

“What about motivation?” Xu Jingyao shook the head, not wanting to say anything more.

“Are we able to raid Mothership? Mothership, who controls this bee alien, can’t all the troubles be solved?” Su Han inserted a few words.

“Is it whimsical?” Xu Jingyao bitterly laughed: “Mothership’s force field armor is on, and any matter approaching will be torn into particles …”

“Any way to hijack one of their fighters?” Su Han thought for a while and suggested.

“How to hijack it? Try it, as soon as you show up, you will be blasted into slag!” Chen Guanjun’s expression of contempt for Su Han was scornful. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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