Since it’s useless to think more, Liu Gan usually doesn’t think much about it. He put up a cover early and fell asleep. Anyway, how can the spirit of raising feet not be wrong?

Although 70% of the energetic body is not easily tired, Divine Soul will still be tired, and it is certainly not good without rest.


Fortunately, the content of the make-up test is no longer a written test, but a physical fitness test.

Strength test, speed test, response test, hearing test, visual test, impact resistance test, injury output test.

A total of 7 points for the 700 retests were passed, and the total score was 420 before passing. The test room was located in the gymnasium. After entering a vortex-like light curtain, other candidates disappeared.

Liu Gan clearly felt it. In this independent copy space, the attributes of his physical abilities have been unsealed. It seems that this exam can be used to its full strength, and it can pass if it passes 420 points. But it is a 60-point passing line, shouldn’t it be a big problem?

The first item: power.

The content of the test is very simple. Push a piston-like thing hard and push it in the shortest time. The more you push the rebound, the more stable it is for 5 seconds above a certain point to be considered valid. The score is on the piston’s plug body, which is indicated by a tick mark. There is a large screen next to the live broadcast. Candidates can clearly see how many points they have pushed out.

Nothing to say, immediately after the test, Liu Gan suffocated his strength and began to push the piston, and easily pushed the 10-point line, 20-point line, 30-point line, 40-point line … Then, Liu Gan no matter what No amount of effort can go any further.

“Final score: 43 points!” A voice announced the results of Liu Gan’s retest.

“I depend! 43 points! Did you fail?” Liu Gan stared wide-eyed, 60 points so difficult to test?

It really looks like underestimated the entrance exam of the trembling Academy! The 6-star difficulty is not covered, and you can’t get more than 700 high scores like Xueba, and your physical fitness can’t keep up, you are not eligible to enter the thrilling Academy!

The trembling Academy is probably a Level with Real World Tsinghua University and Peking University?

There is Six Sect at the back, 10000000 can not be taken lightly anymore, try your best!

Item 2: Speed.

The content of the test is also very simple, just one word: Run!

The ground is obviously sliding. Liu Gan runs forward, and the ground will automatically retreat at his speed, so Liu Gan does not need a lot of space to reach his highest speed.

There is also a speed tester next to it. When the speed reaches a certain gear, you can get the corresponding score. If you hold it at a certain speed for more than 5 seconds, you can get the score of this gear.

After the test began, Liu Gan slammed again and ran desperately, the test score rose rapidly, from 10 to 20, and then from 20 to 30, and finally … there was no threshold that could pass 40.

“Final speed score: 35 points!” A voice announced the results of Liu Gan’s retest.

“I … grass!”

Liu Gan gasped, and didn’t know how to describe his mood.

I ’ve been in the Trembling World for so long, and I have always been a leader-level character. Invincible and invincible. As a result, in the entrance exam of the trembling Academy, the written test is not enough, that’s all, physical fitness test, the first 2 items Failed!

Does this mean he hasn’t gotten started in The Trembling World? What bird eggs?

Item 3: Responsiveness.

The response test is also very simple, that is, various flying objects come to Liu Gan ****, gradually speeding up, and even flying in various strange routes. Liu Gan must dodge in time and be in a certain position. Dodge 5 consecutive flying object attacks, even if this score is reached, you can challenge the score of the next gear, but if you do not dodge 5 times in a row, this score gear is considered a failure.

Liu Gan failed shamefully again, scoring only 37 points.

In the past 3 subjects, Liu Gan only scored a total of 115 points, and the passing line required each subject to have at least 60 points. This time, 65 points were dropped, just like one less subject, if you ca n’t make up the score later Arise, it is estimated that the make-up test will be suspended again.

Item 4: Hearing test.

The content of the test is to say a sentence with an electronic voice, and the voice goes from high to low, getting lower and lower. Candidates must repeat the sentence said with an electronic voice. One word must not be bad. score.

Liu Gan failed sadly again, and this time it was even worse, scoring only 28 points.

Item 5: Vision Test.

The content of the vision test is still very simple, just look at the vision chart, and then use the finger to open the ‘E’ which side is the same as the vision test in Real World.

It’s just that the ‘E’ in this vision chart is flying fast. With the increase of the score, the distance from the candidate will be further and faster, and the speed of flight will be faster and faster. The candidate must correctly answer quite Score the gears 5 times with the correct orientation of ‘E’ to get this gear score and the corresponding accurate score assessment.

Liu Gan’s vision test and hearing test score are exactly the same, another 28 points.

After 5 exams, Liu Gan scored only 171 points, which was 5 points away from the 300 mark of the 129 pass line.

“I’m so bad!” Liu Gan’s confidence was hit hard.

Now only the resistance test and the damage output test are left. Liu Gan calculated it. Even if he got a full score in the last two tests, the total score is unlikely to reach 2 points. It seems that his retest has been broken. .

I don’t know if there is any chance for the next retest.

Regardless, let’s finish the last 2 items first.

The content of the resistance test is also very simple. Candidates must use the body Mist Armor to resist various No Attribute attacks. The total attack damage value that can be sustained corresponds to the corresponding score.

After the resistance test began, Liu Gan tried to cover himself with Copper Wall Iron Bastion, but was prompted to be invalid, and he could only use the Mist Armor of the body to carry it.

Then carry it hard.

In a 70-point attack, Liu Gan’s Mist Armor shattered. In the end, Liu Gan’s resistance test scored 68 points.

After completing the 6 subjects, Liu Gan’s total score is now 239. There is still a gap of 420 points from the 181 points of the passing mark.

Now, there is only one test left, the damage output test.

The content of the damage output test is simpler. All the injuries that can be taken out with bare hands are freely released to the opposite wall. The average value of the damage output per unit time reaches a certain score, and it will be evaluated as a certain score. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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