The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 926: Stark couple

One night in 1991, a car that had been considered very good was driving on a dark road.

The car is a couple who are not too young but are well maintained and look like a rich man.

Just when the couple whispered something quietly, they saw a motorcycle coming up from behind.

It was a young man who drove the car, but it was a little weird.

The weirdest thing is his left arm, which actually glowed with metal under the illumination of a street lamp.

When the motorcycle was side by side with the car, the metal left arm slammed into the door.

Although this does not actually cause any harm to the people in the car, the sudden attack still messed up the driver.

When you mess up your hands while driving, it means ... a car accident!

With a bang, the car that made a subconscious move to the left hit the roadside obstacle directly.

The entire head of the car was smashed under a huge impact, and the couple in the car suffered different injuries.

However, the nightmare is only the beginning.

After a few gunshots, the weird man with the metal left arm took a box from the trunk of the car.

After confirming that the contents of the box were correct, he quickly disappeared into the night on his motorcycle.

The next day, news of the murder of the Howard Starks and the couple soon triggered an uproar through the news media.

But, how about the Howard Stark and his wife really killed?


"How about it, how does it feel to see you die." Standing beside the car still burning with flames, Liu Ruian said with a smile.

There was still a panic look on the face of the escape, and Howard Stark hugged his wife who was also panicked, and said in a trembling tone:

"This feeling is really not good!"

There was no way to not tremble, but in the sight of the two, the other himself had fallen into the pool of blood.

I saw my car in a car accident, saw myself shot and then dumped the body.

How many people can calm down this feeling?

"So what are your plans? Will you follow me incognito for a while, or go back?" Liu Ruian asked with a smile.

Faced with this problem, Howard Stark's face suddenly hesitated.

In fact, the unlucky couple who received the bento at the beginning of the film has no effect on Liu Ruian's plan.

But thinking of his parents, Liu Ruian saved.

Not only did he save, but he also gave a proposal to work for himself for thirty years.

As for whether this proposal is a life-saving transaction or nothing else, Liu Ruian didn't care.

It doesn't matter whether these two are willing to go back or are willing to work for themselves for thirty years.

When Howard Stark recovered, he was about to say that he wanted to go back, but was blocked by his wife.

"This gentleman, can you give us a moment to think about it?" As his wife Maria Stark asked carefully.

"Of course, you can think about it slowly. I'm not in a hurry." Liu Ruian shrugged and said with a smile:

"As long as your body is found, you can."

"Thank you, thank you very much!" After Qiang smiled and thanked her, Maria Stark dragged her doubtful husband aside.

"Maria, why did you stop me?" Howard Stark asked after seeing a figure still standing beside the car.

"Howard, I know you want to go back, and I want to too!" Maria Stark, who also looked at the other side of the car, said with fear.

"But have you thought about it? Once we go back, what will happen if someone is found not to die?"

"This ..." wanted to say that he could find Howard Stark of the US government, but when he spoke, he couldn't say anything.

If the US government works, how could he be ambushed while transporting such an important thing?

And there was not even a security guard nearby, as if someone was deliberately creating opportunities for the killer.

Maria Stark, who saw her husband's reaction, looked at someone who was still standing beside the car, before continuing to whisper:

"I also worry about my son, but because of his worry, we can't go back, at least not now!"

"Then you mean to work for him, but we don't even know who he is." Howard Stark said how much he understood what his wife meant:

"Even in this case, it is impossible for the other party to secretly control us."

"I know everything you said, but do you think we have a choice?" Maria Stark smiled bitterly, holding her husband's hand.

Faced with this pinpoint, Howard Stark understood instantly.

Yeah, even if someone is the black hand behind this incident.

Since the other party can save himself and his wife in that situation, it would not be difficult to kill them.

Unless you are willing to die, what choices can you have.

But in case ...

Seeing her husband's inner struggle, Maria Stark ~ ~ whispered quickly:

"Let's take a step first and then say it, maybe things are not as bad as we think."

Facts have proved that Maria Stark's words are correct. What happened next for the Stark couple is not only not bad at all, but also quite surprising!

No, after the two of them negotiated, they returned to the side of the car, and before they could speak, they heard someone say:

"Now that you have made your choice, let's leave before talking."

Then the Stark and his wife felt that the ground before them had shrunk at an alarming rate.

Just a few breathing kung fu, the two subconsciously hugged together and found that they had reached a very high altitude.

This is not counted, not only is the temperature extremely low, but the wind speed will be extremely high.

Not to mention that the clothes worn by the two of them can't hold up. Under normal circumstances, even normal breathing will be problematic.

But when the two confirmed that they were standing at an altitude that they didn't know how high, they found that let alone breathing, even the corner of the piece of clothing was not blown.

"Mr. Stark, maybe you are much stronger than your wife in scientific and technological inventions." Liu Rui'an, standing in the air, said with a smile:

"But in terms of determination, you are not as much as your wife."

Speaking of which, there was no opportunity to speak to the other party, Liu Ruian continued:

"In the next period of time, you will live in another name and incognito."

"The main job is not much."

At the beginning, Howard Stark felt that this was just comfort or pretext, but he found it only after coming to that mysterious place.

My proud genius brain is nothing here, and indeed there is not much work that can be done!

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