The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 917: Same choice

Standing on the peak of Olympus, the highest mountain of Mars, and looking at the already large-scale human city not far away, Liu Rui'an is behind Magneto, Storm Girl, Seraph and Spirit Butterfly.

The whole person was shrouded in a shield made of electro-optics, and then equipped with a sci-fi colorful combat suit. How to see how to drag the cool storm-blowing storm woman asked:

& nbser, what shall we do next? Won't even give Mars to those guys. "

"Aurolo, do you think Mars is big?" Liu Ruian, who did not answer the question, asked instead.

"Of course it's big." Storm Girl replied subconsciously.

"But it is not as big as the earth, nor as big as the solar system, nor as big as the entire universe." Liu Ruian turned around and said with a smile:

"Actually, I have always been unable to understand why humans always like to put their eyes on the acre of land in front of them."

"It used to be without that ability, but now it is not difficult."

Liu Ruian didn't really say this nonsense. It was replaced by the previous human category saying that he rushed out of the earth to the universe, and even the earth has no ability to make good use of it.

At most, you know that uncontrolled and destructive development will not happen until one day the earth ’s resources are fully exploited or the earth ’s environment is completely finished.

But now it is different. Tianqi International Investment and Development Co., Ltd. has shown the whole mankind in a factual and reasonable way that if the mutants can make good use of it, how much benefit it will bring to the entire human civilization.

To say that the category of people is not good, there is always a lot of fun in learning such things.

No, it doesn't matter whether it's a big country or a small country, they have tried to envelop a group of mutants.

Several big countries headed by the United States are better. She also knows that she has made a few shame cloths and used a pretext such as research and discussion to get a group of people.

Those small countries are different. Some are not bothersome. They even tossed out the price clearly.

For example, what abilities and strengths do you have, then what kind of benefits and policies you can enjoy.

In addition to money, luxury houses and beautiful women can be described as everything.

Not to mention, this kind of tossing, although it does have a lot of problems, but the value of the mutants is still reflected.

The most intuitive is similar to the ability of Magneto, Storm Girl, Seraph and Lingdie, used to transform the environment, cultivate new crops, and even develop black technology.

I have to admit that although the mutants are relatively few in number relative to the entire human society.

But the base of the entire human race ca n’t be put there, so it ’s really necessary to look for it, especially with the power of the country.

What's more, not everyone is like Magneto in conflict with his own country, and he didn't appear before because he was afraid of being sliced ​​and studied.

Now, with so many lessons from the past, no matter whether it ’s naive or other calculations, there are really a lot of mutants willing to work for the country.

When there are more variants, the power naturally becomes richer, among which there are a number of forces that focus on IQ or have a role in promoting scientific and technological research and development.

With these powers, coupled with the black technology that Liu Ruian had previously shared unselfishly.

In particular, the world of "X-Men: Apocalypse" is completely different from the real world. Therefore, in just five years, human scientific and technological power has developed by leaps and bounds.

Take the interstellar spacecraft, for example, several major countries have already launched corresponding projects.

Although these spaceships are still relatively immature, it is impossible to fly as many times as the speed of light, or simply use artificial wormhole technology for super-space flight, like some science fiction movies.

But at least from Earth to Mars, there is no longer any need to rely on that interstellar portal as it did five years ago.

Coupled with the emergence of dormant chamber technology, humans have initially possessed the power of interstellar exploration.

If you can match several mutants with targeted power, such as instantaneous movement, protective force field, material transformation, dimensional space, etc., even a long interstellar travel is no problem.

But in fact, there is no use for eggs!

Not to mention interstellar travel, it is the matter of going to the asteroid belt to mine various resources, and all countries have intentionally put it on hold.

Liu Ruian is very clear that it is not that no one sees the benefits of interstellar development, but the cost of development is too high.

Moreover, the two existing sites, Earth and Mars, have been enough for humans to develop for many, many years.

Without resource constraints, we naturally lose some momentum.

Let ’s take Mars as an example. It is obvious that the planets that can be developed in the solar system are not only Mars, but countries still pay attention to it.

Willing to fight openly and unwilling to start again.

Well, Liu Rui'an also knows that it's not that no one wants it, it's just that people who are willing can't do it, but people who can do it are obviously unwilling, unable, or even afraid to do so.

However, in the face of this problem, Storm Girl didn't know how to answer it.

Looking at the other party's obvious expression, but didn't know what to say, Liu Ruian turned his head and asked:

"Eric, if you are given enough people and materials, would you like to develop a planet?"

"Develop a planet? Like here?" Magneto froze, asking.

Unlike Storm Girl, Magneto looks nothing unusual, in fact the whole person is also shrouded in a certain force field.

Otherwise, the environment at the top of Mount Olympus, even if you wear a space suit, will not be able to sustain it.

"No, no, no." Liu Ruian shook his head and said with a smile:

"It was a planet similar to primitive earth, and a lot of life has been born."

"It's just that intelligent creatures haven't evolved yet, let alone human beings."

"All you have to do is explore and develop that planet, and let the fire of human civilization take root there."

"How are you interested?"

Faced with this problem, Magneto suddenly became silent.

To say that you are not motivated is to talk and make a joke, but that is a planet!

I tossed that way on earth, what happened?

Almost even his wife and daughter have left themselves, and the life they have tried to change has not changed at all.

But if you say immediately, Magneto can't help but look in the direction of the earth ~ ~ how? Reluctant to earth? Still can't let go of his past? "Liu Ruian asked with a smile.

If this had been the case before, Magneto would definitely deny it with contempt.

But after nearly six years, he looked bitter and smiled bitterly:

"Both ..."

"I just give you a choice, how to choose to return to yourself."

Liu Ruian, who understands the other party very well, smiled and swept the Storm Girl, Seraph and Spirit Butterfly one by one, and then said:

"You have a share in this choice, or that sentence, how to choose to return to yourself."

I didn't expect to give the answer at the same time as soon as possible, but it was a young Seraph.

"I just want to follow your footsteps, wherever you go, your humble servant will go."



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