The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 911: I am not him!

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Dubai, the most populous city in the UAE and the richest city in the east, is also the economic and financial heart of the east, and is known as the "trade capital" of the Northeast Africa region. Pinshu http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 76% 6f% 64% 74% 77% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d

Dubai is located in the Arabian Peninsula and on the southern shore of the Arabian Gulf, which is the heart of the Gulf region.

It is across the sea from the South Asian subcontinent, adjacent to Qatar, bordering Saudi Arabia, and adjoining Oman.

Although Dubai in the world of "X-Men: Apocalypse" is far less famous than in the real world, and the iconic sailing hotel has no design solution, it is still one of the global international financial centers.

When Noah ’s Ark, well, it was n’t Liu Rui’an who wanted to use this name, but people from all over the world automatically pressed the name on their own flying fairy golden boat.

Fortunately, Noah's Ark Noah's Ark, anyway, the flying fairy Jinzhou handed by Liu Rui'an has already been mass-produced.

What's more, this flying fairy golden boat had already considered this advent plan when it was being refined.

At first glance, the shape really resembles the legendary Noah's Ark.

Coupled with the light wings that Seraph showed in front of the media of various countries, and the shape of Liu Rui'an, it was not mistaken for Noah's Ark.

However, there is one biggest difference between this flying fairy golden boat and the legendary Noah's ark, which is a hundred times larger.

According to the Bible, the ark is 300 cubits long (elbow, calculated at 0.445 meters, 133.5 meters, 437.99 feet), 50 cubits wide (22.3 meters, 73.163 feet), and 30 cubits high (13.4 meters, 43.963 feet) ,

And Liu Fei'an's flying fairy golden boat, which only has a length of more than ten kilometers, is already a city after the height and width of the building area (volume, not plane area).

Fei Xian, oh no, it was the appearance of Noah's Ark, which naturally aroused the great attention of the authorities of various countries for the first time.

It is clear that the volume of Noah's Ark is so large that people are speechless, but it is impossible for all countries to observe and monitor through existing scientific and technological means. It seems that this thing is just an illusion.

Well, there are indeed many people who think this is an illusion, the illusion created by the mutants in order to deceive the world.

Not to mention, this statement is not only a market for the authorities of various countries, but also many people in the private sector think so.

However, like the previous public opinion about the harmful effects of the mutated crops, when Noah's Ark was invited to appear in Dubai, and after the warm welcome of the Dubai royal family descended to the ground, the illusion was suddenly undefeated.

No way, although the Royal Family of Dubai really hopes to use this Tianqi International Investment Development Co., Ltd. to change the geology and climate of its own site, but it is also worried that it will be deceived.

But when all the royal and government members who participated in the welcoming saw the Noah's Ark landed on a flat ground outside Dubai City, no matter whether it was out of sincerity or faith, no one could stand on the spot and all kneel .

"No need to kneel me, I'm not the one you think exists."

This is the first sentence that Liu Ruian took Magneto and they walked out of Noah's Ark and went to meet the team.

Stunned! This is the common reaction of all present.

After all, in the mouths of those conspiracy theorists, Liu Rui'an and his party obviously wanted to seek benefits in the name of religion, huge benefits.

Just kidding, although this is a world with mutants, Christianity and Catholicism still have very transcendent positions and powers.

But who would have thought that Liu Ruian did not intend to pretend to exist from beginning to end.

Because in terms of strength or other aspects, Liu Rui'an's current level must be higher and stronger.

Regarding Liu Ruian's frankness, the reaction of the Dubai royal family was different.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief, some people's eyes flickered, and some people were still pious.

Actually, it's no wonder that this group of guys' reactions will be different. It's no wonder that Liu Rui'an clearly showed so many abilities that can be described by traces, but there are still people who are not afraid of death to jump out and talk about conspiracies.

Who makes the mutants in this world exist, all kinds of eccentric abilities can be described as everything.

However, most people, whether out of faith or out of awe, still support Liu Rui'an.

After Liu Ruian reduced the Noah's Ark, which was more than ten kilometers long, to a slap-sized "model" directly in front of everyone, the receptionist was dumbfounded again.

What a joke, the huge imprint of the flat land was still there clearly.

In a blink of an eye, so big Noah's Ark became a model, how many people can calm down in the face of this ability?

Fortunately, Liu Ruian didn't plan to take the opportunity to do anything, but just talked about the previous cooperation intention.

The so-called intention is simple to say, not to mention the richest city in Dubai East, but also the economic and financial heart of the East region, and it is also known as the "trade capital" of Northeast Africa.

But the geological and climatic environment here is quite bad. The desert tropical climate plus desert geology, as well as sand and dust explosions, the annual government alone spends a lot of money on environmental governance.

It can be regarded as such, and it still has little effect ~ ~ I saw Liu Rui'an and the five people directly created a land of fish and rice in the most inland in Africa's famine-stricken area, which immediately aroused the royal family's high attention.

After the secretists conducted various verifications, the Dubai government finally issued a formal written invitation letter inviting Tianqi International Investment and Development Co., Ltd. to come to Dubai to discuss matters related to changes in the geological and climatic environment.

In fact, there are many countries or individuals that make similar actions, but Dubai has the fastest response among all the major forces, and the largest among the first batch of people who have responded, so this time it was the schedule.

Of course, Liu Rui'an didn't watch the fastest or the biggest.

Liu Rui'an looked at exactly the special environment of Dubai. Dubai had occupied an important position in the whole earth transformation plan.

From the perspective of the royal family and the government of Dubai, they have put forward so many and so high demands on their side, and they must pay a sufficient price.

In order to be able to reach the entire plan, the Dubai royal family has even made certain concessions.

But whoever wants to think, in response to the requests from the formal talks, Tianqi International Investment Development Co., Ltd. responded with one word.

This does not count. For the various costs proposed by the royal family and the government after they were easily calmed down, Liu Ruian said that they did not need one.

At first, there were still some people who thought this was a long line fishing for big fish. Well, nobody in Dubai really knows the old saying of this country, but it does not prevent them from knowing the truth of this sentence.

To everyone's surprise again, Liu Ruian's five people not only did not make any requests, they even settled the place to live and eat. (To be continued.)

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