The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 300: Kobayashi

I'm a Sword Fairy in Tokyo Chapter 300 Kobayashi-mura's Audiobooks Listen Online

X, this group has not been established for a few days, and Kimura and Shu have established simple rules.

The rules are simple. If you meet a ghost, you can't complete it after you find out that you are obsessed. You can ask the people in the group to help, and then the aura transformed by the ghost is naturally allocated according to work.

The grievances are also the same, and cannot be resolved. If people in the group are asked to help, they are also allocated according to work. Of course, because the ghosts and wraiths are discovered by you, you will also have a little more aura in your emotional reward.

And because of the point of the pen, many monsters that have been drawn have been given a sense of thinking. Then he walked in all directions, only he and the people in the special class knew the news.

In the next few days, he found that the news had not been leaked in the special lesson. Apparently, he knew that as long as the monsters that had been taken away killed him, he could absorb the aura. Although letting the monsters escape, it is the fault of the special class. But as long as you eliminate those monsters, you can also improve your cultivation. Therefore, the people in the special class did not disclose this.

And Kimura and Shu directly talked about this in the group and directly disclosed the news to everyone.

Therefore, during the summer vacation, these people from Ito Shi directly planned to start looking for monsters all over the country, hoping to meet them. According to Kimura and Shu, most of these monsters are between Jianyi 1 and Jianyi 2 and there are few monsters with Jianyi 3.

The second section of Jianyi is the realm they can solve. Of course, according to Kimura and Shu, although these monsters have the same strength as them, some monsters do not kill humans with their own weird abilities.

So be careful.

Kimura and Shuki also picked up their phones and saw the latest news. Then he flipped through the previous chat transcript and got a little understanding of the situation.

Because I have never seen a monster in my life, after all, the so-called monsters are all legendary creatures. Therefore, Ito Shi and others are very cautious, after all, there is only one life. They were in groups of five, and the place at the moment was a relatively well-known tourist attraction in Kyoto.

This scenic spot is called Xiaolin Village in the countryside.

The reason why Kobayashi-mura became a well-known attraction in Kyoto is that the vegetation coverage of the entire Kobayashi-mura has reached almost 100%.

All houses in Xiaolin Village are tree houses except the road. People in Xiaolin Village are like modern elves, living in a tree house, sitting on wooden chairs, and using wooden tableware. In addition, Kobayashi village also intentionally captives some beasts. If there are tourists to play, you can also enjoy the thrill of hunting.

And Kobayashi is one of the favorite spots for everyone in summer. The vegetation is wide, the air is fresh, and the sun is absorbed by the woods. It is very pleasant to live in the tree house of Xiaolin Village for a few days.

The reason why Ito Shi and others went back to Kobayashi was not for monsters. It's for group tours.

They certainly want to meet monsters and absorb the aura. But did not deliberately look for it.

After all, as genius valued by the family, although their resources cannot be said to be inexhaustible, they are generally given priority, so they have no sense of crisis.

Of course, if they can meet monsters, they will naturally do their best to hunt. After all, there aren't too many things like Reiki.

On the third day of Xiaolin Village, someone disappeared. The person who happened to be missing was the tree house hotel where Ito people lived. And the missing person was the same person they talked to. When I came to Kobayashi Village, these people, Daisuke Kojima, were already living in the hotel. Everyone was a tourist, and they were all young people. In addition, Daisuke Kojima was still an art student. When he was fine, Will sit outside and draw.

Ito Sei, a familiar person, naturally communicated with others.

According to Ito et al., The missing person was an artist named Daisuke Kojima, who came to Xiaolin Village to travel and sketch. In addition to him, there are seven people together. These are students from the same university.

Now that people have been missing for 24 hours, the search and rescue team in Xiaolin Village did not find Daisuke Kojima, so they are about to call the police.

Seeing these news, Kimura and Shu sent a message.

"I see. Chunyang and I will be here as soon as possible."

Shiba Chiba suddenly felt bad when she saw the news.

Ito Masashi "My God, Kimura, you finally appeared, and if you don't come out again, I think you are dead. Saito Tomoya Tsukahara died soon, and talk about the situation you checked before."

Saito Tomo also "I ran up the hill to see the situation when I was bored last night."

The place where Daisuke disappeared was on the mountainside. The place is sparsely populated, but you can see the whole picture of Kobayashi village from the mountainside. It is a rare place to overlook the scenery.

When Daisuke Kojima went to sketch, he also told his friends. However, at that time, his friends were all involved and did not go with him, so only Daisuke Kojima was alone.

In the evening, after dinner, or even after bathing, it is time to sleep. Everyone was surprised that Daisuke Kojima didn't seem to be back.

Later, Kurosaki, the leader of their group, wanted to call the police as soon as possible, but was persuaded by the hotel owner. After that, the village chief organized a search and rescue team, but one day, there was no news about Daisuke Kojima.

After all, they are a little familiar with Kurosaki and others. In addition, although they are here to travel, they still come to the monster. Saito Tomo also wondered if it would be a monster. Of course, he didn't go alone ~ ~ Tugging Yuka Tsukahara, he went to the mountainside together. In the middle of the night, I made a blind investigation. Tsukahara really didn't find any clues and wanted to go back. In the blink of an eye, Saito Tomo disappeared.

Yuka Tsukahara "At that time, the whole mountainside was dark at night, and it almost didn't scare me to death. It turned out that within half a minute, Peng appeared, and pulled me to run directly"

Saito Tomo also "I must have encountered a monster at the time". He was holding a cell phone to send a message at this time, and he was a little shocked.

According to Saito Tomoya, when he was searching, he suddenly saw someone passing by, and when he chased after him, he suddenly became excited. I felt that suddenly someone in the middle of the night was very wrong, and it was creepy. I wanted to pull Tsukahara back, but the next moment, he saw a very beautiful girl.

Saito Tomo also "When I saw the girl, it seemed like there was no reason for an instant, and desires were rising, and I wanted to fly with the girl. If it weren't for the thing my grandpa gave me, I would have disappeared.

Momoi Yayoi "I just saw Kurosaki and they seem to have called the police."

Ito Shii "Sure, they have been missing for 24 hours. Originally, Kurosaki planned to call the police as soon as possible. If it wasn't for the Mayor of Kobayashi to let them wait, the police would have come."

Ancient bridge Chunyang "Is there any legend in Kobayashi-mura, maybe it has anything to do with the legend?"

Apparently, Chunyang was affected by the Sakagami-mura incident.

The group was chatting, and Kimura and Shu didn't think deeply. Obviously, according to Saito Tomoya's description, there must be something wrong.

Three hours later, Kimura and Shu and Chunyang rushed to Xiaolin Village.

And Ito several people have long been looking forward to it.

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