After the update, Shiba Chiba and Yuriko had a feeling of intimidation.

After all, they have boasted about Haikou. The end of the third volume and the beginning of the fourth volume is a big climax. If readers don't like the plot, they will lose word of mouth.

Although they are very satisfied with this plot. Whether viewed as a light novelist or a reader, this plot is reasonable and the best climax that Shiba Shiori can think of.

But if readers don't agree, it's ridiculous.

Of course, in fact, Chiba Shiori was worried that he added a sub-personal setting. But this is related to the overall plot later, so the Asian settings must be written. It is also the main factor that makes this book long.

If you write the protagonist Maya Kitashima and read the file and come back to solve the case, it is estimated that the fourth volume is over, it is the time to end the book. Then the entire book is only about 400,000 words.

She has written a short story and always wanted to try to write a long story. So Shiba Chiba wanted to see how well he controlled the entire novel when he wrote the novel. If she is really exhausted after writing, she will surely finish the book.

But now, she still has a strong enthusiasm for this "Read Tokyo" and naturally wants to keep writing.

And whether the book is good or not, it is also related to Lily's obsession.

So after sending 20,000 words, Shiba Chiba sat in front of the computer and kept refreshing the book review area. Want to see the latest comments.

But after posting it, I refreshed it a few times and there were no new comments ... which made her a little worried.

But Lilyko's mood was calm. After all, she was dead. As a ghost, what else could make her mood swing? Thinking, she comforted, "Relax Shiori, you have sent 20,000 words up, and readers have to take the time to read it. And" Reading Tokyo "is not a fast-food light novel of ten lines at a time, so they must get 20,000 words. Let's watch it for ten minutes? "

By now, Yuriko had a strong self-confidence in Reading Tokyo. No way, although she is a strong king and an expert in light novel theory, there has not been a book that can achieve such a result.

Although most of it was contributed by Shiba Chiba, this novel also has her ideas in it. She is naturally worried too, but she knows that writing novels is a novelist's business, and reading novels is a reader's business. Since a new chapter has been released, it depends on readers' comments.

Shiba Chiba nodded, and she knew she was overwhelmed. The previous statistics are all about the success of Reading Tokyo. The climax plot now is that she is thinking hard, and the plot is very satisfactory to both herself and Yuriko, so as not to disappoint the reader.

Thinking, Shiba Chiba's mood calmed down.

"Sleep." Shiba Shiori said, shutting down the computer and seeing it out of sight. If the reader of this plot felt that it would not work, she would definitely spray her in the book review area. And if it's all praise, it will be the same tomorrow, and tomorrow, when the tree comes over to perform her eyesight, I will watch with him at that time.

Yuriko sighed ... I didn't expect Shiba Chiba suddenly turned into a Buddha.

And the next day, Kimura and Shu came to Mingxiu High School in Qingyu District.

He came over, looking happy, and sat down with Shiba Chiba at a tea shop, and laughed, "Congratulations, the chapters updated yesterday are very powerful." For the light novel "Read Tokyo" , Kimura and Shu are always watching, knowing that the popularity of this novel is now sought after.

Although Shiba Chiba wrote his name in the novel, he didn't care. If you can add some popularity to it, it is naturally the best.

After hearing this, Shiba Chiba sitting across the face looked strange ... you know that she wrote that she married Kimura and Shuki in the novel ... In the plot of fifty years later, from the perspective, she even wrote herself He Kimura and Shushu have given birth to children, one male and one female dragon and phoenix twins, with their names taken.

Wasn't He Shu saying that he wouldn't read novels?

However, Shiba Chiba calmed down quickly, looking at Kimura and the tree with a happy expression, as if there was no unnatural look, she tempted, "Have you read the novel?"

After hearing that, Kimura and Shuki shook his head. "No, I only look at the comment area." He really didn't have much time to read the novel. After all, even after reading, he couldn't give any good opinions. However, he paid daily attention to the comment area. When he saw those praised comments, he felt much more at ease.

Shiba Chiba breathed a sigh of relief.

Early in the morning, she flipped through the comment area and found that the comment area had exploded, but all urged her to update the comments, and sent her a blade to close Xiaoheiwu.

When she saw these comments, she smiled slightly, and didn't even know where my family was, so she could only close the small black house verbally.

But all praises made her know that the plot was clearly written correctly.

"Now is the hottest time in" Reading Tokyo ", I think I can find a publishing house." Kimura and Shu looked at each other, "What do you think?"

After all, it was a novel written by Shiba Chiba and Yuriko. He couldn't decide for the two of them ~ ~ can only give advice or help as much as he could.

"These two days I will look at some publishers in the industry."

"What do you think of Qingjisha?" Kimura and Shuk groaned for a while, and he said, "I met Mr. Murokaoka of Qingjisha. He is the manager of Qingjisha. You should know" Legend of Sword ". Responsible planning. "

Although Qingjisha is a new company, it is also one of the publishing houses. In addition, it also has comic magazines and animation companies.

If "Reading Tokyo" is given to the Youth Season, it can be published, diffused or animated. The most important thing is that he can first see what the new fan of "Legend of the Sword" will be in the hands of the young season club. If the animation is crude, he can naturally refuse. If "Legend of Sword" is well-produced and has a good reputation, "Reading Tokyo" may be handed over to the Qingji Club for "Legend of Sword".

At noon, Xingxia Muraoka called and contacted him, hoping that he could introduce Mr. Yan Temple. When Kimura and Tree frowned, asking where the other party got the news, Muraoka Xingxia had to honestly tell him that Ono had told him.

Ono Zhongqing also went to watch the Yulong Banner contest and took his brother with him.

At that time, when he met Kimura and Shuki in the street, he wanted to say hello, but when he saw what the other party was talking with Shiba Chiba, he didn't bother.

But his ears and ears were sensitive, and he was surprised to hear that they were talking about "Reading Tokyo", and that Shiba Chiba was the author of the novel from the snippets. You should know that his brother has been fascinated by this novel recently and has been stung by him several times.

So he remembered it and told his brother-in-law when he went home.

When Xingxia Muraoka was informed of this news, she immediately contacted Kimura and the tree, and could not wait for a moment.

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