The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 234: 1 Swordman vs. Destroyer

Alas, love makes people retarded.

As a boy, Tomo Saito also has self-esteem. The girl she likes, Okimura and Shuki, wins, and she also kills the other.

Saito Tomo is also very unhappy!

Although he knew that he must not be able to give Kimura and the tree 0.5 seconds, but the momentum could not lose.

This 100,000 pressure is the momentum!

Knowing this, Kimura and Shu can't make any remarks, and Saito Tomo is just happy.

When Ito Seki talked to Kimura and Shuki, there was a lot of discussion in the group. You must know that there have been no new people in this group for a long time. After all, the younger generation is more famous for them, and they have basically been wiped out by Ito. Why is there a newcomer suddenly, but since Ito was invited to come in, everyone knows that this newcomer should be someone with their identity or strength.

After talking about Ito and Kimura and Shu, I watched the discussion in the group. He said directly in the group, "It was Kimura and Shu who just joined the group, welcome everyone."

In fact, most people have already guessed it. Now Ito says that everyone is welcome to type.

As a result, when everyone welcomed, Kimura and Shu changed their nicknames in the group to their own names, and slowly typed, "Tomorrow's game, I won 100,000 in 0.5 seconds.

After this sentence was sent out, there was a sudden silence in the group.

Saito Tomo also presses himself to win within 0.5 seconds, that is for self-esteem ... No one thinks Saito Tomo can do it. As a result, as soon as Kimura and Shue came in, they showed their self-confidence and the arrogance that everyone thought.

After sending the message, Kimura and Shu stopped talking.

Ito has no pressure. If he presses, it will offend Saito Tomo. Although he didn't care, the group still had to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.

And Kimura and Shu also agreed to him, winning the money in half.

Tomoya Saito, who was already lying in bed at this time, spied silently, and naturally found the information of Kimura and Shufa. He is naturally innocent with Kimura and Shuki, but ... Tsukahara Kazuyuki wins 100,000 Kimura and Shuki without winning him, then this is the love rival.

What else to say as a rival. Saito Tomo also made up his mind that he must win tomorrow and let Kayue take a good look. He is the strongest, even Tsukahara Mitsuo, not to mention Kimura and the tree.

The next day, the sky was clear. At nine in the morning, the Fukuoka Budokan was filled with people, and the audience in the auditorium was excited.

Without him, today's men's championship, women's championship and individual championship.

The three champions were split today. Even if you do n’t know Kendo, the first time you watch the game, you can feel the boiling atmosphere at the scene. This atmosphere affects everyone and looks at the field with a gaze ...

Now, members of the three men's groups, Kimura Kazuo, Tomoya Saito, and Mitsuka Tsukahara, are the most popular kendo players.

This year's Yulong Banner is very special to everyone. In previous years everyone cheered for the school, but this year's individual players are too prominent. Individual strength is crushed by others. In the past, personal strength was relatively average. This year, it is all about personal strength.

Therefore, not only Kimura and Shuki have the nickname of 'Super Sword Superman'. There are also two others, like Saito Tomoya. This guy is called ‘Destroying Dragon’ by netizens, and even hex data is available online. Guy because of Saito Tomoya's sense of strength is strong, every time he smashes his opponent, he reveals a kind of cowardly momentum. The Saito no Shinto flow is itself a kendo that emphasizes momentum and strength.

On the Internet, Saito Tomoe's hexagonal data is full of power.

In addition, Saito Tomoya is a burly man who is taller than Kimura and the tree. Looking at it, it is about 1.88 meters in length, which is very rare in Japan. Therefore, the people in [Jiangsheng Concentration Camp] learned that the other party liked Tsukahara Kayuki, and all of them looked strange.

Toyo Saito is also 1.88 meters, and Tsukahara Kato is 1.45 meters ... This height difference is also absolutely amazing.

The three men, Kimura and Shu, are the center of the scene.

However, the first game in the morning was Minghui High School VS Yiyuan High School. The audience didn't feel the rush, they used the first game as a warm-up for today's game. Of course, there are a lot of people who have pity for Yiyuan High School. After all, Yiyuan High School relies on luck to enter the semi-finals. You must know that many people are better than Yiyuan High School.

If you do n’t say far, say near. Qingjiang High School and Xue Ning High School in Tokyo.

Qingjiang High School and Xuening High School. Although these two schools were not the official seed teams before the match, they were the seed teams in the hearts of the audience.

As a result, they were knocked out by the strong teams, Qingjiang High School was eliminated by Sakura Nine High School ~ ~ Xue Ning High School met Minghui High School on the first day with bad luck, and was eliminated by Tsukahara Rui.

The Art Park High School has a modest strength. There is no 'king' in the team, so naturally they are not favored by everyone.

Reality hasn't reversed, so when the game started, Yiyuan High School was eliminated by Minghui High School ... not even Tsukahara Nao played.

Sitting in the rest area, Tsutsuhara Naochi was disappointed, and he wanted to show off his hands. But thinking that he has the title of "Void Swordsman" on the Internet, he is already satisfied. Then, they defeated Kimura and Shuki and won the men's championship of the Yulong Banner National Competition and the championship of the individual competition. Then this trip to Fukuoka will be a complete success.

At the end of the year, he defeated other families and won the inheritance of Takeda Sword Master. Then he is estimated to be invincible in his lifetime.

Thinking about it, Mizuka Tsukahara was in his heart.

In his opinion, Kimura and Shuki should be stronger than Saito Tomoo ... This is not what he observed, but because Kimura and Shuki killed Ito's potential ... It must be known that Ito's potential has just entered the sword The second paragraph of Yi, but also the second paragraph of Jianyi, Kimura and the tree can take Ito directly away, it is really surprising. However, considering that Kimura and Shuki won Ito Sho once in the Tokyo Prefecture qualifier, he must be familiar with Ito Sho's plagiarism flow, and he was not surprised.

In the previous game, he and Saito Tomoya and Kimura and Shuke both killed their opponents, but Kimura and Shugo looked more relaxed, so they won the title of "Sword Superman", otherwise the title is still Not necessarily who it is.

"Fifteen minutes off, please prepare for Sakura Kyuu High School and Jade High School."

Today's game is exciting, but there are fewer games, not as tight as the previous few days, so the audience and players have time to prepare.

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