The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 217: He is your brother, not your son!

Torii is an outbuilding of a Japanese shrine and represents the entrance to the shrine in Japan.

When Kimura and the tree passed by before, they naturally noticed the blue, red and two birds. I did not expect that there were the first and second generations of the Arima family. Although he had a little speculation after the two birds flew in, he was slightly surprised. He smiled slightly, "You two are doing your utmost to stay at the torii gate and guard the Arima family."

Red bird and green bean-sized eyes with human emotions, she respectfully said, "Arimas have great careers, and maggots appear from time to time within the clan. In order to prevent these maggots from bringing Ma families into the abyss, I wait for nature Be silent. "

"Mr. Kimura, please forgive the Ma family once." At this point, Bluebird had executed Ma Taiwu. He fluttered his wings and did not dare to fall on the palm of Kimura and the tree, but on the desk in front of Kimura and the tree. He bowed, "Arima's decision is not the entire Arima's decision."

Put the red bird on the desk, Kimura and the tree nodded gently, the other side is kind, he naturally too lazy to care about it. The first- and second-generation homeowners were able to execute Matthew Wu so decisively, not even letting his soul go. Obviously, he did it for him and wanted his forgiveness.

Thinking, he said lightly, "I'm here this time just to recover my losses. I didn't expect this to happen."

All the causes are Ma Yousuke's bad breath. There is no such thing as evil.

Thinking about it, although Red Bird hated Arima Yousuke in his heart, he still said frankly, "The dignity of the strong must not be violated."

"That being the case, then I won't stay much longer. Presumably you still have things to deal with, so I won't bother." Look at the bodies of Matawu and Arima Yousuke, and then look at the time, Kimura and Shuya also Don't want to stay longer.

"I'll see you off." The blue bird flapped its wings, leading the way for Kimura and the trees.

After Kimura and the tree went out, Red Bird looked at Ma Wenren coldly, and her voice was slightly husky. "Arima Wenren, you will be the head of the Arima family from now on." She said, turning Looking up at the first place, "Qing Qi, you will be Ma Wenren's deity in the future, protect him and obey him!"


After hearing this, Ma Wenren finally reacted. He clenched his fists and hated, "Why?"

"Because the dignity of the strong can not be violated!" Seeing Arima Wenren's tone dissatisfied, Red Bird was angry, her voice was sharp, "Arima's family is not a person's Arima's family! It is an Arima's family of all peoples. Make the Arima family perish? "She looked at Arima Wenren indifferently." You remember, all destruction begins with resentment. Don't resent Master Kimura, but pay him well instead. If you can't, don't Go mess with him. He is strong enough to easily destroy Arima's house. "

"Then my father and Yousuke!" Apparently, Ma Wenren was resentful.

The red bird gave a merciful look to Arima Wenren, and sighed slightly, "Arima Yousuke is not your son, but your brother. Otherwise, Arima Wugo will be so angry after Arima Yousuke's soul is gone?"

You know, the owner of the Ma family was selected by her and the second-generation owner after observing nature and talent, not by the current owner.

When Arima was young, his talent was not outstanding and his strength was not the strongest. But why did she and the second-generation owner choose each other? It is because of the character of the other party that Arima has everything in his family interests, and he abandons his personal emotions, which is what she values.

But I didn't expect to have a private thought because of Arima Yousuke. Of course, humans are emotional creatures, and these are harmless. However, knowing that Kimura and Shu are strong, they are still obsessed and disappointing.

In fact, they see things in the reception room. But Red Bird feels that with the spirit of Matawu, it should be handled well. But the difference between the two thoughts almost brought Ma's house to hell. If it were not stopped in time, and Kimura and Shu are not violent people, I am afraid that the Ma family will be in trouble.

Arima Wenren has been stunned, Arima Yousuke is not his son, but his brother? He forcibly pulled out a very reluctant smile and opened his mouth. "..." He was speechless and didn't know what to say. Because he knew that there was no need for the first-generation homeowner to deceive him, even though his father had been burned to death and died. But the other side just vomited blood, and Arima Yousuke's body was also nearby. As long as he took the blood of the two for a paternity test, he could know the truth.

At this point, Kimura and Shuki have already left Arima Shrine. When the blue bird came to the torii, he saluted Kimura and the tree slightly in the air. "Sir, I can't get out of the shrine, I can only send you here."

Kimura and the tree nodded slightly. Although the blue bird just ordered the blue bird in the reception room to kill Matthew, but he knew that it was not the blue bird's strength but the blood of the red bird and the blue bird Suppression ~ ~ Even the two people, Red Bird and Blue Bird, are not as powerful as Matthew.

The style **** named Qing Qi is probably not a contract with Arima Taiwu. It was a contract with Arima's house, so Jade Bird could order each other.

However, Kimura and Shu quickly abandoned these ideas and took the tram back to Weir Road. There is a large supermarket on Weir Road, so shopping for food is much easier.

After buying the vegetables, Kimura and Shu arrived home quickly. After entering the door, but found no signs of Yunzi, he was shocked, picked up his mobile phone and called Yunzi!

"Hello, are you home?

"I'm here, where are you?" After hearing Yunzi's normal voice, Kimura and the tree were slightly relieved.

"I'm inspecting in the park!" Yunzi was wandering in the park in Weier's apartment at this time, and she ran out of her house while the sun was cloudy. Looking at the surroundings, Xiaolian nodded her head from time to time, extremely cute, "We have moved the oyster sauce, and we must set up a stall that night! I found a park in the apartment. Many people are here. We are Stalls here will definitely make a lot of money. "

Listening to Yunzi's joyful voice, Kimura and Shu were a little stunned. Stall in the park inside Will's apartment?


What a great idea.

He was still thinking about how to use carts to attract evil spirits! After all, Ville Road is all storefronts, there are no food stalls at all.

However, the interior of Weir Apartment is different. There are small supermarkets, entertainment rooms, and even some special chefs have opened private kitchen restaurants in Weir Apartment. Some lazy people even get clothes and food directly at Weir Apartment.

If he sets up a food stall in the park, he should not be driven by the property.

Kimura and tree think this idea is feasible!

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