The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 201: Ghost warrior ghost

"Editor, do you have anything to do with me?" Rena Miyamoto came to the office with a sullen expression. She was just a new editor in charge, and she was not familiar with the editor.

When he came over, Rena Miyamoto could not help but think in a mess. If the editor-in-chief wants to cover her up later, should she scream or call the police? When I was in college, I often heard that there are many idiots in the society, not just trams, but more companies.

However, the editor-in-chief looks gentle, and he is already in his forties, and he has a wife and children.

No no no! Maybe the other person just enjoys the body of a young beautiful girl? For her face, Rena Miyamoto is still very confident.

The editor apparently did not know that Rena Miyamoto had a tornado in his head during these tens of seconds, and he said lightly, "Are you not yet an author? I have a cartoonist here with a pseudonym Aoki, often Drag your papers and rush. "


Rena Miyamoto breathed a sigh of relief, with excitement, her back straight, "guaranteeing to complete the task."

Seeing the other person's high looks, the editor couldn't help laughing. "Don't be too happy, this cartoonist is only temporarily assigned to you."

"That's no problem!" Although Miyamoto Reina is the editor-in-chief, she has just been hired for less than three months. She is still in the internship. Although she has the title of editor-in-chief, she is only the second-responsible editor. Now that I have a task, I am very happy.

"This is the address, you take it." Looking at the watch, the editor waved, "Go now."

After receiving the note on the table, Miyamoto Reina responded, and went out happily.

When she came outside, Rena Miyamoto opened the note, glanced, and hissed, and she was shocked. "My God, Will's apartment !?"

As a Tomson product in Japan, Weir Apartment is a residential sacred place in the hearts of Japanese. Miyamoto Rina did not expect that the editor whose editor-in-chief asked her to be a manga artist living in Weir Apartment ... This is too fantasy.

Is this the legend that people who do n’t want to rely on their parents, just want to come out and fight by themselves, and now become a cartoonist to fight the street, and in a few years, they can only go back home to inherit hundreds of millions of property?

It made her meet!

Rena Miyamoto's heart agitated again. If you can get this kind of beetle, wouldn't you be able to fight less for a lifetime?

Thinking of this, she exited the company with great ambition.

Soon, she took a tram to Weir Road ...

Weir Apartments is located on Weir Road. This street serves the residents of Weir Apartments. There are supermarkets, cafes, amusement parks, schools, etc. outside, Weir Road is very lively every day. A wealthy place always attracts all kinds of people to come and meet opportunities.

However, Rena Miyamoto knew her job and she came to urge it. Speaking of reminders, Rena Miyamoto also figured out on her way. I am afraid that the editor-in-chief knows that it is not good to urge the cartoonist who lives in this kind of place ... After all, living in Weir Road must be a big man. It is good for her to complete this task.

Thinking about it, Rena Miyamoto looks sad! Sure enough, she was a messenger. I'm afraid she came here to be a nanny, and she didn't dare to urge the draft to be violent.

Soon, Rena Miyamoto came to the door of Will's apartment. Although the Weir apartment is called an apartment by the public, it is a villa area at the south entrance and a normal apartment area at the north-east entrance. When arriving at the east entrance, Reina Miyamoto was quickly stopped by security guards.

She showed her work permit and identification to the security guard, and then gave the mobile phone number Kimura Kazuko on the note to the security guard ...

When it comes to Kimura Kazuko, Rena Miyamoto always feels that the name is a bit familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere. She guessed that she might have heard the name in the news, but she forgot it?

The security guard called her and handed her the temporary identification card to her, and returned it to the guard.

Then Miyamoto Rina soon came to Kimura's home, but after ringing the doorbell, no one came to open the door, apparently no one was there. She looked at the mobile phone number of the note, hesitated, and didn't dare to call it ... but there was a bench outside the door, sitting in the position, Rena Miyamoto's heart was indifferent, she was humble.

When Kimura and Tree came to Will's apartment, they saw a Miyamoto Rena sitting on a bench like a baby bird at the door ... and after seeing each other, she couldn't help but wink ... at Rena Miyamoto Behind him, there was a ghost image.

Wearing a grimace mask and wearing an ancient warrior costume, Xingying stood faithfully beside Rena Miyamoto.

God formula? Kimura and the tree raised this idea, but quickly denied it. She didn't think much, came to Rena Miyamoto, and said softly, "Are you ... Miyamoto in charge?"

"Ah ... yes yes!" Rina Miyamoto roared in her heart, how could there be such a beautiful person, who looked like an elf, and when the other party spoke, her whole body was crisp. At this moment, she felt that she was a female and loved females. She is no longer the same gender as the female, and loves the male.

Bend only for a moment.

Kimura and Shuji nodded gently, just less than half a day later, she was used to others seeing her like this, "Come with me." Talking ~ ~ she does not care about each other, but she glanced at the other person Grimace warrior man on the side. At this moment, the warrior with a grimace was staring at her with red eyes. Obviously, as long as she acted rashly, the other party would fight back.

And this scene let Kimura and Shu know that this ghost warrior has no sense of autonomy at all. She just released her aura of pressure, but the other side does not have any fear. Obviously, it is not known who is protecting the other side next to Rena Miyamoto.

Rena Miyamoto stared at Kimura and the tree with bright eyes. Although impolite, she couldn't restrain herself. At this moment, she thanked the editor in her heart, and thanked the editor for giving her the opportunity to meet such a beautiful person. Modern star idols are worthy of their face, and they don't even match Kimura and Zizi.

After entering the room, the interior decoration of the house made Minamoto Rina slightly distracted.

The room sent by Ito's house, about 140 square meters, is a medium and large-sized apartment in Weir. The interior is naturally luxuriously decorated, with furniture and appliances available, no need for Kimura and trees to purchase.

Miyamoto Rina followed in, and her heart recovered again. The decoration around her let her know that she and the other are people in two worlds.

"Sit down." Kimura and the tree are not surprised. Although she is here for the first time, she has seen a lot of luxurious houses in previous lives, so naturally she will not feel anything. It's just that the mansions in the previous life are owned by others, and now she has a suite in Will's apartment, which still makes her quite sighed. I was still fantasizing about the Guqiao sisters' home, but I did not expect it to be true now.

Reina Miyamoto, sitting next to the sofa, lamented the softness of the sofa and looked at Kimura and the tree.

She also urged a fart ... In the atmosphere of the mansion, she didn't dare to speak, she could only look away, and looked at Kimura and the tree from time to time to raise her eyes.

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