With the help of the children, the collection of radishes went very smoothly. After the children moved all the radishes they collected out of the greenhouse, Luo Zhen took out a pack of seeds and let Shan Yi continue to plant them.

It is still the seeds of white radish. Luo Zhen collected a batch in summer, enough for them to use until the next winter. This is also the only plant that Luo Zhen knows better about being hardy and suitable for their food.

The newly harvested vegetable plots need to be plowed and fertilized again. Lu Zhan arranged for two veteran soldiers from Dahu tribes about the age of Shanyi to help. The greenhouse area was originally small, even though the two veteran soldiers didn’t have anything. I understand, but Yuyamaichi is pointing to the side, and it's more than enough to take care of it.

A fire has been lit in the square, and Ajiao and Acao are leading people to move the stone pot out of the house. Only this huge square can accommodate all the people in the tribe to gather for dinner.

Now the temperature at night is dropping very fast, and there is often wind and snow as soon as it gets dark recently. Even if there are activities in the tribe, the time can only be arranged for the day.

"Da Wu, so many radishes, what do you want to eat today?" Axue's eyes were bright and he wanted to pick up the bamboo baskets carried by the children. Don't look at the young children, except for those who are very thin. In addition to the little girls in, such as Ah Shui and other children who are well fed by the tribe, their strength is not small, even Ah Hua can carry the bamboo basket filled with radishes to the square, plus the distance. It's not far away, and it doesn't seem to be a bit of an effort at first glance.

"I have asked Heifu to kill the bison, hasn't he taken care of it yet?"

"It's no wonder that I saw A Qing rushing to the beast shed early this morning to drive people out. It has been a while, and it should be almost slaughtered." Axue pursed her lips and chuckled lightly.

Nowadays, many orc warriors can only make do with sleep in the animal shed. There are a lot of hay piled in the animal shed, and they lie down on the hay. The only inconvenience is that there is too much flammable material. Many, are forbidden to light, only a small oil lamp is placed on the stone piers in the four corners. The light of the oil lamp is not bright. Even the orc warriors with good eyesight can hardly see the contents inside the animal shed at night. .

The two were talking, Ah Qing had already walked over with a bucket of bull blood, behind him were two orc warriors holding wooden boxes full of beef.

"These radishes are fresh, you can take them to make a radish beef stew." Luo Zhen ordered.

Axue responded with a smile. Her cooking skills are not very good, but Ajiao and Acao's skills are good. She has eaten this dish in summer, and she probably knows how to deal with these ingredients.

Luo Zhen went back to the house and took out a small bag of cassava flour after finishing his order. Taking advantage of the rare gathering together today, Luo Zhen planned to make some sweets for these people.

After the winter, those ewes rarely produce milk. The previous goat’s milk was reserved for the children of the tribe, and the rest was kept outside the house. Now the conditions here are simple and nothing better. To deal with it, Luo Zhen checked those goat milk blocks that had been hard like bricks, and at least they hadn't been damaged by freezing.

A Shui and the others saw that Luo Zhen took out the tapioca flour and goat's milk cubes, and they knew that the other party was going to make sweets. Luo Zhen had found some beets before, but it was a pity that this beet was different from other wild vegetables, and its growth cycle was a bit long. , The whole summer can only be harvested once, and Luo Zhen has to reserve those beets, so there is no way to extract sugar from the beets. At present, the only sugar in the tribe is the nectar in Luo Zhen’s hands. That's it.

Although the nectar is sweet and greasy, but the quantity is not large, Lu Yi usually takes the nectar very tightly. When he sees Luo Zhen taking the nectar out to other people, it will cause emotions, and the buzzing protests are noisy. Zhen's head was swollen, but if Luo Zhen used the nectar to make food, Lu Yi would not make trouble anymore. After all, the food Luo Zhen would eat, and then share it with Lu Yi.

It can be made with tapioca flour, and what Luo Zhen understands is that besides tapioca cakes, there is only the well-known bubble tea. Obviously Luo Zhen wants to make the latter. After all, the acceptance of milk tea is better than The cassava pie is high. Luo Zhen made it once during the experiment. Even Lu Zhan, who usually hates goat milk, likes the taste of milk tea.

Since no other tea trees have been found, the tea leaves can only be replaced with scalp Konoha. The stored goat’s milk is naturally not enough for the people of the entire tribe to consume. Naturally, they have to add a little water to dilute when they are boiled. The sweetness of nectar and the tea smell of scalper leaves, I think this light milk fragrance is just right, not too strong, even people who usually hate goat milk can accept this taste.

The melted nectar is added to the tapioca flour, knead it and knead it into round balls. This task can be completed by the group of children. It is the first time for the children to do such a thing, curious and excited, probably I cared too much. I had to make every small ball exactly the same size as the one demonstrated by Luo Zhen before he stopped.

Luo Zhen didn't urge them either. After all, it would take a long time for the beef to be stewed. After giving the children the work of rubbing pearls, Luo Zhen first went to the small bamboo forest to check his achievements over the past few days.

Ordinary bamboo does not need Luo Zhen's special care to grow well, but the bamboo that breeds crystal fruits is different. After this period of experimentation, Luo Zhen finally discovered that those crystal fruits are growing. It will absorb energy from the wizard as a nutrient, so he feels that his body is wasted every time.

Lu Zhan was relieved, but followed along.

With Luo Zhen's current strength, he can only provide energy for one bamboo in a day. Except for those bamboo shoots that are still hidden under the snow and mud and have not had time to break through the ground, Luo Zhen has counted the number of bamboos that have grown, and there are only ten in total. Five of them, five of the bamboos all have crystal fruits in them, but the aura of these crystal fruits is very weak, as if it will dissipate at any time. Luo Zhen has spent several days of work, and yesterday he almost lost his own The power was consumed and dizzy, and then the crystal fruit in these few bamboos was barely stabilized.

Since knowing which bamboos have crystal fruits in them, Luo Zhen discovered that these bamboos are a bit more sloppy than other normal-growing bamboos, and the ends of the bamboo leaves are also slightly yellow. In the past, Luo Zhen only thought these were due to the winter. , Now I know that Jingguo can't absorb enough power and can only start with the life energy in the bamboo.

In fact, Luo Zhen did not know how to provide energy to these crystal fruits at first, but he found that as long as he used his ability to recognize plants against the bamboo, there would be warmth flowing from the palm of his hand through his fingers, and then be touched by the skin. The bamboo touched is absorbed.

Luo Zhen first turned around among the few bamboos with crystal fruits, and then chose one of them, put his hand on it, relaxed his body and closed his eyes, meditating in his mind that he wanted to identify the plant in his hand. The name of bamboo soon appeared in it, and the body began to feel tired slowly. Luo Zhen knew that this was a symptom of the loss of strength in his body.

But obviously, he always felt something was wrong when he used this ability today.

Luo Zhen frowned, he gave up the idea of ​​transmitting power to Yunzhu, and instead tried hard to see the message that was conveyed to his mind.

However, apart from the clear name Yunzhu, no more information appeared. Luo Zhen flashed a strange feeling. He didn't know much about this ability to recognize plants, and now he only knows that it can make himself. He knew the names of plants he knew or didn't know around him, as well as the ability to transmit energy to the bamboo that breeds the crystal fruit. Besides, Luo Zhen didn't know for the time being whether this ability had any other effects.

So even if it was just a little strange feeling, Luo Zhen didn't want to ignore it easily. He continued to devote all his energy to identifying this cloud bamboo.

Time passed bit by bit. It was obviously a cold winter. Luo Zhen didn't do any intense exercise. However, sweat still oozes from his forehead, which wets his bangs and sticks to it. On his face.

"Luo Zhen?" Lu Zhan saw Luo Zhen's face getting paler and paler, and was taken aback, and quickly hugged him away from the cloud bamboo.

Yunzhu was swayed by Luo Zhen's strength. Fortunately, Luo Zhen's strength was not too great, and it was not exaggerated to the extent that it could break a bamboo as thick as a wrist.

The transmission of power was cut off by Lu Zhansheng, and Luo Zhen gasped for several breaths.

"Didn't I just say that you can stop at it? You can't rush to feed these crystal fruits for a while." Lu Zhan frowned and stared at Luo Zhen dissatisfiedly. He had reminded the other party more than once about this, but whether it was yesterday or yesterday. Okay, right now, Luo Zhen always almost got himself into a coma. If he hadn't been following him, would he plan to faint directly in this snowy area, wondering when he would be discovered?

Although Luo Zhen's body was tired, his eyes were full of shock. Obviously he hadn't noticed what Lu Zhan was saying. Lu Zhan reached out and reached into a small animal skin bag that Luo Zhen was carrying with him. The nectar was put into Luo Zhen's mouth.

Nectar is the food that the flame ants find to feed the queen. It is condensed from the life energy of various flowers. It has been processed in advance by the flame ants. It is very gentle and easy to absorb. The familiar sweetness filled his mouth, and after the nectar melted almost, Luo Zhen finally felt that he was relieved, and his pale face gradually became ruddy.

"A Zhan, it turns out that my ability to recognize plants can also be improved."

"Promote?" Seeing Luo Zhen's surprised expression on his face, the anger that Lu Zhan had just stored up almost instantly dissipated, leaving a lot of helplessness left.

"Yeah." Luo Zhen nodded and explained: "Before I could only know the names of those plants, unless I knew the plants, I could only know their efficacy."

"But these cloud bamboos." Luo Zhen pointed to the bamboo not far away, his tone of excitement could not be concealed, "Although this kind of bamboo is also called cloud bamboo, it is different from the cloud bamboo I used to know. Said it is a new kind of plant, I am sure I have never seen this kind of bamboo before."

It’s better to say that Luo Zhen couldn’t tell the difference between bamboo and bamboo. Whether it’s Yunzhu or Moso, Luo Zhen’s eyes are just about the same thing, "Yun bamboo, non-toxic. The root is used as medicine to relieve cough and moisturize the lungs. The leaves are edible."

Luo Zhen read out the string of information he had captured in his mind. Obviously, the information was displayed in words that Luo Zhen could understand. If this was changed to a primitive person, I'm afraid I wouldn't understand what it means. Stop cough and moisten your lungs.

"That's it?" Lu Zhan was a little puzzled. For him, it wasn't an obvious power balance. This kind of power improvement with only a few words added was obviously still incomprehensible.

"This is a very big improvement. At least, the herbs we can find in the future are more than those that can only stop bleeding."

Isn't the big thistle that can stop bleeding better than this cloud bamboo?

Before Lu Zhan asked in detail, he saw Luo Zhen walking towards the bamboo again, and even planned to reach out to touch it. Lu Zhan quickly hugged Luo Zhen back, and said with dissatisfaction: "Feeding Yunzhu today. The task has been completed."

"I just want to confirm whether the information I just saw is wrong." Luo Zhen blinked his eyes a few times, and said with some discussion in his tone.

"No, didn't you promise those little ghosts to help them make milk tea? If you want to confirm, just come back tomorrow." Lu Zhan refused, his tone firm. If he dares to relax a bit, he is sure that this person will absolutely exhaust all the power in his body before he will give up.

Luo Zhen glanced at the bamboo in front of him regretfully. Although the nectar can make his body recover quickly, in fact, he still needs to rest and let his body slowly absorb the nectar. If he uses his power again immediately, It will only burden the body. The most obvious symptoms are stomach cramps and brain swelling. In severe cases, it will pass out like the first time.

Luo Zhen naturally knew that Lu Zhan was worried about him, so he didn't insist anymore. He picked up a few bamboo leaves that fell on the snow and put them away, and then went back to the square with Lu Zhan.

At this time, the square was already filled with a strong smell of food. Except for the elderly people like Gan Po and Shan Yi, everyone else gathered in front of the stone pots, staring at the bubbling inside. Food, but even if they are greedy, no one reaches out in advance to grab the food that hasn't been simmered enough to eat.

"Great Witch, all the pearls are ready." When Luo Zhen came back, A Shui invited La Luo Zhen to see their results.

The children's faces were stained with some tapioca flour, which seemed a bit funny at first, but they looked at Luo Zhen nervously and expectantly.

Luo Zhen looked at the two big pots of small **** the size of soybeans, and stroked their little heads one by one, "Good job."

The children opened their mouths and raised a big smile, followed Luo Zhen step by step, and even pushed Lu Zhan aside.

Lu Zhan twitched the corners of his mouth, picked up the collars of the two closest children, and threw them aside, occupying the best spot for onlookers. One of the children who was carried away was Ah Shui. He curled his mouth and made a grimace behind Lu Zhan. When the other party turned his head, he immediately became serious again, standing on his tiptoes nonchalantly and looking forward.

Since Lu Zhan became the leader of the tribe, the other party’s momentum has been stronger day by day. Now Ah Shui no longer dared to stick to Lu Zhan like before and make coquettish demands. Even his address has changed from his previous direct name. Until now, call the leader properly.

A Jiao also came to help out. Every time Luo Zhen wanted to make a new food, she would study with her. After seeing it, she would try to make it by herself. Sometimes she would follow Luo Zhen's guidance. Some new dishes came out, but limited by the scarcity of seasonings, even if Ajiao made flowers, the taste of each food was not much different.

In addition to Luo Zhen who can admire it, for those orc warriors, they are all eaten in their stomachs anyway, it doesn't matter what they look like.

Bring the water to a boil, put the cassava granules in and cook until they float, and then take them out. Lu Zhan has prepared a basin of cold water in advance and put it aside. Luo Zhen directly puts the boiled cassava granules into the cold water for use .

After the cassava cubes are cooked, the goat's milk will start to be cooked. The raw goat's milk is a bit unpleasant, but the mixture of nectar and the scalp Konoha will make it smell better. After a while, the smell of the square fills From the beginning, the smell of meat became a faint milky smell.

Those who had been staring at the meat involuntarily gathered around.

"Hurry up and get your wooden bowl."

Luo Zhen's words came to an end. The children took out their wooden bowls and spoons from their small backpacks, and actively lined up in front of Luo Zhen. Now they have the concept of queuing. When I first came to the tribe, I huddled together like that for a couple of days.

Luo Zhen scooped a little pearl into the bottom of the bowl for each of them, and then scooped half a bowl of goat milk into it. Because there was no tool to filter, the scalper Konoha was not picked out, although the taste of this thing was considered when it was eaten directly. Not too good, it may affect the taste of milk tea, but in the case of the scarcity of edible plants, Luo Zhen did not want to throw these tea away for nothing.

The stone pot is not big. Luo Zhen is here to distribute milk tea to others. A Jiao continues to cook in the fire next to him. This winter, the leftover goat's milk is just enough to drink one bowl per person.

People in Dahu tribe can only find some sweet wild fruits to eat at the end of summer. The sweetness of those wild fruits is naturally not as good as the nectar brewed by flame ants. Everyone has their eyes when they drink the first bite. I couldn't help but shine, but because there was only one bowl, I was reluctant to drink it.

It was Luo Zhen who told them that if they didn't drink it while it was hot, the milk tea would spoil and stop drinking for a long time, so everyone carefully picked up the wooden bowl again.

When the milk tea is finished, the beef stew with radish is almost cooked. According to the different parts of the bison, several pots are divided to stew.

Because I just drank a bowl of milk tea with nectar, although there was only one bison, it was enough for people in the tribe. Luo Zhen scooped a bowl of stewed beef brisket with radish for Lu Zhan. This was Luo Zhen's favorite part of eating. Naturally, he wanted Lu Zhan to taste it too, and let Ajiao divide the rest between children and ordinary people.

The radish stewed so badly that the chopsticks broke into two pieces as soon as they were clamped, and the inside was covered with gravy. It was a little hot when the pot was just started, and it took a long time for Lu Zhan to put it in his mouth.

"How does it taste?" Seeing Lu Zhan's eyes widening, Luo Zhen asked with a smile.

"It's better than before." Lu Zhan commented honestly. After a pause, he added, "The body is very warm after eating."

Luo Zhen smiled. Even in the original world, he likes to cook this dish every winter, but unfortunately because of the relationship between the seasoning and the ingredients, there is a big difference between the taste in memory, but Now I can’t force too much. I just found out that I can know the functions of plants in more detail. It should only be a matter of time before I can make other seasonings.

Luo Zhen pulled the sirloin steak from his bowl into Lu Zhan's bowl, "Eat more if you like."

Lu Zhan looked up at him. This person always likes to give himself all the things he thinks is good. When did this start? Lu Zhan thought for a while. It seemed that from the time when the other party said that he was going to fall in love with him, before that, Luo Zhen would not pick up what he liked to eat into his bowl.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhan's heart was full of joy. He picked up a piece of stewed beef brisket and put it into Luo Zhen's mouth, with an indelible smile in his voice, "Try it too."

It took Hei Yuan a long time to leave the tribe this time. One month later, there was still no sign of returning. Even if Luo Zhen knew the strength of the opponent, he had to worry about the opponent's safety.

Could it be that the people from the Wizard Palace found him, and then forcibly captured Heiyuan back?

Luo Zhen thinks about the worst consequences every day. There is no way. Whoever leaves this world completely without any communication tools, basic people will completely cut off information once they leave the tribe.

"How about I go to the small forest tomorrow." Lu Zhan shoveled some clean snow on the roof into a wooden bucket. This is the snow water they usually drink. As long as it snows at night, Lu Zhan They will come out early the next morning to clean up, lest the thick snow on the roof will crush the house.

"Do you want to go alone?" Luo Zhen was not relieved.

"I'm fast by myself." Although other people can catch up to his own speed by riding a staghorn horse, Lu Zhan still remembers that there is a returning orc living in the small forest. The strength of the returning orc is better than ordinary. Lu Zhan's orc warrior is much stronger, and Lu Zhan doesn't want others to follow him on the adventure.

And if you go alone, you can still find a way to leave according to your own strength. If there are more people, it will only be a burden.

Luo Zhen naturally understood this, but he still couldn't worry about letting Lu Zhan go out alone.

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-2323:45:50~2020-04-2423:42:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 trolling fish;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of the sword to the mountains and rivers; 5 bottles of the moon cage sand;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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