"Yes!!" Shinto Feishazi bent down before she could straighten up, to show her respect for Meng Yunbing.

"Stop jutting, we don't have such harsh etiquette here." Meng Yunbing sighed and patted Xinto Feishazi on the shoulder. "Let's go."

Hishako Shinto nodded immediately and turned to leave, but after a few steps, she turned her head and glanced at Erina.

Erina hurriedly blinked, signaling the other party to obey the arrangement honestly, then turned her head and looked at Meng Yunbing.

"Let's be honest, you are the fifth person I've met, who can match me in taste!" Meng Yunbing rubbed her chin and sighed with emotion. "But out of the five, you're the only one serving as a cook."

"Chef Meng, besides me, have you encountered four 'God Tongues'?"

Erina Nakiri's eyes widened. She, who has always been proud of her talent, was the first to hear that there are so many people who have the same sense of taste as her.

"God's tongue? Is it an exaggerated naming scheme of the island people! You really love this tune." Meng Yunbing rolled her eyes. She has seen a lot of strange titles these days when she came to the island country.

For example, the president of UnionPay is known as "one person in the world", a certain chef is known as "the god of sushi", and other titles such as the once-in-a-millennium super-beautiful girl all have tired eyes.

"Okay, let's call it 'God's Tongue'. Counting you, I did meet five of the same kind, and by coincidence, there are two of them in this mansion."

"There are two more tongues of God in this house?"

"Ah, and unlike those of us who have been trained, the other two are still natural products without training. Well, they should be natural products, right?"

Meng Yunbing said with a slightly unnatural expression, the super-taste brought by the system of the godslayer, to a certain extent, should be considered natural, right?

Hearing this, Nakiri Erina was stunned, and then suddenly thought of a certain silver-haired bastard, her face suddenly became strange.

She always thought that when Yu last met, she claimed that the tongue of God was provoking her, but she didn't expect that it was still true?

The kind of man who has a tongue level with her? !

No, Erina Nakiri feels that she has been severely hit. It turns out that she has been trained hard since she was a child, and she is proud of her talent, so she is on the same level as Yuu?

Then if Yuu wants to develop into a chef and start to exercise her sense of taste, she may be overtaken at any time?

Erina, who has always been regarded as a genius, sensed the malice brought about by 'talent' for the first time.

"Okay, the other two are not at your level, so you don't have to think about it for the time being."

Meng Yunbing frowned, thought for a moment, and then continued.

"Since you are guided by me now, let's make a rule first!"

"Rules?" Nakiri Erina suddenly became a little nervous when she regained her senses.

"Yes, rules! There is only one rule I have at the moment, and that is..."

Meng Yunbing squinted, leaned down slightly, approached Nakiri Erina's face, looked directly into the other's purple eyes, and her tone gradually became colder.

Nakiri Erina pursed her lips nervously, ready to face all kinds of difficulties.

"That is... No stealing!"


Chapter 440: No Stealing

"No stealing, what do you mean?" Erina Nakiri stared blankly at Meng Yunbing with a puzzled expression.

"Literally, is this difficult to understand? Or you have not passed the Chinese language? Although you are a professional chef, you still can't miss the most basic homework."

Meng Yunbing raised her eyebrows in surprise, then patted Erina on the shoulder, and said earnestly while patting Peng Peng.

Nakiri Erina blushed immediately, not only because of embarrassment, but also because of the pain that her shoulder was patted by the other party.

She felt that she had been insulted by the academic bully who often occupied the top three in the grade, but the problem was that the person who insulted her was a guy whose seniority and strength far surpassed hers, or her current immediate boss, which completely made her unable to resist.

The fact that this kind of embarrassment made Erina a little embarrassed.

"I can understand the literal meaning, but I mean why should I be given a rule that I can't steal food."

"Nakiri, you are the chef from Yuanyue, right?" Meng Yunbing suddenly changed the subject.

"Yes." Hearing Meng Yunbing's question, Erina Nakiri raised her chest subconsciously and said with a little pride.

Yuanyue Sariao Culinary Academy is one of the top cooking schools in the island country, and even occupies a leading position in the world. Its status is among the chefs, just like Tsinghua University and Peking University in the hearts of high school students of the Celestial Dynasty, it is unattainable.

As a member of the academy, the current head of the junior high school, and the next heir, Erina Nakiri was naturally a little proud when Meng Yunbing mentioned her family.

"Did Totsuki teach you to contradict the chef?"

Nakiri Erina's small smugness froze for a moment. She stared wide-eyed and looked at Meng Yunbing with an incredible look on her face. In her heart, there were thousands of alpacas galloping on the grassland.

This old Siji was waiting for her here! !

She was roaring wildly in her heart, but on the surface, Erina Nakiri could only force a smile and say, "No!"

As a cooking school, Yuanyue Academy dared to teach students to contradict the chef, and flicker Mengxin to contradict the industry leaders. If they dared to do this kind of education, it would basically be equivalent to destroying the world!

So this thing, the school really doesn't have the courage to teach it, and even the other way around, teach the chef to listen to the chef in everything in the kitchen, and you have to drink the foot wash.

Of course, this is for ordinary students, the real top students, who teach them to open a shop and become the boss directly after they go out, so as not to encounter a crazy chef who deliberately makes things difficult.

"Isn't that enough? Do you still have any questions now?" Meng Yunbing spread her hands, and looked at Erina with an even more frantic smile.

"No... no more." Nakiri Erina twitched the corners of her mouth and lowered her head slightly.This old aunt is ruthless! !

"Okay, now you can go in and study with Xiao Feishazi! Then remember to mention the rules I set to the old seniors, and then it's all right, I can retreat."

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