Just now from the code word of 2015 arrived in 2016, there is no feeling of resignation or welcoming of the new year. Only habit has become a natural peace. In 2015, I was very tired. I have to adapt to multiple people, multiple families, and more relatives. Writing becomes more and more difficult as Guanyue exceeds 3,000,000 in my life. In many cases, I dont want to add more, but I really cant write.

Why cant I write it out? Maybe its because I am more demanding. I always think that creativity and new bridges are one aspect, but not the decisive aspect. In this era of creative explosion, there are many ideas The bridge sections are beginning to be common and more repetitive, and how to tell the story and how to arrange the relatively less novel bridge sections has become a very important aspect. The same dishes are made by everyone, and some are super good. This is the reason why some foods are average.

Therefore, I always strive to make the plot novel by telling and arranging when the repetition of the bridge is unavoidable, so that the story is not obvious. It is easy to start. As the plot length increases, the big plot The progress is good, but if you dont repeat the past in details, it becomes more and more difficult and requires more and more thinking. Coupled with the continuous filling of pits, the more and more complex situation is controlled, and the difficulty of writing is a foreseeable thing. .

This is also the reason why I often Cavan, and many of them have fewer appearances, because the relevant plot-related personality segments have been hollowed out, and I dont want to look at the characters I like because of the gaps. Repetitive and pale, so before thinking of a better plot, often subconsciously avoid writing them.

Exhaustion is the feeling of this year, but it is also the same with Huanxi. I just looked at it. The annual monthly ticket list ranks in the top three. This shows our success in the past year. Still have to say, thank you for your support, thank you for your liking, I will continue to write carefully, and hope that everyone will continue to enjoy the joy of this book review area.

2016 is coming, and the first life will definitely end in the second half of the year. There is still some time in the journey. Everyone walks slowly and enjoys the scenery.

Because there are weddings on both sides in February and March, there are so many things to prepare. There should be no changes in the three months from now. Please be considerate. Of course, I owe you in December. The first update is doubled into two chapters. I will find time to pay it back, not counting the additional changes, and strive to complete it in early January.

Well, I wish you all a happy New Year’s Day and 2016 is booming.

Well, after writing so much, its better to arrive at a poor view, and ask for a monthly pass to comfort your tiredness~

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