The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 893: The last chance

"Initiate the second wave of attacks, be sure to hit them before the Huaxia fleet locks us!" Halsey ordered immediately, although the radar showed that the Huaxia ship may still be sinking due to the injury of the Huaxia ship, but he did not dare to take the slightest Risk, so I ordered a second strike!

"Observe! Master Commander!" After Halsey's order was passed on, the Third Fleet and the Seventh Fleet immediately began to execute the order, and the second wave of missile groups rose into the air and launched an attack on the distant Huaxia Fleet. [Wu Ruo Novel Network Debut]

But shortly after the launch of this wave of missiles, a small group of dots suddenly appeared on the radar.

"Report! Unknown target is approaching us at high speed!" Shouted the officer in charge of the radar.

"Is the target identified?" Halsey asked.

"It's not clear. From the radar signal, it might be birds, but their speed is definitely not what birds can reach!" The officer replied.

"It must be a Chinese stealth fighter! Let our fighter take off to meet the enemy!" Halsey ordered, although the fighter groups of the Third Fleet and the Seventh Fleet were eliminated by the Z9 robots, these aircraft carriers of the Rice Fleet Obviously there are reserve teams left.

"Yes!" With Halsey's order, dozens of elite rice fighters were lifted off, and fighters were successively transported from the aircraft carrier's built-in hangar to the flight deck, and soon they will also Join the battle.

"Z9 task force has found the enemy's position! Request attack authorization!" Among the Z9 robots, Z9-001, headed by the rice fleet, immediately applied for permission from Qin Tian who was far away in China.

"Allow attack!" Qin Tian immediately issued an order, while his eyes flashed with light. This battle will have his name engraved on the scroll!

"Authorization has been completed! Z9 task force is free to attack!" A red light flashed in the eyes of Z9-001.

"Om ..." With the completion of Qin Tian's authorization, the hands of these robots retracted, and two plasma wave guns began to warm up and recharge.

"Damn! What a freak!"

"God! What enemy are we facing ?!"


At the same time, the fighter planes that have taken off from the rice air carrier have also discovered Huaxia's super robots.

"Kill these freaks!"

"Launch fighting bullets!"

"Cross cover, free attack!"

The pilots of the Rice Fleet have to say that they are well-trained. Although they were shocked after seeing these super robots, they did not affect their tactical actions at all. The cooperation between the fighters was perfect and they were soon made Attack action!

"Prioritize attacking high-risk targets!" As the rice fighters released air-to-air missiles, their order of attack immediately rose to the forefront in the super robot program.

"Hmm ..." Plasma wave guns that super robots have already been able to charge have been launched at low frequencies. While intercepting those air-to-air missiles, they have also locked those fighters!

Although the speed of rice fighters is very fast, their flexibility cannot be compared with that of high-level supernatural people. In the face of energy weapons moving at the speed of light, they have no room to dodge!

"Boom boom boom ..."

A loud noise exploded at a high altitude, and fireballs were lit at the same time. Those elite rice pilots had not even had time to eject the fighter, and they were killed by their energy cannons in their cars!

"The danger has been ruled out!"

In just 30 seconds, hundreds of rice fighters were shot down by super robots, while less than five Z9 robots failed to shoot down because they were locked by multiple fighting missiles, and were eventually destroyed by the missiles.

"" After eliminating the threat from the air, half of the Z9 robots began to perform defensive tasks. They will be responsible for intercepting the air defense missiles of the Rice Fleet, while the other half of the Z9 robots will begin to fully charge the plasma wave gun!

"Free attack!" With the authorization of Z9-001, the robots launched an attack on the rice fleet!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Fierce explosions rang out in the rice fleet. Neither the huge aircraft carriers nor the relatively small coastal combatants failed to escape the lock of the robots.

Even high-speed fighters cannot escape the speed of light of energy weapons, not to mention these ships on the water. In just a moment, more than thirty rice warships were hit, two of which were only a few thousand tons offshore. The battleship was even cut off, and an aircraft carrier was hit by a nuclear power capsule by an energy cannon!

"Boom ..." The aircraft carrier that was hit in the power cabin was detonated. Although nuclear fuel was not so easily detonated, the auxiliary fuel on the periphery turned the entire aircraft carrier into a sea of ​​fire.

"Attack! Destroy these things!" Until then, Halsey didn't know what he was attacked, but he knew that the small dots on the radar were the deadly death!

Anti-aircraft missiles were continuously launched from the destroyers, but all were intercepted by the Z9 robots that had already been prepared. However, the destroyers that launched the attacks suddenly became dangerous targets in the eyes of the robots, and the priority of the attacks was raised to the top!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of explosions kept ringing, and one rice warship sank, and everyone knew that the battle could no longer continue.

"My lord! Let's withdraw! If we don't withdraw, the entire fleet will be wiped out!" The lieutenant shouted loudly in Halsey's ears, but Halsey was still like a chicken at this moment. As if in a dream, the Rice Fleet, which had once been immortal and had maintained the top ten standards, was so vulnerable ~ ~ This made Halcy simply unable to accept this reality!

"Master! Master!" The lieutenant shook Halsey's shoulders continually.

"Ah?" Halsey had just returned.

"Sir! Let's order an evacuation! We have already sunk two aircraft carriers, and the Seventh Fleet has all three aircraft carriers sunk!" The lieutenant's eyes were almost out of nowhere!

"Ah! Retreat!" At this time Halsey had no choice but to issue such a retreat order is undoubtedly abandoning the slower ships like the carrier in the fleet, but now the carrier has lost its combat capability. They have become cumbersome.

"Order the submarine troops to attack! Find and sink Huaxia's aircraft carrier anyway!" Halsey finally issued an order, this is his last chance to save face for himself and the rice fleet!

Because the beam weapon is very refracting in the water when attacking an underwater target, it is difficult to hit the underwater target, so the submarine units of the Third Fleet and the Seventh Fleet have become the only targets that have escaped the attack of super robots.


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