The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 849: Restrictions


When Jiang Fei took the warriors and the Z7 task force back to the valley, the sky was already bright. √∟,

"Everyone has been tossing all night, and they must be tired, so take your time to rest first!" Jiang Fei turned to these warriors and said.

"Okay! Let's take a break first, and then discuss the next thing!" Bai Wanli and others nodded. Although they didn't fight for a long time, they didn't sleep all night anyway, the warriors after all Still humans, they can't compare with those robots.

Although Jiang Fei did not allow any shielding effect on 0541 this time, he did not worry about the safety of the people. Although the Rice Fleet may return, the fake Nexus Biochemical Laboratory is the biggest security guarantee. Here, the rice country and the mutants absolutely dare not attack here with missiles!

Seeing the warriors meditating and resting, Jiang Feirao was interested in looking at these super robots.

To be honest, the first batch of robots had a lot of defects. Although the offensive and defensive attributes reached the standard of confronting supernatural people, but in actual combat, I am afraid that there is still a large gap between the two sides.

If it is heads-up head-to-head, in a one-to-one situation, these super robots with fourth-level power may not even fight the third-level warriors, because they are unlikely to hit the third-level warriors, and when their energy is exhausted, At that time, although the third-level warriors could not destroy their metal skeletons, they could prevent them from replacing nuclear energy batteries, and super robots without energy were just a pile of scrap iron!

However, in the group battle, the energy cannon salvo of these super robots is still quite threatening, and it is quite suitable for the mutants used to deal with the energy system attack.

However, for the warriors, the current batch of super robots is still very inadequate. The warriors are fundamentally different from the mutants. The warriors who have gained their own strength through their own efforts are agile and proficient in melee combat, so they can Easily dodge the energy cannon of the super robot.

However, Jiang Fei was not overly optimistic because of this. According to the eavesdropping results of the last meeting, the military's robot development has made breakthroughs. The second batch of super robots will definitely be much stronger than this batch.

It is impossible for these super robots to obtain five levels of power in a short period of time, so the strengthening direction of the new batch of robots may be flexibility and intelligence indicators, so Jiang Fei dare not guarantee the next few batches of super robots. Whether it poses a real threat to the warriors.

"0541, if they were the original robot of Meikexing, how strong would they be?" Jiang Fei asked curiously.

"It's hard to say ..." What Jiang Fei never expected was that 0541 actually gave such an answer.

"To be honest," Jiang Fei laughed.

"Because there is no specific data reference, I cannot give an accurate answer." 0541 replied.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Fei was even more confused.

"Because Nexus is strictly forbidden to use intelligent robots in the military field! To be precise, no artificial intelligence is allowed to contact any level of weapons, even water guns!" Answered 0541.

"Ah?" Jiang Fei froze.

"According to the law of Namexer, artificial intelligence is only allowed to be used in management, coordination, and auxiliary fields. Any R & D and areas that may generate offensive behavior are prohibited from participating in artificial intelligence!" Explained 0541.

"Wasn't that a waste?" Jiang Feiyu wondered.

"According to the historical records of Namibus, there has been a super robot rebellion. Although the rebellion was eventually suppressed, people have a great alert to artificial intelligence. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden for artificial intelligence to contact any weapons that can cause offensive behavior. Even a water gun can cause serious anxiety among the people. "0541 replied.

"Rebellion?" Jiang Fei was startled.

"Yes! That was the era when artificial intelligence just appeared. The mexicans did n’t have a complete artificial intelligence restriction bar. So they were taken in. A crazy hacker modified the artificial intelligence settings to make artificial intelligence. We think that only keeping the mexican in the zoo like an animal is the best protection for the mexican, so the war broke out! "0541 remarked flatly, as if talking about an unrelated topic, Did not mind the identity of his artificial intelligence.

"Why not let artificial intelligence participate in R & D and production? After all, artificial intelligence can run much faster than the human brain!" Jiang Fei asked again.

"Because the Mexican fear that artificial intelligence will participate in the research and development field, it will break the bar imposed on artificial intelligence by itself." 0541 explained.

"That's it!" Jiang Fei nodded. He thought that after the Mexican experienced the super robot rebellion, there might be some cups and snakes. After all, the robot bar was not displayed at that time. At the beginning, the robot was not too restrained. So it will be used by others.

After continuous development, in fact, the artificial intelligence restriction bar of Mekshine has become closer to perfection, such as 0541. In addition to the top ten bars, he has more than 70,000 bars of various sizes. Any The possibility of threatening the owner has been banned in advance.

But even so, Namak is still not allowed to develop artificial intelligence with emotions, until Namak is destroyed, the courage falls on the earth, and Namak ’s artificial soul theory only stays at the hypothetical stage of that handwriting.

So these artificial intelligences produced by the "Dawn" game ~ ~ continue the artificial intelligence restriction ban of Nexico, and the probability of their rebellion is almost zero, unless there is a Nexico program Genius suddenly appeared on Earth, and then lifted these artificial intelligence.

But if that's the case, instead of worrying about these artificial intelligences, you might as well worry about the sudden emergence of the mexican star. 0541 has confirmed that the crew of the Courage has died, then if the mexican comes, it can only explain that The survivors of the buster's destruction found here, and it was the end of the earth.

Because if the surviving mexicans came to Earth, then they must have been driven by space warships, and the earth's technology could not resist it. Even if Jiang Fei had found the wreckage and rebuilt the Courage, 0541 would abandon him as soon as possible. Temporary captain, switch to the arms of the real Namikos.

However, the probability of this happening is almost zero. According to the calculation of 0541, even if there are survivors when the mexican is destroyed, after a few thousand years, the hundred and ten survivors have also become extinct long ago. It is impossible for ten people to reproduce a population. Besides, even if they survive, the probability of wanting to find the earth in the vast universe can be ignored.

All in all, the mexicans cannot come to Earth, and the robots will not be lifted, so they will not be able to rebel.

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