The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 655: Elixir completion

It is precisely because this base is a secret project belonging to the military, so they can get the high-end robots of the Manda Group and the energy weapons of the Zhang family.

Huaxia had developed his super soldier plan in an orderly way. After the test was successful, he would be able to completely fight against the Biochemical Corps. However, the appearance of Jiang Fei obviously disrupted the test. Han Tianyu did not rely on Jiang Fei. Reporting the matter of flying on the grass was Jiang Fei, which led to the researchers in this experimental group not knowing that their subject was a supernatural person.

The emergence of Jiang Fei accelerated the evolution of experimental data, so these researchers did not report at all under the temptation of famous history, and they added players in the game to the experimental project without authorization. Later, in order to speed up the experimental process, they even He did not hesitate to interfere with Jiang Fei.

Although the whole thing was caused by the national and military projects, the behavior of these scientific researchers was caused by the rush to make short-term gains, so behind the scenes Jiang Fei wanted to find did not exist.

Now Jiang Fei entered the base with an energy cannon, and 0541 cut off the base's external communications. The team leader couldn't think of their experimental products as revenge, but took it for granted that the Zhang family had planned a wrongdoing and colluded with supernatural persons In an attempt to capture the experimental results, he did not hesitate to forcibly launch a high-power mental wave attack, and even detonated the base to end up with Jiang Fei.

In the final analysis, a group of research madmen did not approve the players in the game as white mice for the results at hand. However, unfortunately, this white mouse is actually a Godzilla, so these lunatics eventually eat their own fruits.

"What shall we do now?" Jiang Fei did not expect such a result.

"Although this attack was an accident, we did not gain anything after we occupied this base!" Replied 0541.

"Ah?" Jiang Fei froze.

"That mental wave jammer is also very helpful to you. This is also a gadget on the Courage. For you now, it can help you effectively resist mental shock, and it can also to some extent Make up for your lack of mental attack! "0541 replied.

"Let's go! Since it's the wreckage of Courage, get it!" Jiang Fei shrugged, anyway, he had already entered this base, and he couldn't justify taking some loot.

"The external communications of this base have been cut off by me before, so the signal of their attack was not sent out. When we restart the self-destruct process when we leave, we will not be noticed by anyone!" Of course, Wufei knew Jiang Fei was worried. What is it.

Now facing the threat of mutants, of course Jiang Fei does not want to fall with the military or the country. Although this is a misunderstanding in itself, he broke into the military base directly, and it also caused the garrison troops and scientific researchers here. Total extinction, no matter what, will also create a rift between the military and him.

According to the tips of 0541, Jiang Fei quickly found the mental wave jammer. This thing is very small and limited to a lighter. However, the energy system that these researchers have equipped it is surprisingly large, four or five. The house is so big.

"This is also no way out. Earth people have not mastered energy crystallization technology, so through nuclear power, a relatively inefficient device function, more units are needed." 0541 explained.

"Why don't I listen to you? This thing isn't a big energy consumer again?" Jiang Fei frowned.

"If it is used to resist mental waves, it will save a lot of energy than if I use energy defense directly, but if I take the initiative to attack, then the energy consumption is certain! But I can transform it to use bioenergy, so you can Give it the energy it needs! "0541 said, while emitting a blue light from the ring, and soon the mental wave jammer was transformed into a purple crystal pendant.

"I just put it on?" Jiang Fei asked.

"Well, you can passively defend against mental wave attacks not higher than your energy level while wearing it around your neck, and you can also proactively activate to launch mental wave attacks equivalent to your energy level!" Answered 0541, now Jiang Fei His energy level is the fourth level of the first level, which means that he can defend and launch the fourth level of the level of mental attacks.

Putting an amethyst pendant around his neck, Jiang Fei briefly experimented with the use of this pendant. Afterwards, Jiang Fei was also polite and dismantled several sets of nuclear power generators responsible for supplying energy to the base. Absorbed by him, nothing wasted.

"Okay, let's go!" Jiang Fei looked at the base, and there was really nothing he needed.

"The self-destruct system was activated! The base detonated after five minutes, please evacuate everyone immediately!"

0541 immediately restarted the base's self-destruct system.

Jiang Fei ran along the safe passage, because without any obstruction, he returned to the ground three minutes later, and then Jiang Fei immediately rose up with his sword, and flew away a long distance in a blink of an eye!


With a loud noise, the entire underground base exploded into a pile of rubble, and because the depth of the base, the earth and stones above it sank down after the base exploded, the entire base was buried deep three kilometers underground. Difficult even if you want to dig!

"Let's go!" Jiang Fei shook his head.

This secret base for the development of artificial souls is not limited to this one, but the people in this experimental group quickly got into Jiang Fei. In addition to this group, Huaxia has other groups doing the same research, so although Jiang Fei destroyed A base, but for Huaxia's super robot soldier program, the impact is not great.

And because 0541 wiped all the clues, even if the military found that the base was destroyed, Jiang Fei couldn't think of it.

After leaving the vicinity of the base, Jiang Fei flew all the way south. Because the entire North Pole has been turned over by him these days, there must be no hidden Courage Wreckage. Could not find the whereabouts of the power compartment.

But soon after Jiang Fei flew out of China, 0541 brought him another good news!

"Master Captain ~ ~ Biopharmaceuticals have been produced!" With the words of 0541, Jiang Fei also saw two small vials of yellow medicine in the ring space.

"That's great!" Jiang Fei was happy, and then controlled the giant sword to land.

At this time, Jiang Fei was in the position just after he left the territory of China, and there was an endless jungle under his feet, so he was not worried that someone would find him here.

After landing, Jiang Fei found a flat place to put away the giant sword, and then took out two bottles of potion from the ring space.

"Master Captain, please wait!" Just when Jiang Fei was about to take the medicine, 0541 stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Fei asked.

"This is a biopharmaceutical extracted from the flesh and blood of a fifth-level beast. If you drink it all at once, your body must not be able to carry such violent energy, so it is recommended that you take it in two doses and wait for your level to improve and stabilize before taking another bottle. Answered 0541, he divided the medicament into two bottles, fearing that Jiang Fei drank all of them in one breath, and then his body couldn't bear it, and he died because of this explosive body. That would be too tragic!

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