The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 876: Amazing richest man

"The Greatest Man" is the second film that Yang Fei's Huayi Company invested in.

The plot of the story refers to the world famous "The Great Gatsby".

Many people read this masterpiece for the first time and feel that it is nothing remarkable.

Under a certain age, without certain experience, without understanding the background of that era, it is indeed difficult to read it.

Just like "A Hundred Years of Solitude", many people came to be famous. They bought the hardcover version and went home. They often couldn't read it after reading the beginning, but those who understood it knew it was precious.

Yang Fei did not copy the original work, but the plot of the story was also orientalized, modernized, and exaggerated.

Film is an art. Art comes from life and is higher than life.

Using exaggerated plots to express complex human emotions is the eternal theme of all art.

The beginning of the film is a story that Yang Fei once experienced in France.

However, the character was replaced by the heroine. She took her children to travel abroad and arrived in the middle of the night. As a result, because of a mistake in the private hotel booking, there was no booking record of their mother and son, and she was ruthlessly kicked out.

Angrily, the heroine made a call to her husband far in the east.

Not long after, the heroine returned to the hotel with her son, Xiong Jiaojiao.

Her rich husband has already paid for this hotel!

The storyline is reversed.

This is an eye-catching plot, but it flashes past, only telling the audience: money is not everything? That's because you don't have enough money!

Subsequently, the camera switched, and the boy protagonist made his debut.

Every teenager has at least two dreams, one is the girl of a certain dream, and the other is to have countless wealth.

The male protagonist is no exception. He met a girl at a funeral. He was fascinated by the charming eyes and charming figure of the other party at a glance, and fell in love with her uncontrollably.

However, they haven't seen each other since.

The protagonist asked many questions and knew that the girl’s family conditions were very rich, which was not worthy of ordinary boys.

For the girl in his dream, the actor worked hard and went to sea as a seaman.

In every boring day of sunrise and sunset on the sea, the only motivation to support him is the girl.

The owner of the ship appreciates the male protagonist and recognizes him as his godson.

After drinking and uttering the truth, the actor uttered his desire for girls and the pain of not seeing each other.

The ship owner told him mysteriously that it was easy to see the girl again.

The actor asks about the method.

The boat owner said that you and her met at a funeral, indicating that you have relatives and friends in common. Then, as long as one such relative or friend dies, you and her will meet again at the funeral. Moreover, if you see her again, you must take her as your own. Once a woman follows you, she will marry you.

The actor fell drunk and didn't seem to hear the boat owner's words.

Surprisingly, the prophecy of the ship owner came true.

A relative of the protagonist died, he went back to attend the funeral, and at the funeral, he saw the girl of his dreams again.

Girls have become more elegant, more intellectual, and more charming. She is about to graduate from college and is dating an officer.

The actor is jealous, envy, hate!

At night, he stunned the officer, put on his handsome officer costume, pretended to be an officer, and dated a girl.

Girls are attracted by the male protagonist's handsome appearance, gentleman's conversation, and bronze healthy complexion.

On this beautiful funeral night, he got the girls as he wished.

However, he is not an officer. After the funeral, he still has to return to the ship as his seaman.

Letters from girls to him are often not received.

This magical love affair came fast and went fast.

After the girl graduated, she quickly forgot about the leading actor and married a rich man who was twenty years older than her.

The actor almost jumped into the sea in pain.

But he didn't jump into the sea. He climbed onto the tallest mast on the ship and stayed on it all day without eating or drinking.

Careful people will find that his eyes are getting brighter and firmer!

He finally understood that handsomeness, temperament, and gentleman are all passing clouds.

Only money is the panacea for women to subdue.

In the evening, everyone on the ship heard a shout, which was not very clear, because his voice was already hoarse.

He shouted: "I want to be the richest man!"

The camera switches and time flies.

There is a group of crows in the sky, croaking and flying by...

The hero has completed a magical transformation!

He became a rich man, a rich man with a gentleman's style!

According to people who knew him, this man used to be a military officer, and later became a rich man in business.

No one knows how much property he has, and no one knows how he made his home.

Of course, no one would know that he was not an officer before, but just an insignificant seaman.

The protagonist makes a gorgeous transformation and returns to his hometown in Jin Yi.

The girl has become a woman. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter and a well-behaved son.

The rich man is getting old, spending all his time outside all day long, and raising how many wild foxes.

Women live lonely and painfully, but their faces are glamorous.

She is addicted to parties, cocktail parties, and evening parties. She is the most dazzling socialite in all kinds of social occasions.

On this day, she suddenly heard someone say that across from her villa, a gentry lived in. The male owner of that house was a bachelor, but he had countless wealth and was called the richest man.

The most important thing is that, like her, the richest man is also addicted to parties, receptions, banquets, and evening parties.

Naturally, she was attracted to his house.

The two meeting again was dramatic.

He remembered her, and everything he did was for her.

She also remembered him, that unforgettable first night, he gave her the greatest joy in her life.

This meeting was the most explosive part of the male and female roles.

After watching the sample, Yang Fei commented that with this performance alone, he could win the Oscar for Best Actor and Actress!

Yang Fei is not an Oscar judge, and his words cannot be counted.

But such a high evaluation he gave is enough to explain the excellent acting skills of the male and female protagonists.

Sing Ye's acting skills still need to talk about it?

People who like him naturally praise him as the number one in Unai.

This meeting was rendered very sensational by the star master.

When the heroine came to the hero's luxurious castle, it was raining heavily, and the woman wore the most satisfactory dress, as beautiful as a princess.

The yard is covered with rose petals, and the path paved with stone pebbles is covered with green radish and violets.

This is a garden of dreams!

The heroine seems to have walked into the situation of her dreams.

She vaguely remembered that only on a special night, and a special person, chatted about the garden mold forest she longed for.

Unexpectedly, many years later, it will be realized here?

With three-point expectation, three-point anxiety, and one-point curiosity, she walked into the room carefully arranged for her by the actor.

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