The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 846: hope

Tang Wenjie was stationed on the river embankment to monitor the water level. He received a call from Yang Fei. He heard that Wang Yongping might have an accident. He arranged work here and drove to Taohua Village.


   Taohua Village and the surrounding Xiashan Village, the low-lying areas were flooded with water. Tang Wenjie drove along the road along the river, and when he reached the junction of Taohua Village and the county road, he was blocked by the flood.


   The driver stopped the car and was about to speak when he saw someone approaching.


   Tang Wenjie recognized the person, got out of the car and asked, "Tie Niu, did Yang Fei send you here?"


   Tie Niu said: "Yes, Tang City, our ship is over there, please follow us."


   Tang Wenjie and others got on the boat and asked, "Have you found Wangxian?"


   Tie Niu silently shook his head.


   Tang Wenjie's face sank, and he said, "Peach Blossom Village is so big, how can you not find a few big people?"


   Tie Niu said: "The boss analyzed that the boat in Wangxian may have got lost, entered the river, and followed the current. I don’t know where it drifted."


   Tang Wenjie also had this kind of worry on the way here. Hearing the words, he said: "If it makes sense, then send more people to look for it along the river!"


   Tie Niu said: "The river is very dangerous now, and we, small boats, dare not go in unless a professional search and rescue boat is deployed."


   Tang Wenjie looked at the rain covering the sky, his face was extremely heavy.


After meeting with Yang Fei and others, everyone analyzed the current situation.


   Tang Wenjie groaned slightly, and said, “It’s not too late. There are two soldiers. While sending people to ride along the river, searching and calling Wangxian for them, they also sent life boats to continue searching for the missing people within Taohua Village.”


   Yang Fei and Tie Lianping nodded in agreement.


   At this moment, Qingqing's sister-in-law and Tiefu's family have a premonition that they are not good. Several women are crying and crying, crying and crying.


   Tang Wenjie glanced at them and said to Li Yanan: "You are a cultural person, or you are more calm than them..."


   Li Yanan shook her body and suddenly fell to one side.


   Yang Fei has quick eyes and quick hands, and he held her back and shouted: "Sister Li! Sister Li!"


   Tang Wenjie was speechless.


   Yang Fei said, "Tang City, she fainted because she was worried and afraid of being overwhelmed."


Tang Wenjie snorted and said, "Everyone is ready to find people. Thank you for your hard work! Now the whole province is struggling to fight floods and disaster relief. There is a shortage of manpower everywhere, and the city cannot deploy more manpower. Everything can only be relied on. Everyone, please!"


   Yang Fei supported Li Yanan, while pinching her among the people, and said: "Tang City, our side, there should be enough manpower, now it is too dark and the rain is too big, which is not conducive to finding people."


   Tang Wenjie said: "In this way, I will mobilize two professional search and rescue teams from the city to help you rescue people."


   The intense search and rescue work is going on again.


   Li Yanan woke up leisurely, and saw that she was lying in Yang Fei's arms, her white face was blushing, she struggled to remember, but she was top-heavy and completely disobedient.


Yang Fei helped Li Yanan to come to a nearby house, let her sit on a chair, and instructed Su Yingying to fry the **** soup, feed it to Li Yanan, and said, "Sister Li, you will rest here. When I have news from Wangxian, I will inform you as soon as possible.


Li Yanan drank the **** soup, her body was much warmer, she pursed her lips, and said, "I will wait for him with you. Yong Ping used to tell fortunes when he was a child, and the fortune teller said that he was 80 years old and he could not be so early... …"


   Yang Fei coughed heavily.


   Li Yanan stopped her mouth, stretched out her hand, supported Yang Fei's arm to stand up, and said, "Thank you, Yang Fei, you saved me again."


   Yang Fei said: "Sister Li, don't say that, that's it. I will move a chair over, and you will sit and wait."


   Li Yanan said: "I'm weak, so you guys can watch a joke."


   Su Yingying smiled and said: "Sister Li, you are a cultural person, an artist, and you are not thicker than our rural people."


   Li Yanan couldn't laugh. She was worried about her husband, and insisted on coming to the waterside high ground, waiting anxiously for news.


   Under the command of Tang Wenjie, more than a dozen lifeboats and two professional search and rescue teams searched the water.


   At the same time, two convoys and several vehicles were driving along the road on both sides of the river, while using a tweeter to call Wang Yongping's name.


   One hour later, the rain is still so heavy.


   God seems to have been stabbed through a big hole, the rain is pouring down, and you can't stop.


   Everyone knows that the longer the time, the greater the chance that the missing person will be in danger.


   At the beginning, Yang Fei had to comfort Li Yanan and Qingqing's sister-in-law a few words, but later, he also had a solemn face and was speechless.


   No one spoke except the sound of rain like fried beans.


   Everyone looked anxiously and nervously at the rising water surface, with worries and prayers written on their faces.


   more than three in the morning, the darkest hour before dawn.


  The beautiful and rich Peach Blossom Village has never been so disappointing!


   Two old people who have lived here all their lives!


   Two boys who carry the future hope of Peach Blossom Village!


   There is also a head of a county who loves this land!


   and several lifeguards accompanying Wangxian!


   There are so many people who haven't settled yet!


   No one in life, no corpse in death!


   Yes, Taohua Village is not big!


   Where are so many people?


   only has one answer.


   But everyone is careful not to mention it.


   As long as no one is found, there is hope!


  The villagers in Taohua Village, no one can sleep, all of them stand by the water spontaneously, waiting for news.


Sister-in-law Qingqing was already crying too weak. She was supported by the two women. She only had the out of breath, not the out of breath. She only had two big round eyes, and she stared at the water with piercing eyes for a moment. Dare to relax, for fear that in the blink of an eye, the son who is alive and kicking will run past his eyes and will never be seen again.


   Li Yanan has a chair, but she did not sit. She held the umbrella tightly and stood in the crowd, waiting for her husband's return.


   After a long time of searching and searching, coupled with the fact that they have not rested and slept, the sturdy descendants are also exhausted.


   At four o'clock, the convoy searching along the river came back. They almost drove out of the city boundary and searched along the river twice, but no one was seen.


   is out of the city boundary, there is no need to find it anymore.


   All the search teams came back and stopped neatly by the water, waiting for the next round of orders.


Tang Wenjie carried his hands on his paced irritably a few steps, stopped abruptly, and said loudly: "I don't believe it, then you can't find them a few big living people? Prepare a boat for me, I will find it myself!"


   Li Yanan's faint voice came over: "Tang City, Yang Fei, don't look for it anymore, everyone is tired, let's rest! Let's talk about it at dawn."


   Tang Wenjie's expression was stagnant, and he glanced at Yang Fei.


   Yang Fei said: "Then listen to Sister Li, everyone rests for two hours, at six o'clock, we will search again at dawn!"


   Tang Wenjie waved his hand: "Let's rest! Thank you for your hard work."


   He added: "If we haven't found it, there is hope! As long as there is still hope, we will do our best!"


   It's okay if he doesn't say this. As soon as the voice fell, Qingqing sister-in-law and others cried again, the noise shook the sky.


   Li Yanan turned her head, tears, and slid down unconvincingly...

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