The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 834: The first mobile phone made in China

In a cafe outside the school.

Dim lights, soothing music, and green vines made of plastic crawled all over the ceiling and walls.

Yang Fei sat opposite Chen Ruoling. After listening to her, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

The one he has the least hope is Chen Ruoling, because Chen Shaohua also wants to make a mobile phone.

However, it happened that Chen Ruoling succeeded in helping him.

"What's the matter? Are you unhappy?" Chen Ruoling smiled pretty, "Don't want this license?"

"Of course I want." Yang Fei sighed, "Thank you."

He knows that with the Chen family's ability, it is estimated that only one license can be obtained, because too many ministries and enterprises want to obtain this license.

This license was given to Yang Fei, which meant that Chen Shaohua himself had no license.

"Your brother?" Yang Fei asked, "He doesn't make a mobile phone?"

"I forced him to give it to you. He loves me and dare not listen to me."


"Listen to me first. My brother said that he wants to buy shares and I will be a shareholder. He knew that I could not find a job after graduation, so he arranged a shareholder position for me. Do you think he is very good? ?"

"How many shares to buy?"

"Well, ten percent! You will give it to me if you have more, right?"

"Fortunately, you can." Yang Fei said with a smile, "You really know me."

"That's right! It doesn't have to be long to get along with a person. Some people, when they see it at first sight, they like it, they understand it, and they think about it forever."

Yang Fei gave a light cough and said, "That's fate."

Chen Ruoling said: "Yang Fei, I praised Haikou in front of my brother, saying that you want to create a national mobile phone brand comparable to Nokia. You can't let us down."

"Huh?" Yang Fei touched his nose, "While I am deeply honored, I also feel a lot of pressure!"

Chen Ruoling said: "The current domestic mobile phone market is almost entirely foreign brands! Over 90% of the market share is occupied by foreign mobile phones!"

Yang Fei said solemnly: "Yes, from 1987 to the present ten years, foreign brands have accounted for more than 90% of the Chinese market. Communication is a major issue related to national security. If we If we can’t grasp this lifeline tightly, our calls, information exchanges, and future electronic messages will all be monitored by foreigners. Think about it, this is really worrying."

Chen Ruoling said: "I think it is true to hear what you say. People nowadays rely more and more on mobile phones. They like to make calls instead of writing letters when they have to. If there is something in the mobile phone, The monitoring chip, that is really a terrible thing."

Yang Fei said: "The gratifying thing is that this situation finally caused the relevant departments to feel a sense of crisis. This year, the Ministry of Information Industry and the State Planning Commission issued "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Mobile Communication Industry", requiring that mobile phone production must obtain its License. The document also stipulates that 60% of the mobile phones produced by foreign companies in China must be sold to overseas markets. This is a kind of support for domestic mobile phones! The next few years must be the golden age of domestic mobile phones !"

When the two are together, there is always something to say, and they can always talk together.

Just like two identical frequencies, they resonate together.

They are like two poles of a magnet, attracting each other far away.

"Yang Fei, how long do you plan to produce mobile phones after the mobile phone license is issued?" Chen Ruoling asked.

"As soon as possible! There is no mobile phone that is truly domestically produced on the market. We must be the first person to eat crabs!"

"Really? That's great!" Chen Ruoling said happily, "The first mobile phone, let me use it, okay?"

"Okay!" Yang Fei said with a smile, "It's very memorable. You can also engrave your name on it and collect it."

At this time, the mobile phone license is the most scarce of all resources.

People who have never experienced that era don't know how difficult it is to get a license.

It's not something you can get if you have money and ability.

If you look at the first batch of manufacturers that got the license, you can see how hard their backstage is.

Due to policy protection and a huge, blank market, as long as you get a license, you have made money!

In this case, who doesn't want to enter the mobile phone production industry?

In order to obtain this license, Yang Fei tried his best to visit and intercede with those people he never wanted to deal with.

The first batch of domestic mobile phone manufacturers to obtain licenses-Kejian, Panda, Southern High-tech, Xiaxin, etc., have begun to force their way into the country, smashing the city from the hilltops of foreign brands.

The rise of domestic mobile phones is inseparable from two key words, one is license, and the other is OEM.

We have said before that most companies that have obtained mobile phone production licenses are OEMs.

Only a very small number of companies will choose to develop and produce on their own.

Yang Fei's path is of course the latter.

He wants to create his own brand!

And this brand is called "Aiduo!"

Love more!

love you more Everyday!

The brand of Aidu was played by Hu Zhibiao, but it was almost destroyed by him.

Fortunately, Yang Fei made a timely move and brought Hu Zhibiao and his trademark back from the end of the world!

Aiduo's brand influence is still there!

In fact, the CCTV Biaowang advertisement in 1998 was exactly Ai Duo!

Yang Fei kept on developing and producing the first mobile phone.

With the establishment of mobile phone networks, Yang Fei's mobile phone sales business in Huacheng has gradually expanded.

As long as a GSM network is set up in any city, Yang Fei will do business in the first place

In doing so, he is actually doing the layout of the early sales channels.

Yang Fei has long wanted to enter the mobile phone industry, but has been waiting for an opportunity.

And the issuance of the mobile phone production license in 1998 is the best opportunity he has been waiting for!

Fortunately, with the help of Chen Ruoling, he successfully obtained the rarest batch of licenses!

However, the results of making their own mobile phones were extremely tragic.

The difficulties are far more and more cruel than imagined.

In the later generations, it only cost tens of thousands of dollars to open a set of mobile phones, but in 1998, Yang Fei gave two million people, and no one was willing to do it.

The crude and incomplete industrial chain directly leads to the scarcity of mobile phone accessories, and the result is poor quality.

Foreign companies have implemented technology blockades, related technologies and machinery and equipment, no matter how much you pay, they won't sell them to you!

In desperation, Yang Fei had no choice but to use the kind of production line that sprayed paint on beer bottles or plastic bottles. As a result, the paint would fall off when he wiped it with his hands.

Everything starts from scratch, everything is crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Although there are some quality issues, this is a step that cannot be skipped.

Only by smashing to the end can you see the most beautiful rainbow.

A complete industrial chain requires the efforts and sacrifices of pioneers.

If Yang Fei wants to be the first person to eat crabs in China, he has to pay more.

Can he successfully produce the first domestic mobile phone?

Everyone is waiting to see!

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