The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 805: How can the wealthy people of the past generations be established?

Yang Fei smiled without saying a word.

Chen Ruoling continued to read the report and read: "The author immediately came to Linqu. There is a Qinchi Road here. Qinchi paid for the road and named it for repair. We interviewed the surrounding citizens randomly. According to the citizens' response, a winery led the way. There are many related industries in the surrounding area. Almost everyone in the surrounding area has work. They are too busy to make cartons, collect wine bottles, and do packaging. I used to supply cartons to Qinchi. At that time, the people around here were wrong. It should be that the entire county has followed suit."

She thought for a while and said, "Is it the same for your beautiful daily chemical factory?"


"Building roads has promoted the economic development of the entire county."

"Of course. There is nothing worse than it is."

"A company has such a big influence on the local area?"

"It can be said that, in terms of economic impact, the locals only know that there are companies, but they do not know that there are leaders."

"In other words, the status of the village official is not as high as you?"

"Ha ha."

"The status of the county magistrate is not as good as you?"

"I didn't say that."

"Economy is the foundation of national life and the basis for determining the superstructure. Countless history has proved that whoever holds the economic power has the right to speak."

Yang Fei said, "You only saw one side. The fact is that power comes out of the barrel of a gun. How many famous rich people in history do you remember? How many names go down in history?"

"You want to be beautiful, and you want to enjoy everything that wealth brings, and you want to go down in history?"

"Isn't that the right people? Who has never enjoyed being a prince and general? But they are still recorded in the annals of history."

"If you say that, then the businessman has no status? Then you are still in business?"

"I'm thinking that businessmen are not without status. At least, at the time, in the local area, the influence of wealthy businessmen was definitely not ordinary. Just like this Qin Chi, you dare to say that he has no influence? No status? But, a hundred years later, who still remembers Qin Chi?"

"So, what do you want to explain?" Chen Ruoling was very interested in understanding Yang Fei's mental state. She put her hands on the table, turned her head, and looked at Yang Fei like a little fan.

Yang Fei said: "I don't know, the history books were written by the victors. Why didn't the businessmen who clearly occupy a very important position in the society left too much pen and ink? Is there something unknown in the middle?"

Chen Ruoling said, "I think it's interesting to hear what you said. It aroused my interest in studying historical merchants and historiography."

Yang Fei said, "I'm waiting for you to answer, I'm serious."

Chen Ruoling smiled and said: "I just said casually, don't you really want me to get into the old paper pile to do research, right?"

Yang Fei said, "I'm really curious about what kind of role a businessman has played in history, and how should I position myself? Learning from history can help me avoid detours."

Seeing that he was serious, Chen Ruoling said: "People, it's just a good day to go, why care about your name?"

Yang Fei said, "I care, not the name behind me. I just want to know the position of businessmen in society. You are also curious, aren't you?"

Chen Ruoling said: "We now listen to stories, and we can also hear ancient squires who laid bridges and repaired roads, and helped the victims. This is also a good virtue, isn't it also known to the ancients? It may be our concern about this aspect of history. Not enough."

Yang Fei said, "No, there are quite a lot of records. I have studied it roughly. As far as I know, the word merchant originated in the Shang Dynasty and has a history of more than 3,000 years. Tao Zhugong is also in history. Fan Li, he became rich in business, and became famous in the world. Legend has it that after he succeeded in his career and retired, he had been in business three times and became a huge fortune, and his family fortune three times. Worshiped by merchants."

Chen Ruoling said: "This is really a legend. Whether it's fame or wealth, it's all at his fingertips. It's no wonder that a beauty like Xi Shi will have a story with him. It seems that beauty has loved money since ancient times! "

Yang Fei said, "There is also a well-known businessman who is a representative of Confucian merchants. His name is Duanmuci and his character is Zi Gong. He is a proud disciple of Confucius and is revered as the originator of Confucian merchants."

"Zigong, I know," Chen Ruoling became more and more interested. "Confucius traveled around the world. When he was poor, it was his disciple who helped him."

Yang Fei said: "During the Song Zhenzong period, the emperor made a man a Shang saint."

"Really? I have long heard that the Song Dynasty has developed commerce and its overall strength was very strong at the time. But I have never heard of such a number one person." Chen Ruoling said.

Yang Fei said: "This person is Bai Gui. He is the originator of the earliest business and financial management theory. He summarized the business theory in four words: wisdom, courage, benevolence, and strong. Jinzhishou’s financial management thoughts are valued and used for reference by later generations. Ancient merchants in my country regarded him as a Shang ancestor."

"So amazing?" Chen Ruoling said, "As a businessman, it's really amazing to be able to do this."

Yang Fei said: "There are also the stories of Lu Buwei and Shen Wansan, so many people know. In modern times, there are world-class merchant Wu Bingjian, red-top businessman Hu Xueyan, and Wang Chi, known as the king of money, and Sheng Xuanhuai, the father of industry, and Zhang Jian, the champion industrialist. And other representatives."

"I have heard of the other people you mentioned. Who is Wang Chi?" Chen Ruoling asked, "What about the king of paying the money? Why don't I know."

Yang Fei said: "Wang Chi established the'Southern Dianwangsi' horse caravan, specializing in the business of exchanging needs in various places. He and the Yunnan merchants in Chongqing jointly established the Tianshunxiang business, traded between Sichuan and Yunnan, and accumulated a lot of wealth. He opened The Tongqingfeng business name covers all provinces and Southeast Asia. Li Hongzhang, a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty, once called it: like the treasury of the Qing court. The British "Times" once counted the richest people in the world in a century and ranked fourth. The one is Wang Chi."

"So awesome?" Chen Ruoling said, "According to These people used to be prominent for a time, and they are much richer than the richest man now, but modern people know that they do not have much. There are fewer. The legends left are mostly stories of fighting the wealth, the story of being ruined by the emperor."

Yang Fei said, "So I have been thinking, how can we stand up for the rich?"

Chen Ruoling said: "What is it?"

Yang Fei said: "Speak up, stand up, stand up for life, stand on the world!"

A clear stream of light flashed in Chen Ruoling's eyes.

The boy in front of him, sitting here, is quiet like a handsome man, but his thoughts, his talents, and his thinking about this society are far beyond the reach of others.

What an attractive man this is!

It makes people blushing, but I can't help but want to take it for myself!

"Yang Fei, you haven't said yet. Why do you say that this is good news when you see the negative news about Qin Chi? Are you gloating?" Chen Ruoling asked him with a smile when she saw him looking over, with a calm expression on her face. It's not like peeking at him.

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