The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 1258: Real purpose

The Yanjin clan's decision to surrender and merge into the Huaxia Empire is a certainty, without any suspense.

Therefore, the Ministry of Heavenly Engineering was directly stationed in the territory of the Yanjin Clan, and the Ministry of Fire Engineering was subsequently called out by Lin Qian and came to the territory of the Yanjin Clan.

The Ministry of Heavenly Engineering and the Ministry of Fire Engineering were the top priorities in the Chinese Empire and the foundation of the entire empire.

After entering the territory of the Yanjin tribe, the two immediately went to war with their own work, and began to apply for naturalization registration to the Yanjin tribe.

When they issued the Heart Demon Oath and applied for their identity certificates, they would completely become a member of the Huaxia Empire, and as a Huaxia people, they would live in their homeland.

At the same time, the homeland under their feet will also undergo unique changes, and it will follow the past and be turned upside down.

Moreover, Yan Yifei and others first received Lin Qian's will, which was to hand over their blood and ordinary blood, and cooperate with the inspections of the Ministry of Natural Engineering and the Department of Medical Sciences to determine their physical condition and ethnic characteristics.

Only in this way can they study the direction of exercise and the study of exercises based on their ethnic characteristics.

The Ministry of Education also desperately needs the materials of the newly joined Yanjin tribe, because in the future, after they enroll in the school, they must have clear guidelines for their learning direction.

Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is a philosophy maintained by the Ministry of Education in accordance with Lin Qian's will.

In inter-communication places, many races learn together, and the special places of each race will be taught according to different characteristics.

Just like the Yanjin tribe, their racial characteristics can be studied with the Explosive Flame and Lava tribe in many places.

The main star of the Yanjin tribe is changing rapidly. After the Huaxia Boundary Array is arranged, every member of the Yanjin tribe can clearly feel that the richness of aura between heaven and earth is rapidly increasing.

Especially the human race living in the main star of the Yanjin tribe, they can also feel that they can easily absorb the aura between heaven and earth.

In the past, the aura between heaven and earth was too hot, but now, although it still maintains the original hot aura.

But when they were cultivating, there was an invisible force that helped them temper the spiritual energy of the world, making it more gentle and suitable for their cultivation.

Of course, this bizarre experience originated from the Huaxia Realm.

After the huge Soul Vision machine was erected, the various contents that began to play in it were dazzling.

Even though it was Yan Yifei, who had lived for so many years, he was full of joy and reluctant to leave.

In the end, he will be wisely defeated. He understands that there are still many things that need to be dealt with by the head of his clan, and he should not be addicted to them.

Regarding the transformation of the main star of the Yanjin clan, the Huaxia Empire has already carried out it many times. It can be said that it is easy to learn and fast.

It echoed the framework of the basic model of many territories of the Huaxia Empire, and the assumption was completed in just one year.

The Huaxia Empire was rich in wealth and strength, and with the large number of people summoned by Lin Qian, it was naturally fast.

On the other hand, with the main star of the Yanjin clan as the center, the personnel of the Huaxia Empire are also rapidly spreading, striving to completely transform the Yanjin clan into the shape of the Huaxia Empire in the shortest time.

The creatures on the main star can clearly feel the changes around them, almost every day, changing with each passing day, and very novel.

Their daily tasks are not only to help transform their homes, but also to learn.

Learn how to survive in the Chinese Empire, and it is active learning.

Because they found that the living conditions in the Huaxia Empire were really good.

Yan Yifei was even more stunned, because the exercises in his hands made him crazy.

The degree of mystery of this kind of exercise is simply incredible, he knows that once he cultivates, his strength will change drastically.

Like that Yang Lianxin, although it will not be as easy as Wei Ziliang, it is easy to solve.

I am absolutely unable to do all this now.

The more he understood the Chinese Empire controlled by Lin Qian, Yan Yifei became more frightened.

Because he knew that once the Huaxia Empire was allowed to develop, it would become an extremely terrifying behemoth.

It is not a problem to achieve Lin Qian's goal of hitting the immortal realm.

What really shocked Yan Yifei was that the Huaxia Empire actually had a teleportation array, and it was actually built.

At this moment, Yan Yifei was standing behind the Palace of Flames. This was his bedroom, with strong defense capabilities.

Therefore, the Teleportation Hall was built within the scope of the Flame Palace.

Looking at the three-story white jade high platform in front of him, and the spatial fluctuations that diffused from it, he was excited and beyond words.

"Try it?" Seeing Yan Yifei's excited look, Lin Qian motioned.

Hearing this, Yan Yifei was very excited, his eyes widened, and some unbelievable delusions about the other party: "Really, you can use it now?"

Lin Qian nodded, of course: "Of course it can be used, otherwise what is it for?"

Afterwards, Lin Qian directly opened the teleportation formation with his own hands, forming the Emperor Star Road.

At the other end, there is the teleportation array of Qing Xuanxing in the kingdom of the kingdom. After walking out of the star road, Yan Yifei found that it was already another star.

Especially when he knew that this was the border of the kingdom of the west, he took a breath.

"It's not a problem to send it directly to Nan Doutian." Seeing Yan Yifei's excited and excited expression like a child, Lin Qian said lightly, "It's just for you to feel it, and there is no need to waste so many soul crystals. Turn on Teleportation array."

After speaking, Lin Qian turned around and walked into the star road, returning to the main star of the Yanjin clan.

Yan Yifei, who returned to the main star, was emotionally excited: "For such a long distance, with the help of this teleportation array, it's just tea time, it's so convenient."

"Not only that, after the scale and intensity of the teleportation array is increased, it consumes more soul crystals at one time, which can shorten the distance between the stars and teleport faster. It is not impossible to even move from Beixuantian to Nandoutian in a flash."

"It's just that, unless time is particularly critical, there is no need to waste so many resources."

As Lin Qian said, Yan Yifei kept looking at the three-story white jade terrace behind him, reluctant to leave, and gently stroked with his hand, as if he had seen his beloved toy.

Seeing Yan Yifei's unpromising appearance, Lin Qian was only amused: "This is not a rare thing, just like the Nether Clan, it is not without the ability to build a teleportation array."

"During this time, I was just busy with your family's affairs, and I almost forgot the Yanjin Seal." Lin Qian, who suddenly remembered the importance of the matter, looked at the other party suddenly, "That thing should be Yang Lianxin coveting Yanjin. The key to the position of the clan leader is also the real purpose."

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