Arms around his neck and lifted his body in his direction.

Looking up, his face slowly leaned toward him, stopped at his ear, the red lips were slightly involved, and a smile, dazzling under the light, "The future, then you can judge!"

The warm breath lingers in the ear of Qing Muchen, warm, like a touch of the softest wind, swaying the nerves of Qing Muchen, making his body stiff.

Moxier’s answer obviously made him unexpected.

Last night, she was so bold that she did not do it and gave it to her. She first subverted her understanding of her.

Before I was so bold, I really felt like a pure little girl when I really had something to happen. I just made him think that she was clean and pure without any pollution. Now she is so bold and talking to him. These words.

Every time Moxier’s reaction, every dialogue, seems to make Qing Muchen very surprised.

She is like a veiled painting, what is the concrete appearance of the cockroach, how can it be unpredictable.

This way, she suddenly stirred up the idea that Qing Muchen wanted to challenge.

He stared at her for a while, and his lips were hooked.

"Don't use it, I can feel it tonight!" Speaking low and low, his lips kissed her again!

Moxier did not push, did not refuse, did not do any resistance, at first he was allowed to do whatever he wanted.

She does not reject and do things with Qing Muchen, although the verbal performance is always abandoning, but the feeling of the heart, she can not deceive herself.

Married, ********** was originally a very common thing.

Can't hide, why can't you enjoy it?

A whole night of indulgence.

The two actually came to Sicily for two or three days, but it didn't take long. But the next day, Qing Muchen didn't know who was on the phone. After Moxier woke up, he was already packing up.

He seems to have something to rush back to China. When she saw her waking up, he yelled at her and said, "Wake up! Breakfast is ready. We will go directly to the airport after we have resolved."

In two sentences, I did not explain to Moxier that I was eager to return to China for what I did, and I continued to go on my own.

The two were not normal couples. Moxier didn't expect him to tell her everything honestly. He didn't ask much anything. He put a piece of clothes out of bed and quietly sorted out his own things.

Qing Muchen saw her words quite a bit last night, but in normal times, she is really not a jealous person.

She has nothing to do with her, she never asks more, and he will not be in charge of his affairs.

This is what men really like.

Qing Muchen sometimes feels that if the expression on Moxier's face can be more lovely, and then gentle, she will be a very suitable wife.

Moxier knows that he can think so much when he stares at himself. After he has collected the things, he will go downstairs.

Qing Muchen did not make too many stops in the villa. She took her directly to the airport after going downstairs.

Arrived in the city of C on the evening of the same day, picking up the phone is Tong Yan.

Tong Yan has been very pleasing to the eyes of Moxier. She has not seen it for a few days and saw her extra enthusiasm. "Xi, you are back!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she greeted Moxier directly, and she ignored the squad.

It seems that Moxier is like a pro.

Qing Muchen was speechless at the side.

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