The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2846: Sweet Little World (4)

Moxier went downhill for at least twenty minutes before Qing Muchen.

If you take things, it is time to go to Moh.

Qing Muchen stood outside the gate of Moh, and his eyes were empty in the dark night. He was thinking about it for a while, and drove to the nearby supermarket.

The purpose of Moxier’s coming down the mountain is that he is definitely going to set up things.

Qing Muchen drove the car and slowly searched the nearby supermarkets. Even one family went in and looked for it. However, there is still no shadow of Moxier.

Qing Muchen was sitting in the car, his eyes were empty in front of the night, and the five fingers pressed the steering wheel very tightly.

Thinking of the casualness of Moxier’s greetings just down the mountain, he would like to ignore her.

Sicily is where she grew up. From every corner of the place, she knows how many times she is familiar.

Her identity is also special, not only in Sicily, but even in Italy, who dares to move her hair?

Qing Muchen thinks that someone like her, even if she has not seen it, has no need to look for it.

Driving the car, I want to go back to the mountain villa on the way, but when the car drove to the mountain junction, it suddenly stopped.

Raise your arm and look at the watch at 12 o'clock in the morning.

A woman who looks like she may be guilty at any time, is still outside in the middle of the night!

Qing Muchen also said that he didn't know what it was like in his heart. Thinking about it, the throttle couldn't step on it.

Stopped at the mountain pass for a while, tried to call her several times, did not get through, he dropped the car, or rushed into the night.

I searched the nearby supermarket again and found no one. His car went to the mountains instead.

It’s been a long time since he’s been down the mountain, and Qing Muchen’s guess is that she may have gone back.

Increase the speed of the car, all the way back to the mountains, however, the villa is still cold and clear.

she is not here!

Even the iron gate of the villa maintained the appearance of his departure.

She doesn't seem to have come back!

"Stupid woman!" Qing Muchen pushed open the door of the villa and walked in, while he was screaming at the garden.

The whole villa was so quiet that there was only the sound of the mountains and the water, she was not there.

"Stupid woman!" Qing Muchen strode into the main house and tried to call again.

In the room, there is still no sound of Moxier.

"Moxier!" Qing Muchen raised a bit of volume.

The villa was very quiet, so quiet that even his echoes could be heard.

The voice of Moxier still did not come.

The footsteps of Qing Muchen’s walking stopped, and the coveted thought for a moment, and the heart suddenly tightened.

problem occurs?

Although Moxier is not willing to marry, he has already taken the initiative to return to the Mohist school. Qing Muchen will not associate her disappearance with her escape.

No one dares to move her in Sicily, and he doesn't need to worry about who she might be.

However, the road to the mountain is too rugged, deep forests, walking alone, not safe!

Qing Muchen does not care about her safety. A wife who marries without any emotional foundation is not worthy of his concern.

However, thinking of her possible danger, his heart was still upset.

Sitting back in the car, his eyes were empty in the dark night, and the fingertips hit the steering wheel. He thought about it for a while, and chose a road at random, driving in the mountains to find her.

"Moxier -"

The mountain is very quiet, quiet only the sound of birds and beasts, and his echo.

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