The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2775: Will definitely marry her

Qing Muchen’s lips were cold and cold, and she was lifted away from her without expression. She didn’t even look at her, and she went outside her room.

His back is very cold, like a layer of frost, contrary to the previous enthusiasm.

It seems that just he is just an illusion of her.

He seems to be a little angry, his footsteps are screaming, and after returning to his room, the voice of the door is still very loud.

The door slammed against the wall and hit the sound of the wall, and the West could hear it in the bathroom.

The room in Sicily calmed down a lot after he left. The backhand put the door on the bathroom. After he left, Sicily returned to the bathtub and took a bath for a long time. He flushed all the places he had just kissed. A few times, the skin was quickly smashed by her.

She seemed to be disgusted with all the marks he left, and even washed her teeth several times.

Dirty! Dirty!

It’s the same for someone who only knows her for a few days. I don’t know how to entangle with a few other women!

Now in the West, think of the murder of the murder!

On the first day of the villa, two people slept separately for one night.

Xixi thought that the next day, Qing Muchen would take her away. Who knows, when he woke up, he was gone in the villa.

Only Tong Yan is in, it seems to come over the door.

When she saw her waking up, she smiled and greeted her, "Wake up!"

"Miss!" Cassie politely greeted her.

"Call my name just fine, yes, my brother may stay here for a few days, did he talk to you?" Tong Yan said.

A glimpse of the West, when I walked down the last step of the stairs, my footsteps almost lingered.

"Does he stay here for a while?" Raised his face, she was somewhat skeptical that she had not heard it.

"Yeah, Mu Chen did not tell you?" Tong Yan was a little surprised.

"No." Xixi returned to God and suddenly thought of something in the refrigerator yesterday.

I have prepared so many ingredients, just to stay here and plan?

"This way!" Tong Yan smiled. "It is not too late to know."

Xixi did not say anything, but in his heart, he secretly confessed to Qing Muchen.

Did he deliberately bring her over to serve him for the past few days?

Tong Yan did not know where to go today, and did not leave after coming to the villa of Qing Muchen.

She seems to be hiding from her, her eyes will look outside the villa from time to time.

Sicily is a very intelligent person. Just look at her eyes and she can guess it.

Shi Yanyang is also on the island these two days, is it hiding from him?

Just why do you want to hide?

During the daytime, Tong Yan spent time with the West in the villa.

In the evening, Qing Muchen came back before leaving.

This was the last time after Sisi, who saw him.

Standing on the stairs, watching him come back suddenly, she seems to be stunned, her face slightly awkward.

However, it quickly settled down.

From the beginning to the end, Qing Muchen seems to have had nothing happened last night. After entering the house, he went straight to the restaurant.

"Today's dinner, I want Italian, vanilla lamb chops, sautéed vegetables, lasagna." Like a five-star superior hotel, he ordered a meal directly after he sat down.

Sicily had never done a kitchen job with her hands, and cooking was not flattering.

If she chooses what she has done, she may not be able to get it, let alone let him know.

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