The Original Vampire

144 Broken Army (Part 1)

Chapter 144 Broken Army (Part 1)

“It’s gone? What is gone? Did you just report that he has locked his trace?”

In the temporary command office of the Tianma Corps, Marquis of Churu Vincent shouted towards the presence of the presence.

“It’s lock just now … But now … again … I can’t find it again …”

“Waste! Continue to find me! You want to see someone, see the corpse! Collin Angle is so living, can you still fly?”


After the order of the officer hurriedly left, Marquis Vincent took the water cup, just took a sip, but was scalded.

“Who prepared the tea? Do you want to burn me!”

A man next to him kneeling on the ground tremblingly, and couldn’t help mercy.


The sword light flashed, and the poor guy’s head was cut off by Marquis of Vincent.

Looking at the blood flowing on the ground, the anger of the Marquis of Vincent finally vented.

After putting away the long sword, Marquis returned to the military map again, silent.

Naturally, the attendants and the remaining officers in the command station did not dare to come out, for fear of being angry by marquis.

Before the start of this battle, Marquis Wenson could be said to be a bamboo.

But when more and more semi -elf, instead of the Black Army rushed down from the thorns, Master Marquo’s temper became irritable.

Everyone starts to turn around a idea -won’t be played by the northern people, right?

I don’t know how long it has been, and the sound of shouting outside gradually calmed down.

An East Cavaliers stepped into the command post and reported: “Master Marquis, the battle has ended, this time our army won a great victory. More than 3,000 burnt bodies were also found on the mountain of Thorns … ”

“Are all semi -elf?”

“Yes, it’s all semi -elf. If human beings, there are only a hundred people. When they look at the equipment, they should be the Black Army. When they are trying to rush out of the encirclement, they have been killed by our army.”

“What about Collin Angle?”

“have not Get it yet……”

Jill Vincent didn’t speak, and the camp was once again fell into a difficult silence.

It stands to reason that the battle of Thornshan is indeed “a great victory” in the east, but now no one dares to show the joy that the winner should have.

For a long time, Marquis Wenson finally spoke again, and there was no ambition before the war in the tone:

“So, are we being deceived? The Black Army, but the Half Elf Army hidden in the mountain?”


“Where is the real black army now?” Marquis Woodson murmured to himself.

A officer whispered: “Adults, will the Black Army hide in Yinyue City?”

“Yinyue City?”

Jon Jon suddenly changed his face suddenly, and he shouted in a hurry:

“Hurry up! Go to the notification of Oston and let him leisure the army immediately!”


“Master Orton, Her Majesty, Her Majesty invited you and Marquis of Marquis in the city to rest.”

“Does your Queen Her Majesty go out of the city to meet Lord Marquis? Is this a bit rude?”

Half Elf Messenger suffered slightly, and then explained with a smile: “Master Viscount, His Majesty the Queen is not in good health today, so he can’t go out. I hope you can understand it.”

Viscount Oston sneered: “Then let the Viscount Anglile come out to welcome.”

“This … how can we be eligible to ask what to do with Angele Ervisa …”

“Huh! You go back and tell Angle Viscount, I just waited for him outside the city until noon. If it was noon, he had not led Vera out of the city to welcome the Marquis of Vincent, so don’t blame me into Yinyue City Go, catch him with Vera! ”

The Elf Messenger widened his eyes, apparently, it was unexpected that the Vacus of Oston suddenly turned his face.

“Master Viscount … Why are you?”

The Viscount Auston waved impatiently and scolded: “Okay, I’m too lazy to say more to you. Now you will return to the city immediately and bring my words to Aug Line.

His Majesty also warned the Queen that it was best to see the current situation, don’t let this beautiful garden urban become ruined. ”

The Elven Messenger looked at the frosty Auston Auston, and suddenly sweated and rushed away.

Looking at the other person’s embarrassing back, Viscount Auston snorted disdainful, ordering: “Pass our military order, ready to siege!”


With a order, the soldiers of the 40,000 Sky Malaysia Army immediately acted, and soon surrounded Yinyue City to leak.

Generally speaking, the siege war pays attention to “surrounding three 阙 一”, but the Viscount Oston directly surrounds the Silver Moon City on all sides.

This is undoubtedly a contempt.

From the perspective of the east people, even if the army of the Elf Kingdom is forced to go on the way, there will be no threats.

The only threat to the Tianma Corps was the only black rider forces.

Thinking of this, Auston Vorient looked back at the southwestern direction of Yinyue City, where it really rose to smoke.

With a smile, Auston’s ordered to obey: “Prepare me for lunch. The fall of a garden city is the best meal show.”


Time passed a little bit, and there was no news from Yinyue City.

As if Queen Aisha and Angle Viscount have been determined to stay to the end.

When the sun is hanging in the middle of the sky, the Viscount Oston came to the small dining table arranged on the position and sat down. He tied the napkin elegantly in front of the chest, picked up the knife and fork, cut a piece of beef, and ordered it to order. road:



Along with the sound of Liang Liang, the east soldiers began to attack Yinyue City.

They carried the siege beeper, carried climbing wooden ladders, and rushed to the four gates with a healthy movement.

But what puzzled them was that the expected arrow rain never came.

Many East people have begun to laugh at themselves -those semi -elf will not be scared?

At this moment, the four gates of Yinyue City suddenly opened at the same time.

The east soldiers slowed down a little bit, thinking, did they finally want to understand, ready to surrender?

The Viscount Oston also saw the openness of Yinyue City, which was open from a distance, and the beef just delivered to his mouth also stopped.

“It’s too late to surrender now, make the whole army, and continue to attack.”


Viscount Auston is determined to give a lesson to the semi -elf.

Moreover, his lunch needs a meal show.

After all, I have started to install ×, and naturally I have to install it to the end.

Even if the opponent does not want to cooperate, the Viscount Oston will never agree.

But then, the earth suddenly started to tremble.

The rumbling horseshoe suddenly built the horn of the Horse Army Corps and became the only main sound on the battlefield.

“Master Viscount, it is estimated that the surrender team of the semi -elf came out.” Xi Cong said with a smile.

But the Viscount Orton did not laugh.

His face became pale instantly.

How can the surrender team have such power?

This is clearly a cavalry army!

Sure enough, the next second, he saw the dark cavalry team, such as the arrows rushed out of the open city gate.

With the autumn wind sweeping the trend of fallen leaves, we will go to the East Siege of Yinyue City in the future!

(This chapter is finished)

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