The last is the hell of solitude.

The solitary hell is different from the eight cold and eight hot hells that have a fixed place, but with each person's different karma, the lonely is in the void or in the mountains. It is to make oneself alone and suffer from the situation of hell.

The place of solitude and hell is uncertain, and the pain is uncertain.

Some are crushed in cliffs, some are trapped in rocks, some are frozen in ice, some are boiled in boiling springs, some are burned in fire, or some are burned in fire......

Or they hide in a tree, and when the tree is cut off, its limbs and bones are also cut off in sections, and they suffer great suffering.

Some were reincarnated into the color realm of pestle mortars, brooms, clay pots, doors, pillars, stove stones, ropes, etc.

, which are used daily, and were forced to be squeezed and tored.

Some are born and die once a day, some are born and die a hundred times a day, or even countless times a day, and suffer the pain of life and death for a long time.


Houtu looked at the Eight Cold Hells, the Eight Hot Hells, the Near Hells, and the Lonely Hells, and felt a little unbearable in his heart.

If you want to use great mana to seal, you will be stopped by the Xuanhuang people.

The state has national laws, and the family has family rules.

The way of heaven has the rules of the way of heaven.

Since such a terrifying hell has been derived, it must be useful.

The Xuanhuang people come from the future.

I've seen too many vicious people.

For example, cannibalism, for example, aggression.

These people should all go to such a hell and perish forever.

Stopped by the Xuanzodiac, Houtu did not move.

"But these hells are too cruel, so the eighteen hells come out", Xuanhuang took out a spiritual treasure.

Exactly the Eighteen Hells.

Eighteen floors, which contain all kinds of things that can be derived continuously.

If one person is in hell, one will give rise to one, ten people will suffer in hell, ten sets will be born, and a hundred people will be born.

So, don't worry about the queues.

Come one and derive one.

Eighteen floors, eighteen layers of torture instruments and small worlds.

With the movements of the Xuanhuang people, the eighteen hells merged into the underworld.

Transform into a real small world.

The first layer is the hell of tongue pulling.

All those who are alive sow discord, slander and harm others, have a smooth tongue, distinguish each other skillfully, and lie and deceive others. After death, he was sent to the hell of pulling out his tongue, and the little ghost broke open the mouth of the person, clamped the tongue with iron tongs, and pulled it out alive, not at once, but elongated, and slowly pulled...... Rear into scissors hell, iron tree hell.

The second layer, Scissors Hell.

In the sun, if a woman's husband dies prematurely and she is widowed, if you instigate her to remarry or match her up, then you will be sent to a hell of scissors and ten of your fingers will be cut off!

The third layer, the Iron Tree Hell.

Whoever separates his flesh and blood while alive, and instigates discord between father and son, brother, sister, and wife, will go to the Iron Tree Hell after death. The trees are all sharp, picked under the skin from the back, and hung on the iron tree. After that, you will go to the hell of tongue pulling, the hell of steamer.

The fourth layer, the Mirror Hell.

If he commits a crime in the Yang world, if he does not express his true feelings, or if he goes through the door and dots the sea up and down, even if he escapes punishment, he will die in his life, right? Then they went to different hells to suffer.

The fifth layer, the steamer hell.

On weekdays, the parents are short-lived, and they are false, framed, and slandered others, and after the death of such people, they are sent to the steamer hell and put into the steamer to steam. Not only that, but after steaming, the cold wind blows, reshaping the human body, and bringing it to the hell of tongue pulling.

The sixth layer, the Bronze Pillar Hell.

Those who maliciously set fire to the fire or to destroy the evidence of the crime, take revenge, and set fire to the dead, and go to the bronze pillar hell after death. The imps pick your clothes, let you hold a copper pillar tube with a diameter of one meter and a height of two meters, burn charcoal fire in the tube, and keep fanning the wind, and soon the copper pillar tube will be red.

The seventh layer, Knife Mountain Hell.

Those who blaspheme the gods and kill animals, because the yin is different from the yang world, where there is no distinction between high and low, cows, horses, cats, dogs, and people, and those who come are collectively called living beings. Those who commit one of the above two sins will be sent to the Sword Mountain Hell after death, and they will be made to climb the Sword Mountain...... Depending on the severity of his sins, he may be "resident" on the knife mountain.

The eighth layer, iceberg hell

All wicked women who murder their husbands and maliciously have abortions will be sent to the iceberg hell after death, and they will go to the iceberg. In addition, there are gambling habits, people who do not honor their parents, and who are unkind and unjust, which makes them iceberg.

The ninth layer, the oil pot hell

Thieves rob, bully the weak, abduct women and children, falsely accuse and slander others, seek to occupy other people's property, and those who have wives and families are sent to hell after death, stripped naked and thrown into hot oil pans and fried.

The tenth layer, the Bull Pit Hell

This is a hell of redress for brutes. All living people kill animals at will, basing your happiness on their suffering. So good, go to the hell of the bull pit after death. Thrown into the pit, several bison attacked, the horns were topped, and the hooves of the cow were trampled

The eleventh layer, Stone Pressed Hell

If a living person gives birth to a baby, for whatever reason, such as the baby is born stupid or disabled, or because of the preference for sons, the baby is drowned and abandoned. Such a person dies and is sent to a stone-crushed hell.

It is a large square stone pond (trough), on which a boulder of the same size is hung with a rope, and a person is put into the pool, and the rope is cut with an axe......

The twelfth layer, the Shojiu Hell

If you waste food and trample on grains, you will be sent to the hell of the mortar after you die, and you will be put into the mortar to be killed.

The thirteenth layer, the blood pool hell

Anyone who does not respect others, does not honor his parents, is not upright, and who is crooked will be sent to hell after death.

The fourteenth layer, hell in vain

Suicide, such as cutting the pulse to death, taking poison, hanging and others, angered the Lord of Yama, and was sent to death prison after death.

The fifteenth layer, the hell of punishment

It's rare now, but it's a great sin. That is, those who dig graves will be sent to hell and punished after death.

The sixteenth floor, Volcanic Hell

Those who harm public and private interests, give and accept bribes, steal chickens and dogs, rob money, and set fires will be sent to volcanic hell after death. Driven into a volcano and burned alive without dying. In addition, there are monks and Taoist priests who break the precepts. He was also driven into the volcano.

The seventeenth floor, Stone Grinding Hell

Those who trample on grains, thieves, corrupt officials, and oppress the people will be sent to the stone mill hell after death. Grind into a meat sauce. In addition, there are monks who eat meat, and Taoist priests are like this.

The eighteenth floor, the hell of the knife saw

Cutting corners, deceiving superiors and subordinates, abducting women and children, buying and selling unjust people, will be sent to the hell of knives and saws after death. The clothes of the visitors were stripped naked, tied in a "large" shape to four wooden stakes, starting from the crotch to the head, and sawed to death.

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