Senju Tobirama has been fighting against the Uchiha clan all his life.

When he was young, he witnessed his younger brother Senju Itama being killed by five adult ninjas of the Uchiha clan. His hatred for Uchiha took root in his heart.

In that chaotic Warring States period, his elder brother Hashirama led the Senju clan and fought countless battles with Uchiha. Tobirama, as a sharp sword of the Senju, was always active at the forefront of the battlefield.

The fastest legend in the ninja world.

This title that made Tobirama famous in the ninja world was earned by using the flying thunder god technique he developed to shuttle across the battlefield and kill a large number of Uchiha elite ninjas.

But it's not enough.

In order for the Senju clan to win the war, Tobirama was like a patient hunter who finally got that chance.

In the battle with Madara's younger brother, Izuna, he deliberately exposed his flaws and used the Flying Thunder God Slash to kill Izuna at the moment when the opponent thought he had succeeded.

This victory changed the situation where the Senju and Uchiha were evenly matched and it was difficult to tell the difference. The war soon became one-sided and eventually led to the Uchiha's defeat.

It can be said.

In the war between Senju and Uchiha, Senju Tobirama played the most important role.

Later, with the reconciliation between Madara and Hashirama, Uchiha also joined forces with Senju to create the first ninja village in the ninja world - Konoha.

It seems that the dispute between Senju and Uchiha is completely over.

However, Tobirama never relaxed his vigilance towards Uchiha.


He opposed Madara becoming Hokage, causing the latter to leave Konoha in anger.

After the death of the first generation, Tobirama ascended to the position of second generation and created a dog leash tailor-made for the Uchiha clan - the Konoha Police Department, which closely monitors Uchiha's every move.

The reason why the second-generation Hokage of Konoha is so hostile to Uchiha is because he clearly realized the danger of the Sharingan during his long fight with him.

Tobirama conducted numerous taboo studies throughout his life, including conducting human experiments on the Uchiha clan, which allowed him to discover the secret of the Sharingan.

These eyes were the scarlet eyes produced by the intense pain in the heart of the Uchiha clan after they lost someone they cherished.

The deeper the love, the more painful the loss will be. When the Sharingan awakens, extreme and strong hatred will replace the original love.

Then, those who open their eyes will be swallowed up by darkness and fall into evil ways. The stronger the darkness in their hearts, the stronger their eyesight, and the more paranoid and extreme their character will be.

Uchiha Madara is the most typical example.

at last.

Senju Tobirama came to the conclusion that the Uchiha were an inherently evil people, and deep down they were just a bunch of lunatics and lunatics.

But now.

In just eight years, this group of lunatics brought the declining Konoha back to life, undergoing earth-shaking changes and creating a peaceful and prosperous age.

Tobirama, tell me... how did those Uchiha guys do it? The first generation scratched his head and looked at the second generation.

The second generation thought for a moment and then slowly spoke:

Using strong force as the basis for establishing oneself, voluntarily abandoning the one-country-one-village system and raising the banner of permanent neutrality, and then implementing a policy of peace and openness, attracting talents and resources from all the ninja world to Konoha, and ultimately turning Konoha into a Immigrate to the Ninja Village and reinterpret the meaning of the Will of Fire...

These were all proposed by the Sixth Hokage named Uchiha Dan.

I have always been worried that a second Madara will appear in the Uchiha clan. Now it seems that although Dan is as powerful as Madara back then, he is not the same person as the latter.

This can be considered a blessing for Uchiha and a blessing for Konoha.

Even the second generation who has always been prejudiced against Uchiha has to admit that the sixth generation Uchiha Dan is a very good Hokage.

Having said that, I really want to see that person and see what he looks like in person.

The first generation touched his chin, looking curious.

When the second generation heard this, he immediately raised his eyes and spoke to put an end to the first generation's dangerous thoughts:

Brother, don't forget that Uchiha Dan has awakened the legendary Sage Eyes. We are now bodies of filthy earth. Once we get close to him, we will probably be seen through. Before we find out the strength of this sixth generation, we should be careful. Better.

Well, I was impulsive.

The first generation smiled and gave up the idea, and then talked about his little granddaughter, I wonder what Tsunade is doing now and whether she is living well. I heard from Monkey that she has been living alone for so many years and has not started a family. Why? Well, I just hope she won’t catch my bad habits. Gambling and drinking are both very harmful.”

As he spoke, a worried look appeared on his face.

Listening to the first generation's babble, the second generation couldn't help but shook his head and complained unceremoniously:

Who taught her gambling and drinking in the first place, and now she regrets it? Don't stand here. Since we finally returned to the ninja world, let's take this opportunity to meet Tsunade.

After saying that, he took the lead and walked down the hillside.

Tobirama, wait for me. Shodai shouted quickly and chased after him.

When you enter Konoha Village later, don't call me Tobirama. Also, put on this raincoat.

The second generation warned the simple-minded first generation, and then took out two sets of black raincoats from nowhere to cover their faces and bodies.

Otherwise, if they don't put on any disguise and walk struttingly on the streets of Konoha, they may soon be surrounded by a flood of Konoha villagers.

after all.

As the first and second generation of Konoha, their head sculptures have been hung on Hokage Rock for decades, and they are still... somewhat famous in the village.

It just so happens that the weather is good and it rains, so wearing a raincoat is a good disguise.

Half an hour later.

Central Commercial Street, we have arrived. Passengers please bring your belongings and get off the bus in an orderly manner.

As the clear and melodious tram station announcement sounded, the carriage door slowly opened, and a large number of tourists poured out.

Two men in raincoats also got out of the car with the crowd and walked on the busiest commercial street in Konoha.

I was on the tram just now.

Through the gossips of passengers, the free Konoha Daily News in the carriage, and the rolling TV news, the more information the first and second generations received, the more surprised they became.

In addition, through this tourist line, they also saw a colorful wooden leaf along the way, which was dazzling.


Only by entering Konoha in person, walking among the high-rise buildings, and being surrounded by the noisy crowds can you feel the prosperity and excitement of this village.

Trams, airships, televisions, mobile phones, radio stations...

This kind of electrified modern lifestyle was completely unimaginable in the era of the first and second generations.

Just now.

The two went to Konoha Hospital, but found out that Tsunade was on vacation and had not come to work for a week.

So where to find her?

There are more than three million people in the huge Konoha Village. Looking for someone in the vast sea of ​​people... is actually easy, just make a phone call.

However, the first and second generations neither have Tsunade's phone number nor can they use a mobile phone.

Seeing a girl on the roadside using her mobile phone skillfully and inviting her companions to go shopping, the first generation couldn't help but sigh with sincerity:

I have to admit that we old antiques can no longer keep up with this era.

Hearing this, the second generation patted the first generation on the shoulder and comforted:

Don't be discouraged, brother. Don't forget that we are ninjas. If a ninja wants to find someone, he must use ninja methods.


The two of them avoided the surging crowd and came to a relatively secluded street corner.

Perception is an ability of the ninja. Through the induction of chakra, maps and coordinates are formed in the mind, so as to grasp the location and movements of friendly forces or enemies.

However, ninjas with the gift of perception are quite rare in every ninja village, and their number is even smaller than medical ninjas.

The number of top sentient ninjas like Senju Tobirama in the entire history of the ninja world does not exceed five fingers.

He closed his eyes, squatted down on the spot, then touched the bottom with one finger, and slowly expanded his senses.

All of a sudden.

Thousands of chakra fluctuations, like burning candles, appeared in the second generation's mind.

The colors of these candles and the intensity of burning are different. The former represents the chakra attribute of the ninja, while the latter represents the amount of chakra of the ninja.

simply put.

The brighter the color and the higher the flame of the candle, the more powerful the corresponding ninja is.

It is said that Konoha today has gathered talents from all the ninja world, and it seems to be true now. There are so many strong people, more than an order of magnitude more than in our time.

The second generation closed his eyes and sighed, and at the same time he was glad that the two brothers chose to be careful when they returned to the village this time.

Have you found Tsunade?

The first generation urged nervously.

Don't worry...I found it.

The second generation quickly discovered the target, then opened his eyes and stood up.

Among the tens of thousands of chakras in Konoha, there is a special chakra, pure and huge, as dazzling as the white sun, and the second generation feels very familiar.

That is the Yang escape chakra of the Senju clan.

Yes, definitely Tsunade.

But... Tsunade's location seems to be in the direction of the Uchiha clan.

The second generation frowned.

He had heard from the monkey before that Tsunade was very close to the Uchiha clan. She had joined the Uchiha camp early and had a close relationship with them.

This made him, a grandfather, a little unhappy.

In contrast, the first generation didn't think so much and urged: Then let's go quickly.

So the two bought tickets and got on the tram again.

Next stop, the Uchiha clan.

Castle Tower, Hokage's Office.

It seems that the strategy of luring the snake out of its hole worked. Two big fish came.

Duan muttered to himself.

Just now, his Rain Tiger Freedom Technique sensed two unfamiliar chakras, huge, domineering, and with a cold aura.

That cold breath is the reincarnation of dirty soil.

As for the identities of these two big fish, Duan also guessed them easily.

The first and second Hokages of Konoha.

That old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen finally couldn't hold himself back and invited these two ancestors back from the Pure Land.

When Senju Tobirama used chakra to sense others, little did he know that he and Shodai had long been exposed to Dan's Rinnegan.

These two people actually went to the Uchiha clan. Their target... turned out to be Tsunade?

Ever since Kaoru left Konoha, Tsunade had no intention of working and temporarily left her post at Konoha Hospital to rest at home.

During this time.

As a friend of Tsunade, after learning about Xianglin, Samyi took the initiative to visit her, chat and comfort Tsunade.

Later, in order to let Tsunade get out of the house to relieve her boredom, Samui used the excuse that the chuunin exam was about to start and asked Tsunade to provide taijutsu instruction for her daughter Marisa.

Tsunade agreed.

So at this moment, Tsunade should stay at the Uchiha training ground with Marisa.

As soon as the first and second generations returned to Konoha, they went straight to Tsunade. Is this... a drama about family reunion?

For Duan, who always likes to have fun, at this time, it is natural to join in the fun.


As his pair of reincarnation eyes released a wave of pupil power, his body flashed and he disappeared from the office.

The Uchiha clan has arrived. Passengers please get off the bus in an orderly manner and abide by the rules of the scenic area. I wish you a happy trip.

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