The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 302 Think about it before answering

After hearing the latest official status of Chief Lin, Zhao Dawu bowed his head and said: "Deputy Qianhu Zhao Dawu, the deputy leader of transportation, comes to see Chief Lin!"

Lin Tailai understood that it seemed that Zhao Dawu had been promoted from a hundred households to a thousand households.

And by hearing the name of the dispatcher "leading transportation", you can tell that it is indeed his subordinate who supervises transportation and directs others in a serious manner.

Suzhou Caojun soldiers who were nearby also came over and knelt down together, about a hundred or so people.

Official Lin waved his hand, "Everyone, get up! I don't care about these red tapes, and I have spoken out for you first."

After finishing speaking, he moved his arms and walked impatiently towards the warehouse not far away.

"Sir Lin, wait! Don't be impulsive!" Zhao Dawu hurriedly stepped forward and shouted.

Lin Daguan said impatiently: "What else do you want to say?"

Facing his immediate superior, Zhao Dawu held it in for a long time and could only say: "If you have something to say, please say it. I really can't do anything."

Beating people in Shuicicang today over the issue of food delivery is a provocation to existing rules. It will be even more uncomfortable when the Suzhou Cao Army comes to hand over food in the future.

It should be a process of pulling each other apart, but if you hit someone, the nature will change.

Official Lin still refused to listen and said unmoved, "Shut up if you have nothing to say."

In desperation, Zhao Dawu added: "Chief Lin, think twice! If something happens in Shuicicang, which is directly under the imperial household department, your hard-won official position will probably be lost!"

Just wait for this! Official Lin looked around and said loudly and proudly:

"In order to vent my anger on Caojun brothers, a mere official position is nothing!"

Then he threw away Zhao Dawu and strode toward the Cangjian with his entourage.

When the nearby Suzhou Caojun heard what Lin Daguan said, they were immediately moved to death. Some people raised their arms and shouted: "Commander Lin stood up for us, and we can't just sit back and watch Commander Lin get into danger!"

With such military morale, Zhao Dawu had no choice but to lead his men to catch up.

Official Lin suddenly turned around and shouted: "I have the title of official body protection, so please don't follow me, lest you be punished!

Zhao Dawu obeys military orders! You lead all the Cao troops present and stay put! "

Even the words "military order" were shouted out, so Zhao Dawu had no choice but to wait where he was.

After a while, Zhao Dawu heard shouts and shouts coming from behind the wall of the warehouse. No need to think about it, Chief Lin must have launched another surprise attack.

Lin Daguanren repeatedly used less to defeat many. In addition to the factor of bravery, it was also an important reason why he often made surprise attacks on the opponent.

Not long after, I saw Official Lin carrying a scribe in one hand, and other attendants also dragging two scribes, walking out from behind the wall of the warehouse.

There were many warehouse soldiers who were responsible for guarding Shuicicang and followed Lin Daguan and his party, but they did not dare to take action.

Zhao Dawu slapped his face in pain. It would be difficult to deal with the consequences now!

Lin Tailai came back, shook the two clerks in his hands, and gestured to Zhao Dawu: "Which one is the warehouse clerk who is making things difficult for us?"

Zhao Dawu was very tired and didn't want to speak, but another Caojun shouted: "It's the person on the right hand of Chief Lin!"

When Lin Tailai heard this, he ordered his followers to tie the warehouse official in his right hand to the tree.

Then he pointed at the warehouse official and scolded: "The imperial court uses you to manage the grain storage in the water warehouse to facilitate the transfer of grain. It is not for you to take the opportunity to make things difficult and exploit the brothers in the Cao army!

Today you are in the hands of me, Lin Tailai, how can I spare you! I, Lin Tailai, will punish you on behalf of the will of heaven and the people! "

Immediately, Lin Daguan broke off a willow tree by the river, used it as a whip, and started beating him severely.

The warehouseman was pretending to be dead, but after being beaten with a willow stick, he screamed in pain.

The surrounding Cao troops watched the excitement and cheered loudly, noting that it was a big deal. This newly appointed commander really has a sense of "righteousness and justice" and "doing justice for heaven", and is definitely worth following.

Only Zhao Dawu was silent. He felt that he was the calmest person in the room now.

At this time, dozens more warehouse soldiers appeared, and they were surrounded by an ugly-looking and angry official of the sixth grade.

Zhao Dawu saw it first and quickly shouted to Lin Tailai: "Peng Cangguan is here!"

Generally, there are ambassadors as chief officials in warehouses, warehouses, farms, bureaus, customs and other places, and their rank is only ninth grade.

However, in some extremely important places, they are often directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue, and officials in the name of the Ministry of Revenue also serve as ambassadors. For example, in the king's capital of Xushuguan, the person in charge of the household department also served as the customs ambassador.

The same situation applies to Yangzhou Shuicicang, which is located at the water transport hub. The official in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs also serves as the ambassador of Shuicicang.

Therefore, this Pengcang official is not a ninth-rank petty official, nor a local official, but a sixth-rank household official, and his status is more noble than ordinary state and county magistrates.

After all, in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, there was a tradition of emphasizing internal affairs over external affairs. Officials in the capital were of higher character than local officials. Officials from the Ministry of Revenue were still considered officials in the capital even if they were sent on foreign missions.

This was also one of the reasons why Zhao Dawu didn't dare to make a mistake before and wanted to stop Official Lin from doing anything.

The angry Peng Cangguan walked up to Lin Tailai and sternly scolded: "You are just a leader of the cavalry army. How dare you lynch a warehouse official!"

To be honest, Lin Daguanren's behavior was indeed a bit foul.

According to the unwritten rules of the officialdom, if you want to deal with people from other government offices, you must first say hello to the other party's boss and obtain permission.

Lin Tailai asked back: "Now that the warehouse officials are blackmailing the Cao army, I want to seek justice for the Cao army. So what do you think, Commander Pengcang? I remind you, think about it before answering!"

Peng Cangguan replied: "Shuicicang has its own rules and regulations, and it's not your turn for an outsider to give guidance!"

Official Lin smiled "haha", raised the wicker whip again, and continued to beat the warehouse official who was tied to the tree in front of Peng Cangguan.

He was still chanting over and over again: "A piece of rubbish guarding Caocang is so shameless that you don't know what is good! You don't know what is good!"

He didn’t know who Official Lin was talking about. Official Peng Cang was so angry that his face turned red. He had never been treated like this in any place since he was sent on a foreign mission as an official in the Ministry of Household Affairs!

Peng Cangguan took another step forward and shouted angrily: "I order you to stop!"

Official Lin seemed to be frightened and his hands trembled. He swung the wicker whip diagonally and hit Peng Cangguan on the head.

Immediately everyone saw that Peng Cangguan's official hat was blown away by the wicker, leaving a mark on his forehead.

Peng Cangguan's entire face became distorted, and he didn't know whether it was pain or anger.

A mere fourth-grade military attache dared to attack the distinguished civil servant of the Ministry of Household Affairs and humiliate him like this. This was simply outrageous!

Official Lin apologized hurriedly: "Sorry, sorry! It's all my fault! My hand slipped for a moment! Please forgive me, Commander Peng Cang!"

At this time, a large number of soldiers emerged from Shuicicang, numbering about two hundred. The most important thing was that there were a number of soldiers holding bows and crossbows.

An important place like Shuicicang must be guarded by Cang soldiers and accept the command of Cang officials.

The soldiers in Shuicicang in Yangzhou were all transferred from the nearby Yangzhou Guards and Gaoyou Guards.

Peng Cangguan slowly retreated and ordered the Cang soldiers: "Surround them all!"

Zhao Dawu sighed, what was supposed to come finally came.

And those Suzhou Caojun who had never thought it was a big deal and applauded Lin Daguan finally realized that they seemed to have gone too far? Could it be that I just fell into fanaticism and followed it blindly?

Then Peng Cangguan, with disheveled hair, gritted his teeth and said to Lin Daguan:

"Lin Tailai! You dare to cause trouble in Shuicicang and disrupt the water transportation. You are an unpardonable crime! I will not spare you today!"

Official Lin suddenly turned his head and asked Zhao Dawu: "The matter has come to this, what do you think should be done?"

Zhao Dawu muttered helplessly: "I will take the blame for Shen Sheng without any effort. You do Chong'er and go out to find the savior."

After all, Lin Daguan has some connections in the upper echelons, and there is still hope of finding someone to make peace with him.

Moreover, according to the Ming Dynasty system, punishment of military attaches must be approved by the emperor, unless they have the privilege of "acting expediently".

Therefore, Zhao Dawu knew that even if he was caught, he would not suffer too much for the time being. He would take time first.

"You have no ambition!" Lin Daguan cursed and then ignored Zhao Dawu.

Then he said to Peng Cangguan: "Don't worry, don't worry! I have a good thing, I want to show it to you!"

At this time, Zuo Dharma Protector Zhang Wen quickly took out something from the leather bag, sandwiched it between two layers of hard boards, wrapped in silk cloth, and stamped.

Anyone familiar with officialdom will know at a glance that this is the shape of an important official document.

Official Lin pointed at the official document and said: "I am going south from the capital this time. The Ministry of Revenue asked me to bring an order to Shuicicang in Yangzhou. Envoy Pengcang should open it and take a look in person, so as not to miss the important event."

Peng Cangguan was shocked and confused. He also knew that Lin Tailai would never dare to forge official documents, so he took it over, checked it and opened it for reading.

The content of the official document is very simple. In summary, in order to reduce friction in the process of transporting grain into warehouses, all the warehouse soldiers in Yangzhou Shuici warehouse were transferred from Suzhou Guards, and all the scribes in Yangzhou Shuici warehouse were requisitioned from Suzhou Prefecture.

In other words, all the warehouse soldiers in Yangzhou Shuicicang must be replaced by Suzhou guards, and all the warehouse officials must be replaced by Suzhou people.

Furious, Peng Cangguan threw the official document to the ground fiercely! Which bastard came up with this trick?

If all the warehouse soldiers and officials were replaced by Suzhou people, wouldn't there be a possibility that he, the warehouse official, would be sidelined?

While Peng Cangguan was still thinking about it, Lin Daguan held out two fingers and said:

"Envoy Pengcang! Now you have only two ways to go. The first is to accept the imperial order; the second is to disobey and rebel!"

Peng Cangguan felt like his heart and lungs were about to explode. He had been an official for more than ten years and had never been as aggrieved as he was today. Why should he suffer such grievances?

Suddenly, he remembered that Lin Tailai had just said, "I'll answer after I think about it." Is it because the statement I made just now was wrong?

Lin Tailai looked around and said loudly: "I, Lin Tailai, the commander of the Suzhou Guard Movement Command, have received permission from the imperial court to start arranging the defense of Shuicicang in Yangzhou from today!"

Then he shouted: "Zhao Dawu! I order you to temporarily prepare for Yangzhou Shuicicang!"

Zhao Dawu stupidly forgot to respond and was still confused. What was going on?

Lin Tailai slapped Zhao Dawu to wake him up and continued to give instructions:

"First bring the brothers from the Cao Army who are willing to stay temporarily to familiarize themselves with the situation in Shuicicang, and then wait until I return to Suzhou before sending troops to completely change the defense."

Zhao Dawu accepted the order while feeling dizzy.

The surrounding Suzhou garrison troops kept shouting: "Commander Lin is mighty!"

Lin Daguan's reputation in the Suzhou Guards Army was probably completely maxed out today based on the benefit of salt transportation last time.

Lin Tailai nodded secretly, and it was not in vain that he had been struggling for a long time.

Only then did the Zhang brothers, the guardians of the left and right, understand what it meant to talk about turning Yangzhou Shuicicang into a base.

There are hundreds of soldiers in Shuicicangcang. If they are all sent from Suzhou, wouldn't it be equivalent to sitting in Yangzhou with hundreds of thugs?

Official Lin ordered his entourage: "I don't want to stay in Yangzhou for a long time this time. Now that I have finished my work, I will set off immediately and continue southward back to Suzhou!"

At this moment, Zhao Dawu had regained his consciousness and wanted to persuade Chief Lin to stay for another day or two. However, he failed and could only watch Chief Lin board the ship and leave.

This is really a resolute and violent boss who doesn't give people any time to react.

As soon as Chief Lin was sent away, Zhao Dawu, the freshly appointed Deputy Qianhu Zhao Dawu, the deputy deputy of Shuizicura Beiyu, saw Wang Yuanwai, a famous salt merchant in Yangzhou, running over panting.

"It's too slow! It's still a step too late!" Wang Yuanwai said angrily after asking about the situation.

After crossing the river at Guazhou Ferry, Lin Daguan returned to Jiangnan after being away for several months.

So Lin Daguan no longer kept a low profile, and all the ceremonial badges and so on were displayed on the boat.

Three ships formed a small fleet, and the most eye-catching first pair of official plaques were on the bow of the leading ship.

On one side it says "No. 1 in the world" and on the other side it says "Unparalleled scholar in the country".

The second pair of official cards read "Sanyuan Wukui" and "Handpicked Number One Scholar" respectively.

On the third pair of official cards, it is "Supervise the transportation of Su grain" and "Agent for Qian affairs".

The official card is so exaggerated. The momentum must be demonstrated, and the achievements in life must be boasted. Otherwise, how can you bluff people?

After crossing the river, they arrived in Suzhou a few days later. Gao Changjiang went to the junction of Suzhou and Changzhou to greet them.

After boarding the ship, Gao Changjiang took the initiative to report: "The welcome ceremony at Fengqiao has been prepared. It is absolutely grand and worthy of the status of sitting in the hotel!"

Official Lin said calmly: "The ceremony is a trivial matter, but have you completed the test I gave you before leaving Suzhou?"

Gao Changjiang said doubtfully: "Sitting in the gym has given me too many tests. Which one are you talking about this time?"

Official Lin reminded: "It's in the south of the city, the place occupied by the monks. I said it must be settled before returning."

"It turns out that I'm talking about Canglang Pavilion!" Gao Changjiang suddenly realized, "We have already captured it!"

Then he reported: "As expected, those monks often lend money.

We found a victim who was suffering from this. He used his real estate as a mortgage to borrow money from a monk. Later, he failed to repay the debt and wanted to use his real estate to pay off the debt.

But the monk was still greedy and pretended not to accept the property, maliciously lowering the house price.

The poor man was desperate, so we kindly took over the matter, went to the Yamen to do some work, and separated Canglang Pavilion, which was originally public land, from the hands of the monks. "

Official Lin nodded and gave Gao Changjiang a rare compliment: "You have made progress in your work!"

Then he said: "Let's build the Lin Mansion now based on Canglang Pavilion. It will be completed before next summer!"

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