The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 286: Dead wood is the door (please vote for me!)

Lin Tailai took ten people, including the left and right guardians, and followed Wang Xiangmeng, the supervisory censor of Jiangxi Province, who was performing official duties, out of the gate of the Wang family.

"Only you were sent to summon me?" Lin Daguan looked around and asked in surprise: "You didn't bring more people?"

Wang Xiangmeng rolled his eyes and replied: "Is there any difference between me coming alone and bringing dozens of guards?"

Lin Tailai nodded: "That's true."

Wang Xiangmeng felt as if he was being despised, but he still reminded him: "Maybe some people want you to refuse the summons from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and run away."

While walking on the road, Official Lin asked casually: "Is the Gao Yushi who covets the fifteenth-year-old lady in the Metropolitan Procuratorate? Where is his official residence?"

Wang Xiangmeng asked very sensitively: "What do you want to do?"

Officer Lin said kindly: "Don't get me wrong! I was just wondering if I could pay him a visit."

Wang Xiangmeng quickly replied: "He is on a business trip to Tongzhou to inspect Taicang. You can't see him!"

Supervisory censors are a very special group in the Ming Dynasty system, and their scale is not small. If the number is full, there will be 110 people in thirteen groups.

But the supervisory censor was not as many people imagined in later generations. It seemed that he only needed to sit in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, drink tea, write memorials and scold people, and did not need to do any specific things.

Supervisory censors also have many tasks to dispatch, such as being sent to various provinces as patrol censors, sent to salt areas as salt patrol censors, and many other tasks such as Qing army inspections and warehouse inspections.

Of course, these censors who have taken on the task will not sit in the Metropolitan Procuratorate and drink tea.

The other is to investigate and deal with something specifically according to the order. For example, a few days ago, an order was sent from the womb, asking the Metropolitan Procuratorate to investigate whether Lin Tailai was illegal and to inspect the martial arts test.

After careful consideration, the Metropolitan Procuratorate handed over this task to the senior censor Fang Wanshan.

Today, a driving notice was issued, summoning Lin Tai to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for questioning. The legal rationale came from the above-mentioned decree.

No matter how many human factors and tricks exist in this process, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it legally.

The three judicial departments of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Criminal Ministry, and the Dali Temple are not in the same area as other government offices. They are located in the westernmost part of the capital, but they are less than two miles away from the official community in Xicheng.

So after coming out of Wang's house, not long after heading west, we saw the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Official Lin glanced at it from a distance and commented casually: "It's really a shabby government office with a rotten door! I've been to many government offices and I've never seen anything worse than this."

In the imperial court, apart from the Ci Minister, Ke Dao was one of the most highly qualified official positions.

For those who have just entered the officialdom, the best choice is to enter the Hanlin Academy, and the second is to become a censor.

Anyone familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty knows how annoying the official censor was in the late Ming Dynasty.

All officials who serve as censors are somewhat proud of their status. So after hearing Lin Tailai's words, Wang Xiangmeng snorted and said:

"What do you know! Our Procuratorate has always prided itself on being honest, so we pride ourselves on not spending too much money on building government offices."

Lin Tailai chuckled and said: "A rotten tree is like a door, I don't know if it can withstand my full kick."

Wang Xiangmeng scolded: "Don't make weird puns here. Don't make big talk until you can come out safely today!"

Do you think that a powerful place like the Metropolitan Procuratorate is the same as the prefectural and county yamen you have experienced? "

Official Lin muttered: "You people in the officialdom are really good at thinking. Who said my sentence was a pun?"

But when they arrived at the gate, the ten guys who came with Lin Daguan were all blocked.

No matter how big an official you are, if you go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for trial, you will not be allowed to bring your entourage in!

Lin Tailai asked the clerk on duty: "Where is the interrogation?"

The scribe pointed to Yimen and replied: "After passing Yimen, then turn to the west. Near the southwest corner, there is a judgment hall for the censors!"

Wang Xiangmeng glanced at Lin Tailai in surprise. He was leading the way. Are he still worried that he would not be able to find the place? Why is it necessary to ask the scribe?

Excluding the Censor of Zuodu, the Censor of Zuo Fudu, and the Censor of Zuo Qiandu, there are theoretically one hundred and ten supervisory censors at the time of Manchu. The number of officials is the largest among ministerial-level offices, so the number of the Censorate is There are also many rooms.

However, Lin Daguan was not interested in visiting in depth. Under the leadership of Wang Xiangmeng, he passed the Yimen and came to the judgment hall in the southwest corner not far away.

Wang Xiangmeng brought Lin Tailai behind and did not leave. He just watched the fun from the side.

Mainly because the smile of the official censor who was presiding today was a little ferocious, which made Wang Xiangmeng uneasy.

Sitting in the public seat, Fang Yushi looked at Lin Tailai who was standing in the hall and "caught him without mercy", and thought bitterly, the time has come for a general reckoning.

No matter how wild you Lin Tailai is, as long as you get a piece of official document from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, you still have to come to trial, unless you want to escape or rebel!

In Fang Yushi's view, Lin Tailai's previous beatings and door-breaking were all manifestations of ignorance and legal illiteracy.

And what’s even more ignorant is that because no one cares about it and no one catches it, I superficially think that there is no price to pay for doing so!

As everyone knows, there is a saying that it’s not that you don’t retaliate, but the time has not yet come! Such brainless villains never understand this truth!

Do you think that if you know a chief assistant or a minister, you can run rampant in the capital?

In addition to Lin Tailai, there were six or seven other people in the hall.

It's just that some of these six or seven people were lying down and some were sitting. Everyone was seriously injured and they were piled up in a mess on the other side.

They were all candidates who participated in this martial arts test, but they stood up to expose the injustice and testified that Zheng Guotai was suppressed.

Therefore, they have suffered retaliation in the past three days, and blood has been spilled on the streets of the capital, which is truly heartbreaking.

Fortunately, Mr. Qingtian Yushi made the decision, so their sacrifices would not be in vain.

Fang Yushi had long wanted to summon Lin Tailai, but there was always a lack of definite evidence.

Things like knocking down doors or tearing down doors couldn't be brought to the table, so Lin Tailai even left the compensation money on the spot.

Even if he is arrested and interrogated, it is still a civil dispute and not politically fatal. This is not what Fang Yushi wants.

However, unfairness in the examination room and retaliation against other candidates are worthy of comparison.

After making up his mind, Fang Yushi took pictures of the gavel, officially started the trial, and shouted: "Where is Lin Tailai!"

Lin Daguan took the initiative to answer: "I didn't beat them for no reason, it actually happened for a reason.

They spread rumors to create trouble and framed me. They said everywhere that I manipulated the examination room, created a shady story, and lowered Zheng Guotai's grade.

Faced with such quarrels and troubles, I couldn't bear it and had to fight back and teach them a lesson. "

As he spoke, he kicked away a seriously injured plaintiff and witness.

Fang Yushi shouted again: "You can do it"

Official Lin quickly replied: "You should really report it to the relevant government office and please come forward to deal with it.

But that is too slow and cannot stop them from spreading rumors in the first place. By the time the relevant government offices came out with the results, rumors were already flying.

So in order to stop them from causing trouble as soon as possible, I had to use my own method! "

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Lin severely stepped on the other plaintiff and witness who was lying on a stretcher.

Fang Yushi said angrily: "I have been ordered to investigate."

Official Lin said loudly: "Of course I know that Fang Yushi was ordered to inspect the examination room!

Although Zhang Dasima and I met before the exam and exchanged poems and essays, there was absolutely no collusion regarding the martial arts exam! He also didn’t promise me to be the first in the martial arts test! "

After finishing speaking, he reached out and grabbed a plaintiff and witness who was sitting on the ground, and threw him directly onto the case in front of Fang Yushi.

Wang Xiangmeng, who was watching the excitement from the side, actually sympathized with Senior Fang, whose lines were not as valuable as his second uncle's.

Fang Yushi was furious. He was the first person in his life who dared to be so arrogant after entering the Metropolitan Procuratorate!

He stood up and ordered: "Where are the guards on the left and right! Send Lin Tailai to the sky prison to await trial!"

Don't think that it's useful to argue here. After you're imprisoned in the sky prison, you'll have plenty of time to play slowly!

Next door to the Metropolitan Procuratorate is the Criminal Department, and the Sky Prison is in the Criminal Department. If the Metropolitan Procuratorate has felons awaiting trial, they can also be thrown into the Sky Prison.

This is what you've been waiting for! Lin Tailai suddenly raised his hands and chanted in a very evil voice: "The game is over, the supporting roles are taking their final bow!"

It’s just that everyone doesn’t understand what this sentence means.

A dozen jailers on duty on the left and right sides of the court hall had already rushed towards Official Lin.

But Officer Lin calmly took out a special bamboo whistle and blew it hard. The harsh whistle echoed in the front half of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Immediately, Officer Lin rushed to the front of the public case again, and Yushi Fang turned pale with fright.

He thought Lin Tailai was completely crazy and wanted to kill officials and rebel. He was going to sacrifice for the country today!

Lin Tailai smiled at Fang Yushi, but did not touch Fang Yushi. He only pressed his hands on the edge of the koan.

Then he exerted force with both arms and directly lifted the entire koan. It immediately acted as a heavy weapon and swung it fiercely behind him.

The weight of the koan and the arm strength of Lin Daguan directly knocked down five or six jailers.

Then Lin Daguan waved his koan and strode towards the entrance of the court hall.

In an important place like the Metropolitan Procuratorate, of course, there are guards patrolling back and forth.

But on the narrow front yard corridor, even if there were dozens of guards, they could not get past the huge and heavy koans dancing back and forth.

No matter how careful the precautions are, we can't imagine that someone like this could come out of the house wielding a koan.

Damn it! He is worthy of being a ruthless man who can manipulate a five-hundred-jin stone pier in the martial arts test! Just when the patrolling jailer was helpless, suddenly there was restlessness behind him.

A dozen strong men appeared out of nowhere and formed a two-sided attack with Lin Daguan, who was wielding a koan.

It turned out that after the bamboo whistle sounded just now, Lin Tailai's men who were waiting at the gate suddenly took action and directly seized the stick of the jailer at the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Then ten men rushed directly into the gate, then into the Yimen, and then headed west to meet Lin Tailai.

Although there are only a few people on Lin Tailai's side, they are all stronger than ordinary people, and they are also elites who have experienced hundreds of battles, large and small, forming a two-sided attack on the patrolling guards.

So in just a few breaths, the guards patrolling the front yard of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were completely defeated, and the combat effectiveness of the city's old soldiers who had been in peace for a long time was just like this.

In the blink of an eye, Officer Lin led his men back to the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

But at this time, the gatekeeper had already closed the door and locked the bolt, possibly trying to catch a turtle in the jar.

After being alerted, the censors standing in the distance saw this scene and cursed one after another!

What a bunch of rough guys, they don’t even understand the art of siege! Wouldn't it be better to open the door and let these murderers escape?

If the murderers are not allowed to escape, they will go in and kill them!

However, Officer Lin still rushed towards the gate without hesitation, scattering the conscientious guards guarding the gate with three strokes.

Facing the locked door, Lin Daguan took more than ten steps back, accelerated his sprint again, and used his inertia to kick hard towards the door!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which had been in disrepair for a long time and symbolized integrity, fell to the ground with a crash, and the lintel collapsed in half.

The visual impact is overwhelming! The other guards who were about to rush over all stopped in unison, and the entire Metropolitan Procuratorate fell silent for an instant.

Wang Xiangmeng, who was not afraid of being beaten, was the closest and was stunned when he witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

He also remembered what Lin Tailai said when he entered the door, "I don't know if the door can withstand my full kick."

He originally thought that Lin Tailai meant to use rotten wood to mock the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tailai didn't mean to make a pun or play a rhetorical game, but literally wanted to break down the door.

Xin Zixiu, the imperial censor of Zuodu, also came out of the courtroom at the back under heavy guard, just in time to watch Lin Daguan escape from the doorway that had no door panel.

Xin Zongxian's face was livid, and his eyes seemed to be spitting fire.

It has been exactly two hundred years since Emperor Taizu Gao established the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Such an unprecedented shame and humiliation happened during his tenure!

After running to the corner of the street, Lin Daguan got on the horse that was lost here in the patrol camp and galloped north.

When he rushed to the Wanping County government office, he happened to meet Zhou Zhixian coming back from outside.

Lin Tailai directly stopped the magistrate's sedan in the street and shouted concisely: "Lin Tailai, Wu Jieyuan of South Zhili, sued the censor Fang Wanshan for colluding with the emperor's relatives, manipulating examinations, and bending the law, and he still wants to beat me!"

Zhouzhi County: "."

Is it me who has become more aggressive, or you? Is it because I didn’t wake up, or did you wake up?

Ask yourself as you step on the horse, is the matter you are suing something that a county government can adjudicate?

"No!" Zhou Zhixian rejected the complaint very domineeringly. Even if the king of heaven is here, I can't approve this complaint! Love so and so!

Lin Daguan, who was rejected, didn't waste any time, got on his horse again, and galloped south again.

A moment later, Lin Tailai appeared outside the right gate of Chang'an, the imperial city. The other guys were already waiting here.

Pedestrians passing by saw a dozen big men rushing towards the Denwen Drum set up on the roadside outside the right gate of Chang'an.

Yes, this is the final bottom line of the Ming Dynasty's judiciary, the Dengwen Drum that can be heard by the heavens, and the place where the folklore petitions are filed.

Standing under the drum stand, Mr. Lin waved his thick arms and shouted loudly: "I have a huge grievance and the county government won't accept it. I want to beat the Dengwen drum!"

The imperial guards on duty looked at Lin Tailai in astonishment, "You guys are like this, how do you feel like you have been wronged?" You are just trying to create unjust cases for others!

Ask for the monthly vote list! It’s not on the list, the difference is more than double the number of new additions added to the collection every day! I don’t always recommend it now, so I can only count on this.

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