The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 261 The Battle for the Longevity Palace (Part 2)

Shen Shoufu's enemy Li Zhi suddenly felt that the emperor on the throne had become very strange, which made Li Zhi feel very uncomfortable!

Li Zhi claimed to be the person in the imperial court who could best discern the emperor's mind. Three years ago, he was the first to see through the emperor's mind and took the lead in attacking the late chief minister Zhang Juzheng and the still-in-power eunuch Feng Bao. He became the urgent need to liquidate Zhang and Feng's power. pioneer.

Then Li Zhi gained the favor of Emperor Wanli, and was directly promoted from the seventh-rank censor by the emperor to the fourth-rank Taipusi Shaoqing.

At that time, Li Zhi had been promoted to the fourth rank only six years after entering the officialdom.

Similar to Li Zhi's fate, Jiang Dongzhi and Yang Keli were the three most famous people in the dynasty.

Of course, Li Zhi's promotion was a promotion by decree of the emperor and was not a formal promotion channel in the bureaucracy, so he was not considered highly by the mainstream official circles represented by Shen Shoufu.

This contrast is like the contrast between Yeluzi Internet celebrities and celebrities with a professional background hundreds of years later.

Even the emperor had to follow the rules and could only promote the Sanhong people to yamen such as Guanglu Temple, Taipu Temple, and Shangbaosi that were used to support idle people.

All in all, understanding the emperor was the foundation of Li Zhi and other famous figures in the court.

If the emperor's words and deeds become difficult to understand, it means that the situation is out of control for Li Zhi and other celebrities!

After thinking for a while, Li Zhi decided to change his mind. Since the frontal attack on Shen Shoufu was ineffective, he would attack the side and the rear in a roundabout way.

Then he reported to Emperor Wanli: "Li Rusong is in the capital camp, and his younger brother Li Rubai is in Jizhen. It is inappropriate for brothers to be cardinals of the capital.

What's more, Li Rusong's memorial shows that he has some connection with Lin, a retainer of the Shen family.

That Lin has a bad nature, and he brazenly broke Cheng Yibo's right leg the day before yesterday. He is really a cruel person!

But Li Rusong, as the patrol commander, shielded and connived at Lin! "

Emperor Wanli sighed, "Why are you talking about this now?"

Li Zhi said reluctantly: "With the character of these two people, what true insights can they have?

Therefore, some of their arguments are completely untrustworthy. How can Your Majesty listen to them? "

Li Zhi planned to attack the character of Li Rusong and Lin to deny Li Rusong's memorial, and then further dispel the emperor's tendency due to this memorial.

After hearing this, Emperor Wanli sighed: "Uncle Chengyi only broke one leg, but it does not hinder Li and Lin's true knowledge of Dayu Mountain."

Li Zhi: "???"

Your Majesty, what happened to you? Did he really take the wrong few kilograms of medicine, or was he possessed by a ghost?

"It's just a broken leg." If your views are so shattered, can you say it, Your Majesty?

Not to mention Li Zhi, even Shen Shoufu and others on the other side were stunned.

What is the magic power of Li Rusong's memorial that could make the emperor so blatantly partial, just to maintain the accuracy of this memorial?

Emperor Wanli obviously did not want to continue to struggle with the issue of longevity palace, and immediately made a decision:

"I deeply agree with what Li Rusong said! Let's handle it according to Li Rusong's memorial!"

Li Zhi suddenly became anxious and begged: "Your Majesty, think twice! Dayu Mountain is really not auspicious soil!"

Wanli did not want Li Zhi and other favored ministers to continue to oppose, otherwise they would not be able to step down, so he emphasized:

"I have made up my mind. There is no need to choose another place for the longevity palace. It is right here in Dayu Mountain. No need to say more!

After preparations are complete, construction begins, with Xu Wenbi and Shen Shi taking charge! "

After hearing this, the ministers all understood that the emperor had made up his mind to adopt the Dayushan plan, and there was no point in opposing it.

Everyone had different feelings. Shen Shoufu only felt that he had done nothing today, as if he had won by lying down.

Others felt that this trip was in vain, and none of the ministers could impress the emperor.

Li Rusong wasn't here, but a memorial came from a hundred miles away and snatched away all the opportunities!

The most important thing is that everyone still can’t understand or figure out why.

Why did the emperor immediately seem to be a different person after reading Li Rusong's memorial?

Before Emperor Wanli retired from the court, he issued another decree: "Li Rusong has made meritorious contributions and will be promoted to governor and co-president. He will receive a double salary and be given a flying fish suit. Lin."

The eunuch holding the memorandum next to him quickly reminded him: "Lin Tailai, a martial arts examiner from Wu County, Suzhou Prefecture."

Emperor Wanli continued: "Lin Tailai will reward you with a hundred taels of silver and fifty pieces of silk!"

For the Ming Emperor, a reward of this level to ordinary people was considered a "generous act".

Li Zhi was still unwilling to give in. What he experienced today was like an unexpected defeat. The experience was really bad.

To describe it in terms from five hundred years later, it was like being "demonstrated by a deus ex machina".

"Since His Majesty commended Lin Tailai, how should we deal with the fact that this person caused Uncle Cheng to break his leg?" Li Zhi vented his anger.

Emperor Wanli responded casually: "Reward when necessary, and investigate when necessary. This is called clear rewards and punishments."

Even if the dust settles on the matter of selecting the location of the longevity palace, it is completely over.

But in the minister's mind, it seemed that it was not over, because the real answer had not been revealed. Why did the emperor appreciate Li Rusong's memorial so much?

Yang Wei, Shen Shoufu's largest party member and the Minister of Civil Affairs, asked Shen Shixing very curiously outside the palace: "What kind of plot is hidden in Li Rusong's memorial?"

Shen Shixing shook his head helplessly, "Whether you believe it or not, I really don't know."

Even Shen Shoufu's biggest party member couldn't get a clue, and the others could only make random guesses.

But Shen Shoufu didn't care about what others thought at this time. He just wanted to return to the city as soon as possible and find the man named Lin to ask.

Changping Tianshou Mountain Palace is a hundred miles away from the capital. The huge team is slow and it takes two days to return to the capital.

But while the emperor was still on the road, the news had already reached the capital.

When the emperor returns to the capital, he must organize hundreds of officials to greet him at the city gate. The Ministry of Rites, which is responsible for etiquette, is the first to get the exact news.

After Wang Zhiyou, a member of the Ministry of Rites, arranged the affairs at hand, he hurried back home.

At this time, Wang Zhiyuan Shao Situ, the left servant of the household department, the head of the Wang family, was in a bad mood and was talking to his nephew Wang Xiangmeng.

As for the reason why Wang Shao Situ is not in a good mood, even an outsider like Lin Tailai can guess the reason.

A sixty-year-old official is equivalent to standing at a crossroads. Should he continue to work for the Ming Dynasty, or should he retreat bravely?

If you try again, is there any chance to go further? For example, being promoted from minister to minister.

Originally, Wang Shao Situ was very sensitive at this time, but the emperor went to Tianshou Mountain for inspection and summoned a group of ministers and retinues, but Wang Shao Situ was not there. How could he not be heartbroken?

Young Situ Wang Zhiyuan, fifteenth sister Wang Zhiyao, and nephew Yushi Wang Xiangmeng were sitting by the pond talking, when Wang Zhiyou, the official of the Ministry of Rites, walked over quickly.

"There is news from Tianshou Mountain!" Wang Zhiyou shouted, directly interrupting the rhythm of the other two people's previous conversation.

Nowadays, Li Rusong is indeed the envy of most officials. This reward is so simple and easy, just a memorial!

Wang Shao Situ commented with piercing eyes: "Rewards are trivial matters, the key is to obtain the holy family through them, which is a big benefit.

What is the metaphor of this memorial really puzzles me. "

Wang Zhiyou added: "I also heard that a man named Lin Tailai received a reward together with Li Rusong."

Wang Shao Situ frowned and asked, "Is this Lin Tailai the Lin Tailai we know?"

Wang Zhiyou nodded and said, "Judging from various signs, it should be the same person.

I heard that at the Tianshou Mountain Palace, someone accused Lin Tailai of breaking Uncle Cheng Yi's leg. This was something no one else had done.

Besides, Lin Tailai did appear and leave with Li Rusong a few days ago. "

After Wang Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, he suddenly reached out and slapped the stone next to him!

There are a lot of upset emotions in my heart, what's going on?

Wang Zhiyou felt that the second brother's mood was fluctuating. In order to calm the second brother, he turned around and shouted to Wang Xiangmeng:

"That day when you went out to greet Lin Tailai, why didn't you invite Lin Tailai into your home?"

Wang Xiangmeng: "."

Didn't you just follow your second uncle's instructions? Why is it my fault again?

As the youngest nephew, Wang Xiangmeng shouldered everything and did not dare to talk back.

Besides, he didn't know at the time that Lin Tailai was so good at fighting, and he immediately verified it successfully without saying a word.

Thinking back again, before Lin Tailai left, he said, "I will give you some wealth to the Wang family," and he also said, "One of the ministers of your Wang family is gone."

At that time, he only thought that these words were extremely ridiculous. Only now did he realize that these words were not exaggerated at all and were all facts!

Li Rusong took this memorial and was promoted not only to one level, but also to a double salary and a Feiyu uniform.

If the memorial was written by my second uncle, it is not impossible to be promoted to minister.

Wang Zhiyou, who came to deliver the news, became more and more irritated as he thought about it, and said again:

"If Lin Tai came to give guidance and the three of us from the Wang family jointly signed up, wouldn't everyone be promoted?"

Wang Xiangmeng didn't want to continue this heart-wrenching topic, "It's useless to think about this, let's just look forward!"

At this time, Wang Shao Situ suddenly said to Wang Xiangmeng, "Lin Tailai is still in the capital. No matter what means you use, go and invite him back!"

Thinking of Lin Daguan's face, Wang Xiangmeng said reluctantly: "The matter is over, why should we ask him to do anything?"

Wang Shao Situ said: "You can ask for advice without being ashamed. If you can decipher the metaphors in the memorial and understand the truth, it will be a gain."

Wang Zhiyao, who had been silent before, said to Wang Xiangmeng: "You were really wrong that day."

Wang Xiangmeng, who was the lowest in the hierarchy, felt hopeless and muttered: "Even you blame me?"

Wang Zhiyao said: "On the first day when Lin Jieyuan came to the capital, he could guess the second brother's heart disease without having much detailed information. Is this what ordinary people can do?

So what he said later must be on point. You should at least listen to what he has to say instead of just rejecting it.

In the final analysis, you still despise others in your heart, which leads to missed opportunities.

If you still have this mentality, it is impossible to invite people over again. "

The four people present and the other three "elders" were all openly and secretly complaining about themselves. Wang Xiangmeng really couldn't stand it.

He couldn't bear it and explained: "You just haven't seen Lin Tailai's face with your own eyes, so you only blame me!

If anyone else dared to point fingers like him in front of our Wang family, I would have beaten him out long ago!

So when I gave Lin Tailai a gift, I was showing enough patience and restraint, not a lack of etiquette! "

Wang Zhiyou urged: "No one blames you. Don't talk about useless things first. You should think about how to invite people here first."

Wang Xiangmeng said helplessly: "Wait until I find out where you live, then I'll come and invite you!"

Wang Zhiyao added: "It's useless if you invite me like this. You have to do whatever you want."

Wang Xiangmeng said in surprise: "What is his hobby?"

Wang Zhiyao recalled the letter written by his brother, the tax envoy, and said: "This person has a good reputation, is lustful, and likes to trample people with poetry.

So you should organize an elegant gathering, invite a few famous talents and beauties from the capital, and then invite them to participate. "

Wang Xiangmeng listened silently, but he was made a little rebellious. So what if Lin Tailaimeng was right once? As for inviting me over as a guest?

Finally, he came down and said: "After I find out where he lives, I will pay him a visit first."

In fact, it is easy to find out where Lin Tailai lives. People of some status usually have two choices of accommodation when they first arrive in the capital. One is to find relatives and friends to stay overnight, and the other is to stay overnight in fellow villagers' guild halls.

Wang Xiangmeng sent a servant to inquire, and found out that Lin Tailai was currently living in the Sanwu Guild Hall in the southeast of the city.

But Wang Xiangmeng did not go to Lin Tailai. Instead, he took his second uncle's post and went to visit Li Rusong.

In his mind, the memorial was written by Li Rusong. If he wanted to decipher the mystery, he might be able to find out from Li Rusong, so why bother asking Lin Tailai.

But outside the gate of Uncle Ningyuan's mansion, a "war-free sign" was hung up, and Li Rusong saw no visitors.

After sending Mr. Wang Situ's post in, I got a message.

Li Rusong said that he did not understand what he wrote, and only Lin Tailai himself knew the secret. So I kindly ask everyone not to ask again, he really can’t answer.

So Wang Xiangmeng had no choice but to take a few more servants to the Sanwu Guild Hall to visit Lin Tailai.

Wang Xiangmeng himself is the censor, and the Wang family is considered powerful and can gain access to the palace wherever he goes.

Lin Tai's visit here was no exception. He was directly invited in and sat on the table to drink good tea.

When Wang Xiangmeng asked Lin Tailai to visit the Wang family, Lin Tailai declined.

Lin Daguan said calmly: "I have been busy with everything these days. When I get some free time, I will pay you a visit again."

This tone is almost the same as the way Wang Xiangmeng spoke outside the gate of the Wang family a few days ago.

Wang Xiangmeng questioned: "You have just arrived in the capital, and you have a lot of things to do?"

Lin Tailai said helplessly: "Wang Yushi, you are late. Many people have posted messages to me, including literary and military invitations. I have to respond to them one by one."

Wang Xiangmeng said subconsciously: "Could it be that you want to wait for a price and sell it?"

Lin Daguan said "Haha", "Wang Yushi thinks too much. I am too kind and don't know how to reject people, so I have accepted so many posts."

The status is very bad today, and it was hard-written for the sake of updating, and there is no time to modify it. Sometimes the mode of online writing is really helpless.

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