The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 257 What to do?

It was too late, but it was too soon. If an ordinary person were here, they would most likely be too frightened to react and be knocked away by the horse.

However, Lin Daguan, who has experienced many battles, has outstanding reaction ability. He is very angry at the moment - no matter who encounters this kind of thing, he will be angry, but he still maintains a basic calm consciousness.

He immediately made a quick jump to avoid the horse's head-on collision, and then subconsciously stretched out his hands, giving full play to his height advantage, and grabbed the horse's reins.

"Ha!" The angry official Lin shouted loudly, pulling on the reins and trying hard to pull back to his side.

The veins in the arms hidden under the big sleeves popped out, and they were instantly filled with what seemed like a thousand pounds of strength.

Originally, the horse was running forward, but suddenly it was pulled by such a huge force, and it immediately developed a huge inertia.

The horse's head has been pulled sideways, but its body is still rushing forward.

As a result, under the huge inertia, the tall horse tilted directly, and together with the knight on the horse, it immediately fell to the ground, splashing dust half a person's height.

As the horse fell to the ground, the crowd near the city gate looked horrified and all exclaimed.

What everyone saw was that the majestic man directly pulled down the galloping horse, which was extremely visual impact!

As someone who lives at the foot of the emperor, he is well-informed and has heard many extremely exaggerated stories of bravery from storytelling novels.

But it was the first time I witnessed this scene of hands knocking down a galloping horse. It was as if the macho man in the novel suddenly appeared in the real world. It was not only shocking but also shocking.

The rider on the horse was not thrown out because his feet were hung in the stirrups, and he fell together with the horse.

At this time, the knight hit the ground hard, and one of his legs was directly crushed by the horse.

Only then did Senior Officer Lin see clearly that this knight was quite old, looking to be in his fifties.

I couldn't help but mutter in my heart, it was so disrespectful for me to be so old, and I even galloped my horse in a crowded place like the city gate.

At this time, the entourage of the old knight gathered around and shouted in panic: "Where did this vicious person come from, daring to kill Uncle Chengyi!"

Lin Tailai: "."

Although there are many nobles and lords in the capital, they are not so many that he crippled an earl just after entering the city gate, right?

Also, shouldn’t Uncle Cheng be in Nanjing? Why did you show up in the capital? And he rode his horse against himself?

Other than that, Lin Daguan didn't have much ideas.

Although Chengyi Bo is knighted by Liu Bowen, the famous Liu Bowen in the novel, what is his relationship with him, a senior official in Lin Dynasty?

At this time, regardless of the pain, Chengyi Bo pointed at Lin Tailai and cursed: "Lin thief! You and I are incompatible with each other!"

Official Lin couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, this Uncle Cheng actually knew him?

Could it be that the fact that he was nearly hit was not an accident, but was done on purpose by this man of sincerity?

To be honest, Lin Daguan has not seen many idiots since time travel, but this sincere man in front of him is definitely one of them.

Apart from being stupid, Lin Daguan could not find any other word to describe this earl.

Even if there is some resentment, is it too domineering to ride a horse in the streets of the capital to trample on a Jieyuan who is rushing to take the exam?

Fortunately, I reacted quickly. Even if Uncle Cheng Yi didn't die, he would still be half disabled, which was considered retribution.

As a person who is ready to hug the chief minister, if you are afraid of such a rubbish sincerity, then don't hang out in the capital!

Therefore, Daguan Lin turned around and left without realizing that he had caused the accident.

But none of Cheng Yibo's followers were willing to let anyone go. Except for a few who went to rescue people, the remaining dozen or so surrounded the official Lin.

Protector Zuo Zhang Wen quickly asked Lin Tailai for instructions: "What should we do?"

If it were in Suzhou City, there would be no need to ask for instructions, just prepare to form a formation and start fighting.

But this is the capital at the feet of the emperor, and Zhang Wen can't make up his mind, so he needs to ask for instructions first to clarify his response ideas.

Lin Tailai snorted coldly: "We are running rampant in Suzhou, what is our greatest confidence?"

Zhang Wen didn't know what it meant to ask this question suddenly. After careful consideration, he answered very appropriately: "The biggest confidence is that I am wise and powerful."

Lin Daguan sighed: "This is a subjective factor, but this time I am asking about objective factors."

The outspoken Right Protector Zhang Wu said in surprise: "Isn't it because sitting in the palace is tightly tied to the Shen Mansion?"

"Correct answer!" Lin Tailai said: "In Suzhou City, we are more than two thousand miles away from Shen, and we still dare to pretend to be powerful.

Now that we have arrived in the capital, and we are very close to Prime Minister Shen, is it possible that we have to tie our hands and feet? "

Zhang Wen: "."

This logic left Protector Zuo speechless. He could only silently take out the iron whip from his bag and hand it to Lin Zuiguan.

So the people in the capital who had just recovered from the shock of "power can turn a horse over" once again saw an unforgettable scene.

I saw the majestic man holding two whips, beating more than a dozen people at one time, once again recreating a scene that can only be seen in novels.

However, several of the macho man's followers just stood around and watched the excitement, as if the macho master was fighting a dozen enemies without any help at all.

After dozens of breaths, Uncle Chengyi's followers fell to the ground, unable to get up just like their lord master.

Official Lin put away his whips and said to the men: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, get on your horse and leave!"

Mounting a horse, of course, refers to the horses of Chengyibo's followers.

When he was in Suzhou City, Lin Daguan's close followers all trained to ride horses in case of emergencies.

After hearing the instructions, everyone did not hesitate, each grabbed a horse, fixed the luggage containing the silver, and rode away.

Passersby nearby saw Lin Daguan leaving and couldn't help but feel a little scratched.

Who is this tough guy who looks like he jumped out of a novel? Why don't you tell yourself your name and origin to clear up everyone's doubts?

According to the normal plan, Lin Daguan will first go to the Sanwu Guild Hall in the southeast of the city to check in today.

The guys who had arrived at the front station had already brought most of their luggage and settled in the guild hall in the capital in advance.

But unexpectedly, an accident occurred at the gate of the city, so Lin Tailai had to change his plan and go to the first assistant's house to get a tip first.

Otherwise, I am really afraid that I will not be able to move forward in the capital.

Although the specific address of Shen Mansion is not yet known, anyone who knows something about the layout of the capital knows that the chief minister must live in Xicheng.

Therefore, Lin Tailai and his party rode quickly through Qipan Street and arrived at Xicheng, and then inquired as they walked.

At this moment, an army of officers suddenly appeared behind them and followed them in hot pursuit.

Zhang Wu, the right protector, couldn't help but muttered: "It's troublesome in the capital. I just beat a dozen people, but they are still being chased by the army."

Lin Tailai was not surprised by this. This was the capital city after all, with numerous security agencies ranging from factory security agents to the Five City Troops and Patrol Battalions.

If he cripples a count in public and the officers and soldiers don't respond, it means that all the guard systems have completely failed.

However, official Lin did not panic and shouted to the back: "I am a guest of the Shen family in Suzhou, and I am going to visit the chief minister Shen's mansion today!"

Suddenly, the officers and soldiers no longer pursued him so closely, and just followed him leisurely.

Official Lin quickly continued to search for the way and found the very conspicuous Shen Mansion in Yongfang.

The first assistant, Shen Shixing, was still well received by the emperor. He was given many rewards and a large mansion.

Official Lin stood up and dismounted outside Zhumen. The officers and soldiers behind him also gathered around and blocked Lin Tailai and his party outside the gate of Shen Mansion.

If the strong man who killed Uncle Cheng Yi had nothing to do with the Shen Mansion, he would probably have to be captured on the spot.

Before Lin Tai came up to call the door, he saw a middle-aged man walking out of the door first. This was probably the door of Shen Mansion. He was alerted by the movement outside.

The middle-aged disciple first looked at the situation outside the door in confusion, and then shouted unceremoniously at the officers and soldiers: "You soldiers, what do you mean by surrounding here!"

At this time, a square-faced military attaché in the army, who was in his thirties but not forty years old, also got off his horse. His complexion was quite dark and he looked quite strong.

The square-faced military attache pointed at Lin Tailai and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "I am the patrol officer Li Rusong. I am chasing this person. I wonder if this person has anything to do with your government?"

Lin Daguan, who was about to ask Menpan to make friends, couldn't help turning his head and looking at the military attache after hearing this. The density of famous people in the capital was really high, and you could bump into one within a few steps.

It turns out that this is Li Rusong, the eldest son of Li Chengliang, the leader of Liaodong, and the one who fought in two of the three major Wanli campaigns in the future. Rumor has it that he even had Xu Wenchang as his disciple.

Of course, Li Rusong was still hanging around in the capital at the moment, and from what he reported, he seemed to be in charge of the patrol camp in the capital.

The so-called patrol battalion is an official army deployed in the capital specifically for patrolling the streets and catching thieves.

Looking at Li Rusong's way of doing things, he is much better than the stupid sincerity just now.

The middle-aged disciple of Shen Mansion looked at Lin Tailai and was also confused.

Lin Daguan introduced himself and said: "I am Lin Tailai from Wu County. I am a friend of Mr. Jia Er of your mansion and a disciple of the Shen family in Wu County."

With Lin Tailai's original identity, he was a bit unworthy of being Mr. Shen's "friend".

But now that he is a Jieyuan after all, it is not too much to call himself a friend.

Over the past year, the name Lin Tailai must have been mentioned frequently in Shen Yongjia's letters home to his father and brother.

However, only Shen Shixing, Shen Yongmao and his son who saw the letter knew about Lin Tailai. The general servants still didn't know.

After hearing Lin Tai's origins, the middle-aged disciple was about to say something when Li Rusong at the foot of the stairs suddenly added:

"I also hope that everyone in your house will know that this person had a dispute with Uncle Chengyi Liu Shiyan in Chongwenmen today. He disabled Uncle Chengyi and seriously injured more than a dozen of Uncle Chengyi's followers."

Menzi: "."

Dear mother, since when did the Shen family have such friends? Ever since the master won the first prize, the Shen family has become a scholarly family with heirlooms of poetry and calligraphy.

In fact, Li Rusong's intention was not to expose his shortcomings, but to remind the Shen Mansion that this person was in trouble. Accepting this person would mean accepting the trouble he brought.

After hearing such a thing, the disciple did not dare to make the decision without authorization, and turned around to report to the palace.

Lin Tailai remained calm and not worried at all. Based on his contribution to the Shen family, Shen Shoufu must protect him.

Besides, Shen Shixing's behavioral style in history was very particular about protecting his own people.

And as a prophet who traveled through time, Lin Daguan had a hundred ways to impress Shen Shoufu to protect him!

So Official Lin waited and looked at Li Rusong.

After all, this is also a relatively high-value historical celebrity, and Lin Daguan is still somewhat interested in getting in touch with him.

"Captain Li has wasted his efforts today. There is no point in standing here. Let's disperse as soon as possible! If you have the chance, please invite Governor Li to drink!" Lin Tailai deliberately said without saying anything.

Li Rusong responded sternly: "If you commit an offense in public, if you can walk through the gate of the Shen Mansion, you will naturally be handed over to the old chief assistant to punish you. You don't need me, Li Rusong, to do it for you!

If you can't enter the gate of Shen Mansion, then don't blame me, Li Rusong, for the ruthless official law here! "

Li Rusong's response was perfect, without any flaws.

A count was publicly maimed, which was quite a sensation. Especially since the matter has been reported to me, it is impossible to turn a blind eye and do nothing.

If he turned around and left in the face of the murderer, what would be the dignity of the patrolling governor?

No matter what, he had to wait until the murderer entered the gate of Shen Mansion before he could retreat without losing face.

Faced with the protection of the chief minister, retreating is not shabby, and public opinion will not accuse itself of inaction.

Lin Daguan laughed "haha" and said boldly: "If the Shen Mansion does not accept me today, I will be willing to surrender and give you a share of credit, Governor Li!"

Not long after, Menzi appeared at the gate again and said to Lin Tai: "My master has not been in the mansion recently, and I am the only one in charge of things in the mansion.

I just reported it to the uncle, who said that it would be better to wait until he returns to his house before personally inviting Lin Jieyuan to his house. "

The uncle mentioned by the disciples was of course Shen Yongmao, the eldest son of Shen Shoufu. He was a Jinshi and also served as an official in the capital.

If Shen Shoufu is really not at home these days, Shen Yongmao would not dare to make the decision whether to open the door to accept Lin Tailai or not because of the trouble of maiming an earl.

But official Lin was very surprised. As the chief minister, Shen Shixing had to stay in the capital. How could he not be in his house for several days in a row?

It's not the Jiajing Dynasty now. The cabinet bachelors have to go to Xiyuan to be on duty, and they often can't go home for ten days and a half in a row.

He couldn't help but question: "Are you kidding me? How can your master not be here?"

The middle-aged doorman didn't answer, just went back to the door and closed it.

Official Lin turned around helplessly and came face to face with Li Rusong. The atmosphere suddenly felt awkward.

I just said that if I couldn't enter the Shen Mansion, I would be willing to surrender. What should I do?

Li Rusong didn't expect this to happen and was stunned for a moment.

Although the "murderer" did not enter the Shen Mansion's gate, judging from the tone of the Shen Mansion's message, the murderer was indeed related to the Shen Mansion, and he was some kind of Jie Yuan.

But he had just said harsh words. As long as the murderer could not hide in the Shen Mansion, he would be "ruthless in the law", so what should he do?

Lin Tailai asked: "What did Mr. Chief Assistant do? Can Governor Li send me to the Chief Assistant?"

As long as he can see Shen Shoufu, nothing will be a problem.

Li Rusong replied: "Your Majesty went out of the city to Dayu Mountain to personally survey the Ji soil behind Wanshou. The first assistant should be going there with his retinue."

Depend on! Lin Tailai was speechless, it turned out to be this bad thing!

The issue of Emperor Wanli’s mausoleum has been a focus of political struggle in the past two years.

The two sides in this struggle are the chief assistant Shen Shixing and the three famous combinations of Li Zhi, Jiang Dongzhi, and Yang Keli.

Some people say that this struggle was the beginning of the party struggle with the characteristics of the Wanli Dynasty.

Lin Daguan was very interested in participating in the struggle, and it was no problem to guide the chief assistant step by step.

But the problem is that Dayu Mountain is located in Changping outside the city. It is quite far away from the city and it is not easy to go there now.

Then Lin Tailai said helplessly: "Why don't Governor Li send me to Wang Shao Situ's house again to see if Wang Shao Situ will accept me?"

Li Rusong: "."

Is this a bargain? He was directly demoted from the first assistant to the assistant minister. This price drop is a bit fast.

There are too many characters and contexts in the capital, and the more I think about it, the more I get overwhelmed. I have been wondering for the past two days whether I should make a choice.

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