The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 229 An irresistible condition

After leaving Suzhou City, Lin Tailai boarded a boat and traveled for more than ten miles, returning to Wutu Luziwei in the Thirteenth Capital, also known as Linsong Village.

After arriving in the village, Lin Daguan discovered that gaining the title of Wu Jieyuan had many benefits.

For example, the villagers finally stopped calling "Lin A Si" and "Da Si Xi" and generally said "Si Ye" after meeting each other.

Of course, a busy man like Lin Daguan cannot do everything by himself, so he has sent Gao Changjiang back to the village in advance to be responsible for the ancestor worship ceremony and the preparation of the running water mat.

Arriving outside his old house, Lin Tailai saw his father Lin Guozhong lying on a bamboo chair in the courtyard, his face dull and weak.

Gao Changjiang stood beside him, talking to Father Lin.

Lin Tailai was taken aback and asked quickly: "Father is sick? What's wrong with him?"

Mother Lin Song walked out of the house and replied angrily: "What kind of disease can someone get if they have food and drink? It's just an idle disease that won't bring happiness!"

A little person who is used to working hard to live, a person who is used to shouldering the responsibilities of the whole family, suddenly no longer has to work hard at all, and the whole family does not need him to do anything anymore, but he is very unaccustomed to it.

Now the eldest son of the Lin family has gone to work as the chief engineer of the engineering team, the second son has gone to Nanhao Street District as a steward, the third son has gone to Mudu Port to work as a river driver, and the fourth son has become the de facto head of the family.

Father Lin is only in his early fifties and in good health, but he has been forced to lose his job.

Lin Tailai said to his father: "Build a new house immediately, and you will have something to do!"

Father Lin responded: "Building a new house cannot last a lifetime. It will still be boring after it is completed."

Lin Tailai thought this father was really annoying, and said, "If you really can't stay idle, you might as well go farming next year."

Father Lin muttered: "Farming is no longer interesting. No matter whether the harvest is good or bad, it will not have a big impact on our family."

This was boring and that was meaningless. Lin Tailai said angrily: "That's my fault. I let my father suffer the pain of being idle and suffer the consequences of being lying down!"

Gao Changjiang snorted coldly and scolded: "Why are you talking to Father Lin while we are sitting in the restaurant?"

Lin Tailai: "."

Who is dad's filial son?

Then Gao Changjiang smiled flatteringly at Mr. Lin and said: "Farming is good, they scholars say, this is called pastoral joy.

Father Lin, your level is about to catch up with that of scholars, and you will make so many farmers envious! "

Father Lin felt a little more relaxed, "Mr. Gao has read books and can speak."

Looking at his father who had lost his life goal, Lin Tailai thought of something and said again:

"Farming can indeed be very interesting, the key depends on how you plant it. Can my father persevere in a field that can only be harvested in ten years?"

Upon hearing this, Father Lin retorted: "Nonsense! How can there be a field that only takes ten years to harvest?"

Lin Tailai replied: "In our place in Suzhou, we can actually grow two crops of rice a year. Father, do you want to give it a try?"

Father Lin said in astonishment: "What kind of rice can be harvested twice a year? I have never heard of it."

Lin Tailai said: "I don't have this kind of rice, but it can be cultivated slowly. I guess it will take more than ten years, so it takes ten years to harvest."

Father Lin said in disbelief: "Do you still understand this?"

The fields in Jiangnan are already highly productive, but what’s the point of growing two crops a year?

Although Father Lin has no education, he also knows that the increase in production must be an astronomical figure.

While recalling the information in his memory, Lin Tailai said: "Use three to five acres of experimental fields, plant early rice in March, and keep the mature rice as rice seeds in June and July.

Then in late July, the rice seedlings are transplanted again, and so on.

In a few years, we should be able to initially cultivate double-cropping rice seeds that can produce stably, and a yield of 1,000 kilograms per mu will not be a dream. "

Father Lin said in surprise: "Is this possible?"

Lin Tailai said casually: "It should be feasible. My father is idle anyway, so he might as well give it a try."

In the original historical time and space, it was during the Kangxi period a hundred years later that double-cropping rice began to be promoted in Jiangnan.

It was still at the end of the Little Ice Age, and the climate was worse than now. Double-cropping rice could be grown successfully at that time, and it is even less of a problem now.

What Lin Tailai recalled was the breeding method used a hundred years later in history. It is said that Emperor Kangxi personally presided over it.

He was not an agricultural expert, so he could only vaguely recount it to his father from memory.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you have three to five acres of experimental field, you can do whatever you want. Now Lin Tailai doesn't care about the investment of manpower and material resources.

The main purpose is to give my father something to do and a goal in life, so that he won't really get sick of idleness.

If we can promote double-cropping rice in our lifetime, it will be considered a great merit.

Lin Tailai persuaded his father again: "If we can accomplish this, it will be the achievement of a hundred generations.

From now on, the people of Jiangnan will remember their father in their hearts for generations to come. "

Father Lin hesitated and said, "I don't study well, so don't lie to me."

Lin Tailai asked back: "Otherwise, what else do you have to do, father? If you continue to do this, at worst it will be a waste of several acres of land, and what can I do to you?"

Then Lin Tailai and Gao Changjiang walked to the other side to discuss tomorrow's ceremony.

Gao Changjiang couldn't help but whispered: "It's still great to sit in the restaurant!

The most I can do is make up a pastoral joy to appease your father, but you just come up with a masterpiece of a hundred generations to fool me. "

Lin Tailai slapped Gao Changjiang, "What is cheating? It might just happen!"

The next day, Lin Tailai first went to the small ancestral hall to worship his ancestors, and the Wu Jieyuan wood sign was also hung in the ancestral temple for display.

Then there is a big flowing banquet to entertain fellow villagers. Normally it would take one day, but Lin Daguan did it in three days.

All the above procedures were arranged in advance by Gao Changjiang, and Lin Tailai only needed to be present.

Many of Lin Tailai's subordinates also took this opportunity to come over to brush up their presence, but Lin Daguan only met Ma Yingming, the customs chief of Mudu Port, alone.

Speaking of which, after the Mudu Port Customs was opened and closed, Lin Daguanren, the chief official, was not on expeditions in the east or in the west. Instead, he went north to take the exam and was away from the Customs most of the time.

Therefore, the tax and customs affairs are all handled by the chief accountant Ma Yingming. Of course, it is difficult for Ma Yingming to take full power.

After all, most of the forces of the Lin Group have been stationed in Mudu Town recently, and the third brother of the Lin family is in charge of Customs and Excise Department Hekuai.

The old house and the village were too noisy. Lin Tailai sat at the Shenming Pavilion at the entrance of the village and asked dissatisfiedly:

"Since the customs opening and closing, we have only collected one thousand taels of tax money?"

Ma Yingming didn't answer directly, but just let out a long sigh.

Lin Tailai said sternly: "I confirmed with the king's tax envoy at Xushuguan that he can pay five thousand taels of tax silver in a year at Xushuguan!

Now I have only collected one thousand taels in three and a half months. How can I explain it to the king’s tax envoy? "

If we keep this pace and exclude the deserted New Year period, we will not be able to collect 5,000 taels in a year.

Ma Yingming said helplessly: "Under normal circumstances, there would be no problem, but the smuggling has gone too far, resulting in a large loss of tax dollars."

Official Lin asked again: "What does serious excess mean? In my territory, Lin Tailai, who dares to be so blind?"

Ma Yingming had no choice. He couldn't bear the blame, so he could only say: "It's better to ask the two empresses while we're at the restaurant."

Lin Tailai was speechless. It turned out that the source of the loss of tax money was here.

As the society gets bigger and has more business, this situation will inevitably happen.

Women have long hair and short knowledge, so doing things like this is a bit too much.

This is arrogance based on favor, so you dare to act recklessly regardless of the overall situation!

Thinking of this, I happened to see Mrs. Fan and Xiaomei Huang standing at the entrance of the village, looking this way.

So Lin Tailai sent Ma Yingming away first, and then called the two women into Shenming Pavilion.

"First sister, please come and be fine." Lin Tailai took the initiative to say hello.

The two girls looked at each other competitively. Who was Lin Tailai's "first sister"?

Lin Tailai pretended to be surprised and said: "What? I heard that you have been fighting in Mudu Town for three months and there is still no difference?"

Now even the stupidest person can hear the irony, not to mention these are two women who are smarter than ordinary people.

But they didn't say anything and continued to pay attention to each other. It didn't matter what Lin Tailai said, as long as they didn't let their opponents steal the spotlight.

Lin Tailai asked again: "Am I short of money? Do I need to make a lot of money? Do I need to do it at the expense of destroying the normal order of the customs?"

Huang Xiaomei replied: "Of course it is missing. I don't have money to repair the garden. I have to borrow money to go to Nanjing to take the exam. The slave family felt very sad when they heard about it."

Lin Tailai: "."

Huang Xiaomei said again: "Is what the slave family said wrong?"

Lin Tailai said angrily: "I can tell you that my first purpose has never been to make money, and life is not just about making money!

There are many causes that are more important than making money and require more care to maintain!

As my right-hand men, you two are so disregarding the overall situation and only know how to make money by any means. It really disappoints me! "

Huang Xiaomei said a little unconvinced: "The slave family didn't do anything bad, so you're talking about the slave family like this?"

Lin Tailai immediately reprimanded Huang Xiaomei: "It was clearly defined at the beginning that your stronghold should be in Hengtang Town, why did you stay in Mudu Town and not leave?"

Seeing that Huang Xiaomei was being scolded, Mrs. Fan lowered her head and secretly smiled a few times.

But Lin Tailai turned around and scolded Mrs. Fan: "And you, I only allow you to enter Mudu Town, but it does not mean that Mudu Port also belongs to you. Why do you always want to interfere in the affairs of Mudu Port?" ?”

Mrs. Fan couldn't help but asked: "Then what do you want?"

Official Lin said sternly: "I will remove both of you from your posts as punishment!"

Mrs. Fan then said, "Then what shall I do in the future?"

Lin Tailai replied unceremoniously: "What else can be done? Seriously reflect at home!"

Before she met Lin Tailai, Mrs. Fan was the actual controller of Heyi Hall and the overlord of the eleven cities.

At this time, being reprimanded by Lin Tailai like this, Mrs. Fan felt that she could not hold on to her face, and her face turned red with anger. She said angrily: "You are a heartless man who pulls up his pants and refuses to recognize others!"

Huang Xiaomei immediately took advantage of the situation, approached Mr. Lin, and said softly: "It's all my fault. Mr. Lin, please don't get angry. Can you go back to Mudu Town first? The slave family will serve you with all their heart."

Afraid that teaching the woman this time would not be effective, Lin Tailai hardened his heart and said:

"There are so many young ladies who want to serve me wholeheartedly. They can be lined up from Suzhou City all the way here."

At this time, Huang Xiaomei was also choked. Facing the suddenly unfamiliar Lin Tailai, she was a little at a loss for a while.

Could it be that Lin Lang was really dissatisfied with her? Did she really violate Lin Lang's bottom line?

If this is the case, what should we do?

After all, Huang Xiaomei is relatively young, has little experience in interpersonal relationships, and is constantly thinking in her mind.

At this time, Madam Fan suddenly walked up, put her arm on Lin Tailai's shoulder and said, "Are you really going to do this?"

Lin Tailai said coldly, "People always have to pay for their mistakes, and so do you."

Madam Fan flipped up her hair at the temples and continued: "Don't you always think that Huang Wumei and I are at odds?

How about when we return to Mudu Town, Huang Wumei and I will serve you together? "

Damn it! Just hearing such a suggestion, Lin Tailai was immediately ready to make a move!

He casually simulated this scene in his mind, and it was indeed a bit exciting.

Being able to serve two incompatible yet powerful ladies together would really satisfy a man's psychological desires.

It would be even more exciting if the two of them competed with each other in that situation!

These are all new ways to play, Lin Tailai asked subconsciously while imagining:

"Ah, this is not good, Sister Fan, are you serious about what you said?"

Lady Fan replied: "If Huang Wumei doesn't want to, then there's nothing I can do."

After Huang Xiaomei was stunned, she heard this sentence again and muttered to herself: "Shameless!"

But after she finished mumbling, she nodded with difficulty, and then said fiercely: "You are still better when you are old!"

Madam Fan was originally slightly proud of having taken the initiative, but when she heard Huang Xiaomei's words, her face dropped again.

Lin Tai looked at this, then that, and finally sighed:

"Alas! My original intention was to let you put aside your trivial matters and have children in peace for the time being. I didn't expect you to react so strongly."

Ma Yingming, the customs chief of Mudu Port, stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the situation inside Shenming Pavilion.

Seeing the two women Fan Niangzi and Huang Wuniang in front of Lin Zuiguan, they looked dejected for a while, uneasy for a while, obedient and docile for a while, and excited for a while.

Chief Ma couldn't help but sigh at this, who said he wouldn't even dare to mediate the conflict between two empresses while sitting in the palace?

Those are all rumors, and the truth is even the opposite. Only by sitting in a restaurant can we keep these two empresses!

After leaving Shenming Pavilion and returning to his old house, Lin Tailai found his third brother, Lin Fulai, who was a river driver at Mudu Port.

"What? Are you going to beat me up after you return to Mudu Port?" Brother Lin said in surprise: "Why?"

Lin Tailai said bluntly: "The trick is to use you to establish your authority! Seeing that even you are going to be beaten, others will naturally become honest."

Third brother Lin was very dissatisfied and shouted: "Why! Didn't you say before that you wanted to use Madam Fan and Huang Wuniang to establish their authority?"

Lin Tailai said with a strong stance: "They made an offer that I can't refuse, so I had to temporarily change it to use you to establish my power."

When Brother Lin heard this, he knew that he couldn't escape from this beating, so he said seriously:

"Then I can't be beaten in vain, and you have to make an offer that I can't refuse."

Lin Tailai said, "I'll help you convince the third sister-in-law to allow you to take a concubine."

"make a deal!"

After thinking about it for a day, I still haven't figured out how to unfold the next stage. Let's make a transition first. It's better than discontinuing it.

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