The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 227 The Hundred Appearances of All Living Beings

The layout of the trial court is like this. The chief officer sits behind the innermost case, next to him are the clerks in the execution room, and further down on both sides are the yamen servants.

As for the plaintiff or defendant, if they are ordinary people, they cannot even enter the courtroom and can only stand on the platform outside the threshold; but people with a certain status can enter and stand at the door.

So at this moment, Lin Daguan and Shen Erye were standing inside the door of the government office lobby.

The two plaintiffs present, Lu Qiyao, the manager of the Lu family, and Xu Yuanjing, the general manager of the school book office, were at the front of the case.

When the noise came from the corridor outside, Lin Tailai and Mr. Shen, who were closer to the door, must have heard it clearly before the prefect inside.

Lin Tailai seemed to have heard something terrible, his face changed drastically, he turned around and urged Magistrate Zhu: "Judge him! Judge him quickly!"

At this time, a clerk who wanted to curry favor with Lin Tailai ran over quickly and strode up the steps.

Then he stood outside the threshold and shouted to Lin Tailai: "Congratulations to Lin Jieyuan! Zhang Siwei."

But as soon as the man said his name, Lin Tailai swung an iron fist and knocked him away.

"Quiet! Who dares to shout and disturb the court?" Lin Daguan stood on the threshold like a door god and roared majestically.

Magistrate Zhu stopped the pen he was about to sign on the verdict book, and felt very keenly that something was wrong.

But sometimes, the general trend of history is like a mighty river, and even the bravest king cannot stop it.

In the blink of an eye, five or six more people came outside the lobby, and even Master Zhu's personal aide, Mr. Qian, ran over in panic.

He shouted at the top of his lungs into the lobby: "Zhang Fengpan is dead! Zhang Fengpan is dead!"

Master Qian was still afraid that the prefect inside could not hear clearly if he shouted "died of illness", so he shouted "died" rudely.

Magistrate Zhu finally understood what the news was. It was shouted by his master, and it couldn't be fake.

His wrist trembled a few times, and the pen in his hand fell to the ground. There was no way he could sign the verdict.

Lin Daguan tried his best, but could not prevent the news from reaching the lobby.

He has no martial arts skills, but at this time he can only close his eyes and sigh, it's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen!

Maybe I was too greedy and wanted to cheat the prefect one last time in the judgment.

But unfortunately, it is impossible to dig every hole successfully. There will always be a limit to how to extract wool from the same person.

The official newspaper clearly stated that Zhang Siwei died of illness. After the news was confirmed to be correct, the government office, which was characterized by Lin Daguan as the "black base of Zhang Siwei's minions", exploded instantly.

Han Tongzhi and Zhang Tongpan, two "Zhang Siwei's minions", could no longer sit still and rushed to the lobby together.

Although they didn't know what they could do after the sky fell, they subconsciously went to the tall man like the prefect first.

Before the two of them entered the lobby, they heard the arrogant laughter of "Hahahaha".

"What a villain!" The two of them cursed Lin Tailai in their hearts.

But apart from cursing in his heart, there seemed to be nothing he could do to Lin Tailai.

The two of them stood at the door of the lobby and looked inside. The hero who dared to stand in the lobby of the government office and laughed wildly was none other than the Second Master of the Shen Mansion.

Lin Tai looked at Shen Yongjia and said, "Young Master Shen can just stand by and act as a background actor. Don't you think it's very abrupt to laugh like this all of a sudden? It also seriously interferes with other people's performances."

After Mr. Shen stopped laughing, Lin Tailai turned towards Magistrate Zhu, ready to speak.

But Mr. Shen pushed Lin Tailai away and strode to the front of the case.

In front of Magistrate Zhu, he reached out and grabbed the files stacked on the public case.

Then he tore all the files into pieces with three strikes, five divided by two, and threw them to the ground.

Second Master Shen, who had been cowardly in the eyes of the world for a while, suddenly became arrogant and stunned everyone in the court.

In fact, Second Master Shen's behavior was a great humiliation to the presiding judge. Magistrate Zhu said angrily: "You dare to destroy the official criminal record. Your crime is unpardonable!"

Second Master Shen ignored Magistrate Zhu, turned around, walked up to Lu Qiyao, one of the two plaintiffs present today, opened his bow from left to right, and slapped him twice.

The slaps were so sudden that Lu Qiyao didn't even have time to dodge. He received two firm slaps and subconsciously covered his face.

Second Master Shen rubbed his palms and scolded: "I just took over four of your Lu family's shops and compensated for the arson losses in Hengtang Town. Is this a lot?

I heard that the Lu family has more than a dozen stores in Suzhou. I can leave them to you just for the sake of the fellow villagers. Don’t be dissatisfied!

Is four places more important, or a dozen places more important? I advise you, the Lu family, to use your pig brains and weigh the consequences carefully! "

After Lu Qiyao came to his senses, he covered his face and shouted: "Withdraw the lawsuit! We withdraw the lawsuit! We won't sue!"

Second Master Shen turned around again and faced Xu Yuanjing, the general manager of the school secretary office, and slapped him with the same big mouth.

Manager Xu, who had been mentally prepared, was actually able to avoid it, but he still didn't move and received the same solid blow.

"Get lost!" He was completely unreasonable towards the second master Shen of the Xu family, and scolded him directly: "If you idiots from the Xu family think that the Shen Mansion and Xinxin Society can offend at will, then cut off relations!

I want to see if the Xu family in Huqiu can still exist after this year!

Don’t think that my ancestors of the Shen family once sent it under the fence of the Xu family, so I must recite this incense sentiment now! "

Manager Xu quickly shouted: "I'm also withdrawing the lawsuit! I'm withdrawing the lawsuit!"

Second Master Shen abandoned Manager Xu again, looked around and said, "Who else? Who else?"

No one responded. Second Master Shen stepped on the torn files on the ground, looked at Magistrate Zhu again and said:

"Since the plaintiffs have withdrawn the lawsuit, the file is useless and it is useless to keep it. It should be canceled!"

Lin Tailai, who was pushed away: "."

I was used to being the protagonist, but suddenly I was upstaged and turned into a supporting role, which made me feel a little embarrassed.

Gao Changjiang came over and said in a low voice: "This Second Master Shen is even more arrogant than you in the restaurant. I really can't stand it!"

Lin Tailai, who was reduced to a supporting role, crossed his arms in boredom and complained: "Who told him to have a good father."

Gao Changjiang made a very detailed analysis and said: "Second Master Shen's arrogant way is really unreasonable and completely unreasonable. It is simply a matter of venting emotions with very low technical content."

Lin Tailai said: "Actually, our alliance leader's acting skills have improved. At least he has learned to stare and have emotional outbursts, and his face is no longer paralyzed."

Then Lin Tailai sighed again: "Actually, it's understandable that he had an emotional outburst today. After all, he has been very depressed recently."

When the cabinet system was first established, there was not much difference between cabinet ministers. The nominal chief minister was ranked higher than other bachelors.

However, since Yang Tinghe in the Zhengde Dynasty, the gap between the chief assistant and the group assistants has become wider and wider, and cabinet politics has entered an era of strong chief assistants.

Therefore, if Zhang Siwei returns to the dynasty and becomes the first assistant, and Shen Shixing retires from the first assistant to an ordinary bachelor, his power will not be reduced in the slightest.

Reflected on the second son of the Shen family, the gap is definitely not as big as usual. It is conceivable that the psychological pressure on the second son of Shen will not be small.

Not to mention that during this period, Mr. Shen always felt that outsiders were talking about him as a coward and not as heroic as Lin Tailai.

So now we must be very arrogant and let everyone in the city know that the second master of the Shen family is still the second master of the Shen family!

After teaching the prefect a lesson, Mr. Shen walked out as if he didn't recognize his relatives.

But when passing by Lin Tailai, he patted Lin Tailai on the shoulder and said calmly: "As the leader of the alliance, I have helped you settle the case, you don't have to worry anymore.

Also, you should pay more attention to the impact of your actions in the future and don’t always end up in court. "

Lin Tailai: "."

Second Master Shen finished encouraging his allies and continued walking out.

Lin Tailai stopped Mr. Shen and questioned, "Are you leaving now?"

"What else is going on?" Second Master Shen didn't know why.

Lin Tailai said: “Before doing anything, you must have a clear goal of benefit, not just for the sake of pleasure.

Now that you are done enjoying yourself in the government office, what is your real goal? What about the new income received? "

Second Master Shen was confused. What does this mean?

Lin Tailai gave a specific example: "For example, we have a very clear goal, which is to let the government government give up the Jinong warehouse.

Now that Jinongcang is still in the hands of the government, are you leaving now? Why don't you go and persuade the prefect to bring over the Jinongcang? "

Second Master Shen glanced into the court and snorted coldly: "You are trying to embarrass me, Second Master Shen, and Prefect Zhu will definitely not give it to you."

Lin Tailai sighed: "At the critical moment, I still need to come forward. I will go inside and persuade Governor Zhu."

At this moment, the young commander who "captured" Lin Tai to the government office appeared outside the lobby with a group of sergeants.

Lin Tailai stared closely at Mr. Nian, could he still want to jump over the wall?

Mr. Nian put on a flattering smile on his face and said hello:

"Lin Jieyuan! I just went to the grain department of the government office and grabbed this year's account books and seals from Jinongcang in two counties in Suzhou City!

Now give the things to Lin Jieyuan, and then ask Lin Jieyuan to deliver them to the county government.

In addition, I have also arranged for soldiers to guard Jinongcang in the two counties. I promise to only listen to your orders, the high official! "

Lin Tailai: "."

This year, General Manager Nian is also a talented person. He is still thinking of coercing and luring Magistrate Zhu to put the Jinong warehouse under the jurisdiction of the county government. However, General Manager Nian has already used the simplest and crudest practical actions to get everything done.

"Will the government's grain department seal the account books to you?" Lin Daguan still said suspiciously.

Mr. Nian said wittily: "When I got there, I said I was here to do something for Lin Jieyuan! They naturally cooperated."

This can be regarded as opportunistic. Without Lin Daguanren's name, even if he was surrounded by officers and soldiers, the government grain department would not be able to hand over everything so happily.

In fact, as a military attache, he must have taken a lot of risks by being so rough and disorderly in other yamen.

But President Nian Ba ​​has no choice. As long as Lin Tailai walks out of the government office like this, he will never be able to take off his hat as Zhang Siwei's minion.

What he had to do was to do something in the government office area as soon as possible to make Lin Tailai forgive himself.

So Mr. Nian thought of Jinongcang, which Lin Daguan had been thinking about for a long time.

Sure enough, I heard Lin Tailai: "These account books are closely related to the seal. I don't feel confident holding them. You officers and soldiers will continue to help escort me."

President Nian was relieved. He almost fell into the abyss today, but fortunately he was decisive and climbed out again.

Lin Daguan took the account books and related seals, and after coming out of the government office, he first went to the Changzhou County government office.

After meeting Yuan Hongdao, Lin Tailai said directly: "The obstacles have been cleared, and the Sanjiangkou dredging project can be launched."

Yuan Hongdao looked at the account books and seals of the county's Jinongcang, and said happily: "Very good! I have even written an article about Sanjiangkou, and I am just waiting for the construction to start and be completed."

Once the funds are in place and the project is launched, he, the county magistrate, will be one of the biggest beneficiaries from now on, so how can he not be happy about it.

Although he has no intention of making money from this project, the biggest gain is to be able to leave his name for future generations through the project.

Lin Tailai added: "In order to prevent the government government from taking back the Jinongcang again, I still have some ideas about the management of the Jinongcang and I need to discuss it with the county magistrate."

Yuan Hongdao said doubtfully: "What do you think? You can do all the projects, what else is there?"

Lin Tailai replied: "I have researched that during the Xuande Dynasty, when counties in Jiangnan began to build agricultural warehouses, they adopted a system of joint management by the government and the people.

Warehousing and cashiers are jointly supervised by the government and local gentry and local representatives.

Only later, as the government gradually became stronger, the Jinongcang became completely managed and managed by the government, and the local gentry and people had no way to intervene. "

Although Yuan Hongdao was not very interested in being an official or government affairs, he was definitely a smart man and he immediately understood what Lin Tailai meant.

Then he took the initiative and asked: "Do you want to restore the old system?"

Lin Tailai said: "Following precedent is justifiable, why not?"

There was a rule in the official circles of the Ming Dynasty. When encountering government affairs that you didn't know how to make a decision, you would often look at whether there was a precedent. If there was a precedent, you would act in accordance with the precedent.

As long as there is precedent, it is a natural political correctness.

Yuan Hongdao hesitated and said: "But there is still a problem."

Then Lin Tailai hurriedly said: "What other problems are there? The restoration of public and private co-management of Jinongcang is definitely a remarkable achievement of the county, and it will be appreciated by the local people!"

Yuan Hongdao said helplessly: "What this county means is that you are not a citizen of Changzhou County. Even if the government and the people manage it jointly, it is not your turn to intervene."

Lin Tailai could only say: "We can settle the matter first and think about the selection slowly."

Yuan Hongdao asked again: "The two counties are one city, and many systems often need to be synchronized. So regarding Wuxian County, haven't you discussed it with Mr. Deng County?"

Lin Tailai replied decisively: "There is no need to discuss with him! I only recognize Yuan Xianzun in the official circles of Suzhou City!"

"By the way, there is another thing." Yuan Hongdao then added: "Wujiang County sent people to the county government to protest, saying that according to ancient book research, Sanjiangkou should be in Wujiang, not Changzhou County."

Lin Daguan replied nonchalantly: "So what are the records in ancient books? Can their reputation in Wujiang County compare to you, the county magistrate, and our Xinxin Society?"

We say that the ancient Sanjiangkou was in Changzhou County, then it was in Changzhou County. "

Today's status is not good at all. It's hard to update again. I hope it will be better tomorrow.

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