The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 215 No one wants to take responsibility

In the Jiangnan area, the end of September to early October is the busiest time for autumn harvest.

After the autumn harvest is over, it’s time to pay grain taxes, which is commonly known as autumn grain.

It can be said that 90% of local government tax revenue comes from autumn grain. Other taxes, such as summer tax and commercial tax, are not worth mentioning compared with the importance of autumn grain.

But when the autumn harvest came this year, the slogan "Support Lin Jieyuan, stop handing Nanjing grain" had become popular in all states and counties in Suzhou Prefecture within ten days.

With the communication efficiency of today's media, this speed of communication can be called a miracle, and it also reflects the "popular sentiment" from the side.

Although many people in prefectures and counties outside the capital, such as Kunshan, Jiading, Changshu and other places, do not know who Lin Jieyuan is, and they are even less familiar with Lin Tailai.

But they didn't mind shouting slogans along with them, and regarded Lin Jieyuan, who they had never met, as a hero.

If Lin Jieyuan is not a hero, then how can we have an excuse to resist taxes? So Lin Jieyuan must be a hero.

The total tax revenue of Suzhou Prefecture accounts for one-tenth of the world's taxation, and it supplies one-sixth of the capital's grain. There has always been an old tradition of resisting tax arrears.

This time, Wuxian Wanminshu took the lead. If other places dare not follow suit, then they would be calling themselves Suzhou people in vain.

Therefore, although the autumn grain harvest has not yet officially started, officials in various states and counties in Suzhou Prefecture have fallen into a collective panic due to the wave of public opinion.

Only then did the Zhang brothers understand what they meant when they said, "My goal has never been to defeat the Xi family, but to use it to make myself stronger."

In storytelling novels, when someone is described as having great power, it is often said, "If you stomp your feet, the whole city will tremble."

Now it seems that this trend will also follow in Suzhou City, if everything goes well this time.

Magistrate Deng of Wu County is probably one of the people under the most pressure at present, if not the most.

He had not slept well for several days in a row, and his whole face looked gray and defeated.

Magistrate Yuan of Changzhou County in the same city sent his aide Li Jixuan to the Wuxian County Government Office to visit Magistrate Deng.

Li Jixuan said bluntly: "Nowadays, public opinion is raging everywhere, and its source is in Wu County.

Mr. Deng County cannot just sit here and solve the problem quickly, otherwise our other counties will be dragged down! "

But Li Jixuan kept talking until his mouth went dry, but Magistrate Deng still said nothing.

Li Jixuan said dissatisfiedly: "Now that we have said this, how can Zun County Deng remain indifferent?"

Magistrate Deng suddenly lost control of his emotions. He raised his hand and threw a stack of documents at Li Jixuan's feet.

"You're late! All the prefectures and counties have issued documents to scold this county!" Magistrate Deng yelled with a ferocious expression.

Li Jixuan: "."

It turns out that Deng Zhixian has become the target of the wrath of all the state and county officials in Suzhou Prefecture.

Although the responsibility does not entirely lie with Deng Zhixian, Deng Zhixian is also a victim.

But other magistrates and prefectures did not dare to scold the magistrate and governor, so they could only vent their anger on Magistrate Deng.

All I can say is that having someone like Lin Tailai under your rule is a crime committed in three lifetimes.

Seeing Zhixian Deng, who was under so much pressure that he almost collapsed mentally, Li Jixuan couldn't say anything more, shook his head and left.

All the government officials did not dare to approach Magistrate Deng at this time. In this state, they would be beaten to death without any reason.

Only Master Zheng, who was in charge of the punishment, stepped forward and said softly: "I have an idea. Although it cannot solve the problem, it can relieve the pressure on the proprietor."

Deng Zhixian, who was at a loss what to do and felt that he had no other choice, quickly asked: "Speak quickly!"

Master Zheng said cryptically: "You can muddy the water. If the sky falls, let tall people carry it!"

Magistrate Deng frowned and said, "Please elaborate further."

Master Zheng said: "As we all know, the Dongting business gang has a very good relationship with Governor Wei. When Governor Wei took office, he was surrounded by Xi Siwei of the Xi family.

And I also heard that on the day Lin Tailai was taken away, the governor also sent a thousand soldiers from the Biao Battalion to participate in the containment, and they were watching near the scene. "

After hearing this, Magistrate Deng took pictures of the case. It’s all said and done!

Indeed, as Master Zheng said, although it cannot solve the problem, it can relieve your stress!

He didn't cause the trouble himself, so why should he bear the maximum pressure?

If you can't protect yourself, why should you care about superiority and inferiority! If you want to die, then die together!

As a result, more details about Lin Jieyuan's arrest began to emerge in Wuxian County.

Detail 1: On the day Lin Jieyuan returned to the city, Dongting merchant thieves organized manpower to besiege him. The governor, government office, and county government all knew about it, but they all did nothing and allowed the merchant thieves to do whatever they wanted.

Detail 2: The governor even sent a thousand pacesetters to assist the merchant thieves and participate in the siege of Lin Jieyuan, and then these thousand pacesetters sat back and watched Lin Jieyuan being captured by the Nanjing people.

Detail 3: The Dongting Business Gang cooperated with the Nanjing Wu family in order to open up the huge consumer market in Nanjing City, and betrayed Lin Jieyuan for profit.

When these details became widely circulated, the person who was under the greatest pressure became Governor Wei.

As a fifty-nine-year-old governor who has no room for advancement and just wants to make a fortune, he is not afraid of scandal.

But he was afraid that something would go completely out of control and he would have to take the blame, which would lead to him being traced and then withdrawing the stolen goods.

The governor of Jiangnan is the first person in charge of money and food in Jiangnan. If there is a big problem with money and food, who can share the responsibility for him?

But the biggest problem now is that we can't find any solution to the problem, or even the person who caused the problem.

In these days, Lin Jieyuan, who has been passed down by word of mouth among the people, seems to have disappeared from the world and has never appeared in front of people.

In fact, at this moment, Lin Jieyuan could already see the walls of Stone City.

That's right, after more than half a month's absence, he returned to Nanjing.

This time we walked very slowly on the road, and we still lingered at Xushuguan for several days before leaving.

After all, it takes time for things to ferment, and it also takes time for the public opinion storm to be fed back to Nanjing.

As for why Lin Daguan wanted to return to Nanjing, it was because he, as the center of the public opinion storm, was not suitable to stay in Suzhou.

There were about a dozen sergeants beside Mr. Lin. After all, they were captured by the Jingwei army in name only.

These ten or so sergeants are actually members of Wei Guogong, but their identities will never be recognized to the outside world. They are only generally said to be officers and soldiers of the Beijing Guard.

When Mr. Wei Guogong's guest Mr. Sheng came to visit, he and Lin Tailai finalized a detailed cooperation plan based on what they needed.

Then, outside Fengqiao, Lin Tailai pretended to be captured by the "Jingwei" officers and soldiers.

The ship arrived at Longjiang Pass outside Nanjing City, and after landing ashore, these sergeants escorted Lin Tailai to General Zhang at Longjiang Pass.

Then these sergeants dispersed in a rush, and their whereabouts have never been known since.

Only Boss Zhang was left with a confused look on his face, not understanding what was going on.

As a military attache guarding the checkpoint, he is very well-informed and has heard about the public opinion storm in Suzhou Prefecture.

But he didn't expect that the person at the center of the public opinion storm would suddenly appear directly in front of him today.

Lin Tailai explained: "I am a prisoner now. I was captured here by the imperial guards and handed over to you, Mr. Zhang."

Mr. Zhang was still confused and said subconsciously: "Then what should I do?"

Lin Tailai said matter-of-factly: "Of course I will be escorted into the city and handed over to Yousi for interrogation."

Mr. Zhang asked again: "To be clear, which yamen is Yousi?"

Lin Tailai responded: "How did I know this? I just knew, hey, I was caught here by you guys from Jingwei!

But I don’t know which family is arresting me, and I don’t know who is going to punish me! "

Manager Zhang: "."

What kind of gourd thing is this? Why can't you understand it at all?

He didn't want to get involved, but he didn't dare to let people go directly because releasing people without permission might lead to liability.

Lin Tailai actively helped with ideas and said: "The yamen that want to arrest me are none other than Mr. Li from the garrison office, Wang Shangshu from the military department, and the criminal department.

You can't go wrong escorting me to those three places! "

After Mr. Zhang thought about it twice, he felt that it made sense. He personally escorted Lin Tailai into the city and headed to the nearest garrison.

Not long after the report was made at the gate, the garrison minister Linhuai Marquis Li Yangong sent someone to reply:

"After Lin Tailai escaped from the Luming Banquet, it was the Minister of War, Wang Shangshu, who ordered the search for Lin Tailai.

What's more, martial arts examinations are under the control of the Ministry of War, so it is enough to send Lin Tailai to the Ministry of War. "

Mr. Zhang had no choice but to ask Lin Tailai: "What should we do?"

Lin Tailai said confidently: "Then it's up to me!"

Then he shouted to the gate: "Master Li Hou! Your son Li Zongcheng has always been at odds with me. He smashed my boat, injured my people, and tried to arrest me!"

Now that I have been sent to your door, why are you as timid as a mouse and dare not accept me? "

But no matter how much Lin Tailai shouted, there was no response from the garrison.

Lin Tailai could only helplessly say to Mr. Zhang: "I tried my best."

Mr. Zhang had nothing to say, so he could only escort Lin Tailai to the military headquarters in the east of the city.

After reporting the same thing, he soon received instructions from Wang Shangshu:

“When the headquarters sent a message to look for Lin Tailai, it was just a search and had no intention of arresting him.

But a few days ago, someone went to the Ministry of Punishment to sue Lin Tailai, so Lin Tailai was the defendant of the Ministry of Punishment, and he could be sent to the Ministry of Punishment. "

General Zhang's status was too low and he had no ability to oppose the instructions of the masters.

So he could only continue running, escorting Lin Tailai to the Punishment Department in the north of the city.

When I got to the Ministry of Punishment, I reported it again and got a quick response.

The Ministry of Punishment believes that the principle of responsibility should be followed based on whoever catches the crime.

It was the Jingwei officers and soldiers who captured Lin Tailai and brought him back to Nanjing, so it should be taken over by the garrison office responsible for the dispatch of the Jingwei officers and soldiers.

Lin Tailai couldn't help but blocked the door of the Ministry of Punishment again and shouted: "Mr. Wang Yanzhou! I heard that you have officially taken up the post in the Ministry of Punishment?

Now that you have accepted the case against me, why don't you dare to take me into custody? "

The response to Lin Tailai was still silence, without any reply.

Lin Tailai muttered: "What kind of world is this? Even the leader of the Alliance, Mr. Wang, can tolerate it so much."

Regarding the result of running to three government offices, Mr. Zhang went crazy.

He also guessed that the old man might be unreliable, but he didn't expect it to be so unreliable!

Does the majestic capital of Nanjing still need a little boss like him to step forward and take on everything?

In fact, Mr. Zhang knew very well in his heart that the man in front of him, who had set off a storm of tax resistance in Suzhou Prefecture, was a hot potato and could not be kept in his hands.

He is just a small checkpoint manager and cannot get involved in deep political affairs.

You know, after the news of the tax resistance in Suzhou reached Nanjing, the price of food has tripled!

At present, Nanjing City officials import one million stone tax grains every year, of which about 400,000 come from Suzhou Prefecture.

Once the 400,000 yuan is missing, there will be no place to make up for it.

Although there are still grains in the warehouses and Taicang of the household department to support them, what will happen after the grains are used up?

Everyone knows that among the whereabouts of Suzhou Mansion’s money and grain, the first priority is the white grain and gold and silver used by the royal family;

The second is to ensure the grain used by the imperial court; the third is to ensure the expenses of local government and health offices.

Fourth is Nanjing City. Because the team of Nanjing City has no real power and cannot affect the interests of Suzhou officials, the priority is relatively low.

Therefore, if the Suzhou government does not collect enough money and grain, it will most likely suspend the delivery to Nanjing City, giving priority to the capital and local expenditures.

Therefore, the slogan "Stop paying Nanjing grain" seems to be unworkable because there is no separate tax category of "Nanjing grain".

But it can be realized from another perspective through the "self-regulation" of the power operating mechanism.

The Nanjing Grain Market also responded honestly, with grain prices rising threefold.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and food prices have always been the information that rulers need to pay most attention to. Once food prices skyrocket, it is often accompanied by famine.

Therefore, the entire Nanjing officialdom was shaken by the Suzhou government's tax resistance and the sharp increase in food prices in Nanjing.

When things have developed to this point, how can Mr. Zhang, who knows how much he has, dare to get involved?

His only thought now is to get Lin Tailai away from him as soon as possible!

For a moment, Zhang Ba always wanted to ask Lin Tai, "Can you turn around and run away immediately? He can pretend not to see it."

Little did he know that at this moment, several government offices who had received the news were cursing, which unscrupulous bastard took Lin Tailai back to Nanjing?

Whoever takes in the "criminal" Lin Tailai is equivalent to taking over a heavy responsibility.

Taking over this responsibility means either trying to calm down the situation or sharing the blame with the officials in Suzhou City.

Mr. Zhang asked Lin Tailai in despair: "What should we do now?"

After careful consideration, Lin Tailai replied: "There are so many yamen in Nanjing, why not try one by one? I think there will always be someone who will accept me, right?"

Manager Zhang: "."

What is the difference between this kind of performance art and neurosis? Do you, Lin Tailai, think of this as a tour?

Three well-connected yamen refused to accept people, and other yamen with no connections were even less likely to accept people.

Lin Tailai said again: "Then you can try to find Wei Guogong again?"

Wei Guogong is a descendant of Xu Da, the first hero of the founding of the Ming Dynasty. He is the first aristocratic family in Nanjing and often serves as the official position of Nanjing garrison minister.

The Lords with different surnames in the Ming Dynasty were headed by Duke Wei, and they were both special and transcendent beings in Nanjing.

If there is anyone in Nanjing who dares to accept Lin Tailai, it is only Wei Guogong.

My thoughts are stuck, so I can only write by force. Let’s do this for today. If you still have monthly votes, vote for them and try to write more tomorrow.

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