The subject that must be said – almost all Lifeform – has the instinct of convenient asylum, and Hero reason why is great, most of them because they have the courage to resist such an instinct, and willfully go to the mountain though it is tigers.

The same reason, in fact, applies to journalists, who are not afraid of dying, is not necessarily great, but the great reporter, it must be a dreadful death.

For example, at this time when Alien invaded Earth, he dared to come up with the guy who looked forward…

There is an old word called “How bold a man is, how big a estate”, and it is not only heartfelt and so on for the time being, but for this particular case alone, that the courage to be insane is indeed to exchange a very rich collection.

A super Hero steep drops from the sky, looking for the door to be interviewed. That’s not what happens every day.

Yes, at a time when this situation is so serious, it is because of St. Hero, who is still out of business here.

“Which Television Station are you? Is this live?”

The golden boy in front of you is like, “The mosquitoes, the barrels, 38406; the temptation to play the position, 38403; and the return of the wreckage, far away from the dead.”

You’re Peter Parker’s fake, right?

Because St. Pete was a journalist edition of another time, Spider-Man, he thought of his own little spider, and the scene he missed was that there was no steel warrior so far away from the rebellious American team, and, of course, justice was used to say, “You haven’t fully grown, you haven’t been on the battlefield” for the reason that poor Peter Parker was on the cooling bench.

As for the story of “little spider is not a good child”, that’s the last word, not yet mentioned.

Turning back to the positive issue, because golden silhouette, St. Pete, was quick to put on the screen of the Times Square through the camera scene shouldered by young journalists, who cleared his voice and opened a radio channel throughout New York and around Worldwide: “Good citizens in New York, I need your help.”

“From behind me, you can see that Alien Army, known as‘ Chirita ‘, is invading the planet under our feet.”

“In these Alien eyes, Earth is just a low-level civilization behind, and they can do whatever they want and seek it.”

“Is that true?”

对着摄影scene 抛出这句反问的因圣特,显然就只是在做铺垫,紧接着便握紧fist 振臂一挥道:“让我们一起来告诉他们,No!!!”

In the light of the holy words, every corner of New York, followed by the words “people or roar or screaming”, these are insignificant attachments and voices that, after the concentration of one another in the air, culminated in a loud and vivid call of the heavens and the earth – No! “

“When you see here, when you see that I raise my hands high, ask you to raise your hands and remember in your heart – I borrow my power from you.”

“I am also here to pledge to assemble all of us, and we’ll let these damn Alien know that they can’t be on Earth impudent, and they don’t want to do whatever they want on Earth!”

‘Cause! Earth is ours! “




More than the previous number, because of the “We” slogan thrown out by St. Pete, there is no doubt that the clock love was even greater until he had a double subordinate pressure movement in front of the scene, and people were landed and stopped that fanatical roar, which was repeated in the mouth.


With St. Pete’s full overestimation of sea support, when the horses rise their arms, and the “Spirit Bomb” starts, Sky-Dance Art is halfway up on one side: “In accordance with our agreement! Give me power!”

On the other hand, time went back a few minutes ago.

Guided by the rule that “police officer always comes sooner or later”, because the St. Turner pulling strongly against a crazy tide will come to an end, the S.H.I.E.L.I.E.L.D. ‘s main battleship will soon arrive at the scene, coincided with the tremendous rhythm of the Chirita.


comparison with the first wave of experimental attacks, the time at which the Chilidans sent not only more man-portable aircraft, more war giant beast, but also those guards around the flag, Universe battleship, no longer a silent view, two of which had been slowly driven out of position and had been running through the portal.

“Looks like St. Pete really hurt them.”

Phil Colson, who restored the sense of humor, apparently, was a different day than before: “If I’m right, he’s ready to complain to Ki Blast now, and we just need to give him enough time.”

“It’s Spirit Bomb.”

Melinda Melinda Melinda expressionless corrected a reading of Colson while manipulating the Kurson warplanes to fall down and go straight to the roof of the Stack Building.

On the fan platform, close to the roof of the building, the black widow with Eve, and aware of the proximity of this friendship fighter, immediately came to see Angel and gave urgent warning on the channel: “Mei, stay away, Krillin is hidden!”

It was a cold arrow that belonged to the eagle’s eyes, and yet again on schedule, a good arch was drawn up in the air, beneath the back of the Kunmen warplanes, in order to hide it from the drilling angle of the angle of death, and the exact hit was deadly.

As a result of a tremendous shock, the left engine of the Kunmen warplanes drastically lifted a flashlight and looked at it as a complete reimbursement, as a result of the fact that Melinda Merace’s pilot, whose eyes quickly cut off the power of the right engine, barely insisted on maintaining the balance of the fighter and escaping the desperate situation where the driver was completely out of control.

“Colson! Hold on!

It is clear that, in the event of a total loss of motivation, it is impossible to force, like Angel, to fall on a fan platform, to circle around the Stack building, which is the only option for Melinda Meredith.

At this point, it was supposed to be an empty man in the trunk of the battery, and suddenly there was a silhouette between the red blue and the blue, climbing all the way up on the roof in a way that totally violated human dynamics, just like a four-foot crawling bug, and the whole man fell on the roof of the hatch, and then a multifunctional window opened and put it in a strong breath of shock.



heard the sound looked back at Colson, just stared to break the name of the smuggler, sneak up the little spider before the plane took off.

It’s not possible, like Peter Parker, to climb up the building’s glass, to climb in Kolson, to speak with a very naughty tone, and in a communication channel, to say, “Captain, Peter is here, and now moved towards you.”


That’s all, it’s clear that Captain Captain can’t do anything about it forcing this “unleashed undergrown man” out of the battlefield, and that he really needs help now, and he immediately handed over to him a relatively secure task when a little spider climbed up the first time: “Kid! Go up there, find the eagle eye.”

Although an orphan, “parents” are actually a lot of little spiders, not yet able to make a chest to the American team, and the steel warrior on the top of the building is busy, and he’s also smoking his voice: “Kid, we’ve discussed this, keep your distance, and live on the Internet in ‘Legoras’.” (Spirit King, Eagle Eye’s one-time sexual number)

“Yes, Captain Lord.”

“Yes, Mr. Stark.”

At this time when the little spider weakly and without strength answered, the Iron Man “Wow!” felt U, and started to talk in very strange terms, saying, “Hey, do you read the news?”

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