After a long and long vacation, school started one day before.


Maybe it’s because I’ve been receiving sleep therapy for quite a long time after orientation, so when I get up, I automatically yawn.

“Young Master, are you awake?”


Thanks to her, I rubbed my eyes for a while, and every time I woke up for a while, I looked at Kania, who was sleeping next to me, and smiled.

“How’s your body?”

“You seem to have improved a lot?”

“Is that so? I’m really glad.”

For nearly two months, I slept all day and received various treatments at the same time, so I couldn’t get better.

Besides, I continued to practice when I woke up, so maybe I got a little stronger.

‘No, it has to be several times stronger than this.’

There is a limit to becoming stronger through training. Not enough time and lack of stamina.

Since tomorrow is a full-fledged academy life, I’ll have to try various methods with the excuse of taking classes.

Should I go on a school trip to the Western Continent? That doesn’t seem like a bad idea either.

“Young Master, you’ve gained a lot of muscle.”


While I was relaxing with that thought in mind, Kania, who quietly sat on my seat next to the bed, started to poke my body with her fingers.

“How did you build so much muscle in such a short period of time? On the surface, you look like a normal Young Master, but when you touch it, it’s definitely different.”

The Starlight family is a family of heroes. There are a number of methods of naegong training and efficient training.

However, until now, I just didn’t feel the need and didn’t try.

Now that you have a reason to be stronger than you are now, there is no reason not to.

“You’re great, Young Master. You’re the best.”

However, Kania’s hand gestures are a bit blatant.

– Whoa, whoa…

She was blushing and stabbing me in every corner of my body, but before I knew it, she tucked her hands inside her clothes and gently stroked my stomach.

“The abs look really good…”

I watched her quietly and then put my hand inside her clothes as a joke.

“…I was wrong. Please forgive me.”

Then she stiffened and whispered quietly.

“Tell me about what happened after a long time.”

I patted her stomach with my finger once, and then I looked out the window and said so.

“Yes, first of all… I’m going to tell you about the sleep magic error that happened yesterday.”


So, an unexpected answer comes back.

“Irina-san made a mistake… there was an error in the sleep magic.”


What does this mean? Error in Sleep Magic? No, before that Irina made a magic mistake?

That’s the same thing as saying that Kania’s food was tasteless or that Serena was stupid.

In a word, it makes no sense.

“Choi, you’ve been overworking your body lately, so you’ve drawn the wrong magic circle in your sleep. That’s why I unintentionally put Young Master to sleep for a day.”

With such thoughts in mind, Kania hastily provided a supplementary explanation. Yeah, if that’s the case, it’s understandable. No matter how perfect she is, sleepiness is unavoidable.

“So, has the magic error been fixed?”

“No, I’m just waking up the Young Master by interfering with the magic for a while now. Irina-san is due to return from the tower today…”

“Well, thanks to you, it’s refreshing and good. Please tell me not to get too heartbroken.”

“…All right.”

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Even though I said that to Kania with a smile, a question still remained in the corner of my mind.

‘I don’t feel like I slept all day…’

It was a thought that I had no choice but to listen to, as I only thought I had woken up during training because my body felt a bit stiff as if I had been training.

‘…it must be the mood.’

Thanks to that, I thought for a moment, then shook my head and spoke to Kania.

“So, what’s next?”

“Yeah, the second… it’s about the outside world.”

Hearing that, I swallowed saliva without realizing it.

After returning to the inn and starting sleep therapy, I didn’t hear from the outside, even when I woke up briefly for training.

Only to focus on training and not to interfere with treatment.

Thanks to that, I’ve been cut off from the news for a while, so I’m really looking forward to it, but I’m also worried.

“First of all, the incident of orientation… is rapidly spreading across the country.”

“Yeah? How much?”

When I asked a question with a frown on those words, Kania sighed and answered.

“Of course, it was known to politicians and people of interest around the world. However, the leaders of each country are putting pressure on the media to delay the spread of the incident as much as possible.”

“Well, if it were known that I had a secret to save the world… the world would be engulfed in a great panic.”

“It’s already in a state of panic. However, the leadership and the media. A significant number of commoners still do not know. Among the nobles, there are surprisingly quite a few people who do not know.”


As I cross my arms and think, Kania quietly adds.

“Of course, you can’t cover up such a big deal, so it’s only a matter of time before the rumors spread across the country. In a few months, everyone will know the truth.”


“In the case of the academy, a few sophomores or freshmen who attended that day know everything for sure. The rest are just rumors.”

Hearing that, I made a satisfied expression on my face, and Kania frowned and opened her mouth.

“Why did you instruct me to let things go like that? Young Master is so worried that he’s going crazy.”


“Yeah, I’d like to shrink it down and put it in my pocket if I can.”


Unlike in the past, I burst into laughter when I saw her directly expressing her feelings, and then I started talking quietly.

“You have to hate me, don’t be afraid. Then the point efficiency will be lowered.”


“So I decided to spread the rumors slowly after a few months. If you target the whole world, the points will accumulate tremendously.”

“You’re obsessed with the point again… Heck.”

I cut off her words, and once again tapped Kania’s stomach with my finger and said:

“There are rumors all over the place that my classmates can’t treat me badly. And, the first-year guys can’t treat me like I’m a professor.”


“I’m going to live in the academy for a year anyway, so there’s no problem. So don’t worry too much.”

As I finished my speech in a soft tone, Kania, who was looking at me softly, continued speaking quietly.

“If you hear the third report, you’ll have a slightly different opinion.”

I tilted my head at that, and she continued speaking with an angry expression.

“There are forces trying to attack the Young Master.”

“Are you attacking me?”

“Young Master is lying. It’s so ridiculous that it makes me laugh.

Contrary to her words, she had a cold expression on her face.

“The church, the imperial family, and the matops would have verified it.”

“They are claiming that these three factions worked together and attacked. Besides that, they are spreading various conspiracy theories that we need to bring out the Young Master.”

“…Huh, really.”

“Even the academy is a bit spread out. So… please be careful.”

she said so

“It’s been a long time since we’ve been behind the scenes.”

He ended up saying that with a very frightening expression on his face.

‘It’s scary, Kania.’

Next to me, she is a loyal henchman and the most reliable rich man, but her external image is now the representative of the back alley.

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Even the original representative, Count Justiano, is being pushed to her, and my other status, the ‘Brave of Money’, is known for a close relationship with her.

“Good job, Kania.”

“Heh heh… heh…”

It makes me feel strange for some reason to see such a terrifying girl, now blushing and moaning as she pats me on the stomach.

“Now, please stop joking around… Young Master. I can’t stand it, ah, no… I still have the last report left.”

“Huh? Is there another one?”

After stroking her tummy for a while, Kania said as she carefully grabbed my arm.

“It’s about… about your brother.”


“You’ll find out anyway, so I thought it would be better to tell you now.”

Suddenly, I feel scared all over my body. What happened to Arya? Did I even get hurt? Or… maybe?

“Calm down, Young Master.”

After a long time, my heart is beating fast and I have trouble breathing, so Kania quickly hugs me in her arms.

“Aria has fully joined the Brave Party.”

And her voice reached my ears.

“Recently, he seems to have been close with Ruby. And maybe… as a special exception, he may be admitted to the academy as a freshman.”


And then, there was silence for a while.

“What was that?”

I, who was in her arms, sighed in relief and muttered.

“I’m glad… What else do I say?”

“Young Master.”

“I-I know what happened again…”


When I lost consciousness, Kania, who was looking at me like that, gave me a little more strength and hugged me.

– Crackle…

After such a short time passed, I calmed down a little and began to rummage in my arms quietly.

“Hmm, hmm…”

It was because I suddenly wanted to see the handkerchief that my lovely brother had given me before.


However, something is strange.

No matter how much I looked around, I couldn’t find the handkerchief.

“Young Master? Why are you doing that again?”

She quietly tilted her head at my abnormal reaction that started again abruptly.


It feels like my chest is tightening like crazy.

A handkerchief engraved with the mana of a silver cat that Arya gave me a few months ago.

After that, Serena, Kania, Irina, and Clana carved animals on the handkerchief in turn.

“I can’t…”

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Even if I had them, it felt like they were around me, so it was my irreplaceable treasure that I always carried with me…

Where the hell did you go?

have you forgotten? where did you spill it? wherever?

Did you spill it while training? Or maybe when you encounter a monster that day? Or… before that?

“Car, we need to find it…”

have to find it somehow.

If it doesn’t, it doesn’t seem to work for some reason.

The last line left between my brother and I seems to be cut off forever.


No matter what happens, no matter what you do, you must…

“Young Master, calm down.”


“Inhale slowly and exhale.”

She stroked my pale face with a worried expression, then grabbed my hand and spoke in a soft voice.

“Slowly… more slowly…”


Closing my eyes tightly to hide my trembling eyes, I hold her hand and breathe in slowly as she tells me to.

“That’s right. You did a great job.”

Then, Kania patted my back and said that.

At the same time, I feel my heart warm for some reason.

A sense of stability, as if sitting on a cozy sofa, penetrates into my body.

“Young Master, what’s wrong? Then tell Kania.”

In such a situation, as she speaks with a soft smile, I take a deep breath and ask a question in a low voice.

“Rice, it’s nothing… The handkerchief is gone.”

“A handkerchief?”

“You know what my brother gave me as a gift, the ones you engraved with animals. That’s…”

“If that’s the case, I have it.”


I spoke with a gloomy expression as if I had confessed my mistake to my mother, but when I heard her words, I opened my eyes.

“Last time, Mr. Ferroche gave it to me? During the last orientation conversation, you said that you picked it up where the Young Master was.”


After bruising for a while and looking at the handkerchief she gave me, I quickly accepted the handkerchief.

Then, the animals that symbolize the heroines that caught my eye, and the silver cat embedded in the center.

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Even though he is giving out a lot of tea that he doesn’t like, he is oozing with traces of carefully engraved stitches.

So, I have no choice but to cherish…


I buried my face with my handkerchief open with a happy expression on my face, then quietly tilted my head.


A new animal was engraved on the handkerchief.

The white dove, who seemed to be making a fairly stupid expression.

“We’re all gathered here.”

My heart warmed for some reason at the sight, and after looking down at him quietly for a while, Kania quietly spoke to me.

“Young Master, please know.”

When I said that, I raised my head slightly, and Kania said with a bright smile.

“Like that handkerchief, we’re always with the Young Master.”

After those words, silence began to flow.


Breaking that silence, I carefully call out Kania’s name.

“Yes, Young Master.”

Then, of course, she tilted her head while examining my serious expression.


She is enjoying the sunlight from outside the window, and she looks so pretty today.

– Thump, thump…

At the same time, my heart starts beating fast.

‘Until now, I thought of them as being like family…’

Kania, who has always been by my side since I was little, was literally like my family.

‘…well, that’s not it.’

However, lately I have had to change my mind.

‘By the way, how do you say that?’

In the case of Serena, it flowed relatively easily and like water.

But what about Kania? How do I apply?

What should I say? How do I take it to the atmosphere…

“Hey there, Young Master.”

I’m thinking about how to start the words I have to say before the end of the day, and Kania quietly speaks to me.

“I want to ask you one thing.”

She said so in a formal and hard tone.

“Uh, uh…”

Looking at her like that, I quietly nodded.

‘For now, let’s buy some time.’

I felt my face turning red, thinking about it.






“During this vacation, with whom were you the happiest?”


After looking at Frey, Kania, who quietly began to close her body, asked in a low voice.

“Tell me, Young Master.”

“Uh, that’s…”


As Frey’s eyes fluttered, she spoke again with a firm voice.

‘Please me, please me, please me, please me, please me…’

Since before, Frey has been constantly thinking about it like crazy, feeling his belly, which is pounding hot from the wind, and his body getting hotter.

‘Wait, do you need an answer? If I go like this anyway, won’t the Young Master take care of me? No, will I just attack?’

Then she

‘Or, I’ll just put it back to sleep…’

Quietly muttering inwardly.

‘…Are you going to do what you’re trying to do?’

At the same time, the inn’s door was firmly locked.

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