
The demon king’s eyes, who were glaring at Glare, narrowed like a bow.

“Feel free.”

Then, Ruby looked at her and quietly covered her lips with her hand and burst into laughter.


It looked so absurd and at the same time arrogant, so Glare unwittingly clasped her hand.

“What are you talking about?”

Ruby, who looked at such a glare with a pitiful look, immediately made a bright expression and asked a question.


Then, all eyes around him begin to focus on Glare.

High-ranking officials from all walks of life, the people of the imperial family, the people of the church, and even the eyes of the princess and the daughter of the duke Serena.

It was a situation she had never experienced before, as she lived a poor life in a back alley.

– Thump, thump.


Glare’s heart beats fast. An unknown fear was slowly overtaking her. In her life, who had only indifference, a blade called interest was being stabbed in her.

“No, that’s literally it!”

But she couldn’t give up. It was because he vowed to become a great person to protect the warriors.

To become such a great person, I tried to start by helping, but I couldn’t help but sit still.

If it was broken here, it seemed that the ring given to me by the shining warrior in the sunlight during the day and the stars at night would become dirty.

“What do you mean literally?”


However, no matter how strong a promise was, force majeure existed. For example, a ‘fake warrior’ Ruby who is watching him with a creepy expression right now.


Clearly, she had an expression that made her spine cool and her whole body shivering just by looking at her, but for some reason the people around her seemed to be okay.

‘After all… I’m not an ordinary person…’

Up until now, she had been secretly investigating Ruby’s identity while hiding herself, so Glare didn’t know her true identity or abilities.

It’s just that she’s the hero’s enemy.

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Except that he sometimes perceives his stealth skills as a transcendental sense that no one, not even his master, notices.


But now, Ruby’s power was clearly felt. Even though she showed only a fragment of her abilities.

The aura that was emitted by targeting only one Glare was enough to stun a girl of her age in the first place.

“F, Mr. Frey is… not guilty!”


But, Glare closed her eyes tightly and shouted that.

As Frey had seen in the past, she had only 6 mental strength and was only slightly braver than a girl her age.

It was only because her desire to help the hero and the desire to stop her enemy protected her spirit.

– Can you afford it?


However, it wasn’t Ruby who would take care of her like that.

– Before it becomes irreversible, just step back.

Ruby, like Irina, twisted even the laws of magic and delivered the whole sound into Glair’s head.

– hurry…

“The bad thing is, it’s Ruby-san over there!”

However, Glare once again plucked up the courage to shout it out.

“I saw Mr. Ruby attack Mr. Frey… I saw it with my own eyes!”

And, for a moment, there was silence around.

“Well, I’ll guarantee it. Obviously that person…”

In the stillness that was as if dead, Glare clenched her fists and tried to continue.

“Pu ha ha ha ha ha!!!”

“Khhh! Khhh…”


When laughter erupted from all sides, he stopped talking and gave a blank expression.

“That lewd man was almost scared?”

“Child, you should be joking a lot.”

“It would have been better if that was the case… how scared Ruby-sama was…”

People didn’t believe her at all.

“Umm… I’m sorry…”

After looking around those people, Ruby turned to Glare.

“There seems to be another poor kid who passed over to Mr. Frey…”

He mumbled that with a sad expression.

“If it were me… I might have been brainwashed like that before…”

Although it was a mumble, her voice reached people’s ears so well.

“That, but…!”

“Do you have any evidence?”


Therefore, the gaze of people looking at Glare changed to a cold or sad expression.

“Take it out.”

The bodyguard Benaire, who was standing next to the hero, pointed to Glare with a cold voice and called the knights.

“Anyone who touches my disciple even with his fingertips will know that he is hostile to Mato.”


At that moment, Ma Thapju, who was quietly observing the situation, stood up.

“If you want to fight this senile old man, give it a try.”


Saying that, she looked so weak that she would fall down just by touching it.

However, thanks to the transcendent battle with Dmir Khan, whose arm had been severed, which she had just shown, no one dared to step forward.


When the situation calmed down, Matapju looked down at his student, who was waving his hands while leaving the work open.

“It’s a little late, but let me give you verification advice.”

“S, Master…”

“I’m going to stay in the Imperial Household for a while. At the same time, let’s investigate the qualities of a hero and the truth of this case. Well, then, let’s stop talking about this.”

Saying that while moving quietly, he muttered in a low voice.

“Ew…why are my students always like this…”

“I, there…”


Then, as Glair tried to open her mouth again, she turned around and spoke in an unusually serious voice.

“Once a perception is entrenched, it is unlikely to change unless there is a decisive moment.”


“The concept of magic is like that, and the human mind is like that.”

After hearing those words, no one looked back at Glare, who quietly shut her mouth.

I just thought it was a brief incident by a kid who was obsessed with Frey’s beauty.

Rather, everyone’s attention was focused on Ma Thap-ju, who stepped forward in order not to increase his work.


Thanks to him, Ma Thapju looked down at the grass that had died out.

“…don’t do anything you’ll regret.”

With a very soft expression and voice for her, she whispered softly into Glair’s ear.

“I made it.”

After leaving those words, Matap-ju moved forward, leaving behind her second disciple, who looked at him with his eyes wide open.

After that, there was silence for a while.

“Then… Now that it seems to have calmed down, we should talk about the background of the incident.”

Until Clana, who was watching the whole situation with sharp eyes, opened her mouth again.

“The reason behind this incident… is the denomination.”


The prelude to an all-out war that would be fought between the Clana faction and the denomination that effectively took control of the imperial family has risen.







After the verbal battle between Clana and the bishops, the bloody situations that almost led to a military clash, and the ensuing lull, silence came.


In the tent erected next to the ruins of a secret building, which is now only a few left, Glare, who was sitting with her arms crossed on her chin, sighed.

“Suddenly… you want me to have a hero’s party?”

As she was about to return to her residence, Ma Tower, she received a call from a high-ranking official and was quietly waiting in a temporary tent.

“A hero’s party without a hero… What do I need to go to?”

Of course, knowing that Ruby wasn’t a real hero, Glare thought it was just a waste of time, so she was going to turn down the membership as soon as a bureaucrat came in.

– Sreuk…

“I don’t do that party, in the first place the hero…”

As the entrance to the tent opened and someone came in, Glare folded her arms and opened her mouth.



It was Ruby, not a bureaucrat, who entered the tent.

“If you look closely… you’re a cuter kid than I thought.”

Glare, who stared blankly at Ruby, who was looking down at her with a pitiful look, got up hurriedly from her seat.

– Sharak!!

“Sit down, then.”

Ruby moved her fingers and frowned as she blocked the entrance with an unknown force.

“Don’t talk directly.”

Then, to Glare, who sat quietly, the Demon King spoke in a low voice.

“Be on my side.”



However, as Glair responded immediately, Ruby began to show an annoyed expression on her face.

“I’m not really interested in women… I can’t help it.”

Soon, he broke his hand and made a clattering sound.

– Shaa…

“This is not a request, kid.”


In an instant, he reveals himself as a demon king to her.

“As expected… you were the first to discover my identity…?”


“Sometimes at the nursery school, I was skeptical because they stared at me… I don’t think such a cute little kid would have found out who I was…”

Ruby’s tail gently brushed Glare’s cheek.

“You, you…”

“Who am I?”

Before long, the demon king wrapped around her waist with terrified eyes.


I tried to whisper in her ear with a creepy low tone.



When he heard Benaire’s voice from the entrance of the tent, he paused for a moment.

“As I expected… Frey is alive.”

“…is that so.”

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Eventually, she responds to Benaire’s words with the voice she gave when she was in human form.

“That’s why we’ve sent in pursuits across the Empire. If he’s alive, it’s only a matter of time before he gets caught.”

“Is that right? Good job.”

“Yes, hero. Have a good night.”

In that way, she calmly finished the story with the appearance of a demon king.

“…the enemy of a warrior.”

He turned his gaze to Glare again, and whispered in a terrifying voice.

“It means that a kid like you isn’t something that can be dealt with.”


That overwhelming aura wasn’t something that Glare, who was still a kid, could withstand.

“Come under me, or keep your mouth shut and live quietly.”


Thanks to that, when Glare fell into silence, Ruby put her face right in front of her.

“But it’s strange… Why can’t you use the special system…?”


Soon after, he shook his head and began to mutter.

“Originally, if I found out my identity, I wouldn’t be able to divulge it…”


At that moment, Glare, who unleashed her tail, glared at her and waved her arms.

– Damn it!!!

Inside the tent, a light sound resounded.


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Even though he was trembling in fear, the demon king quietly looked at Glare, who slapped his cheek with all his might.

– Kwagwang!


He threw her on the floor in an instant and began to strangle her.

“You ‘attacked’ me…?”


“I’ve been aiming for that ever since… stupid kid.”

The Demon King, who looked down at Glare, who began to make a painful expression thanks to him, smiled a creepy smile and began to give his hands strength.

“Besides, if you won’t be my subordinate…”


“I have to die.”

I looked at her, whose eyes were gradually blurring, and muttered in a pleasant voice.

– Exactly!

At that moment, the sound of snapping fingers resounded low.

“What did you do?”

However, the Demon King just tilted his head and watched Glare struggling.

“Did you use any magic?”


“Did you think the magic of a little kid like you… would work for me?”

Although it wasn’t magic, it was true that the ‘powers’ of Glair did not work for the Demon King.

Although she could shatter everything.

Because living creatures couldn’t do that.



Her magic just didn’t work for the Demon King.

“You… you die…”

One of the horns protruding from her head was shattered.


Belatedly, the demon king began to scream at the terrible pain he felt for the first time in his life, which descended from his head down to his whole body.

“Hey, this catch…!”


But, nevertheless, she was a demon king.

“Dare… Dare…!”

Ruby summoned a hideous spear into the air with one eye closed in the blood flowing while holding on to the right horn, which had already begun to grow slowly.


I tried to insert the spear as hard as I could into Glare, who had almost lost consciousness.

– Whoa…!

At that moment, a transparent wall appeared between her and the Demon Lord.

[Assistant System – Automatic Defense System Activation]

At the same time, an opaque system window appeared in front of Glare.


[You, the Demon Lord, cannot attack the operator of the helper system under any circumstances.]

It was the same with the Demon King who was pushed against the transparent wall.


A cold silence flowed between the two of them, blocked by a wall.


In the silence, Ruby was the first to react.


– Whoa…

She suddenly sharpened her teeth and slammed the shield with a spear.

“You will regret today…”

Glare, who had a tense expression on her face, looked down at her with a arrogant expression and whispered.


After that, she quickly disappeared while grabbing the growing right horn.

“I… have no regrets…”

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Even in such a chaotic situation, Glar remembered the words his teacher had left and muttered it out loud.

– Aww…!

When someone with the soldiers approached the tent, he quickly moved his gaze to it.

“Hey, it’s a demon!”

“It’s an attack!! It’s an attack!!!”

“Ask for support!!”

The soldiers who briefly witnessed the appearance of the ruby before it completely disappeared, thinking it was an attack by demons, started screaming out loud.


However, Clana’s reaction was a little different.

“excuse me.”

“Wow, Princess…!”

She left behind her soldiers, who had begun to prepare themselves for battle, and moved to meet Glare, who was lying on the floor.

“Bah, just that… it’s a ruby. Ruby is actually…!”

“I know.”


He said with a soft smile to Glare, who was screaming urgently while holding on to the hem of his robe, forgetting the identity of the person in front of him.

“Shall we… get along?”


After hearing those words, Glare realized who the person in front of him was, stopped thinking and froze.

“Today’s remarks… Thank you so much.”


“Because he… was the one who proposed to me as a wife.”

Clana blushed while talking to her to relieve her tension.

“Ah, anyway, I want to repay you… Do you have any wishes?”

I asked such a question to get to know the little kid who might become a hidden card.

“…Ah, the Academy.”


Then, as the accident stopped, Glare just stared at Clana with her mouth open for a long time.

“Ah, I can’t give you the academy…”

“Please let me go to the academy.”


“Sure, Master and the dean don’t get along so… I can’t enter the school if I’m not old enough.”

Soon, with a bewildered feeling, he said the wish he had dreamed of.

“So, please let me in as a freshman next year.”

“Um… if that’s the case…”

Hearing that, Clana quietly began to calculate in her head.

“…because I have to help the hero.”

Hearing Glair’s next words, he immediately gave a blank expression and asked a question.

“Yo, you’re helping the hero…?”

Glare’s eyes looking at her like that were full of determination.

“I have a debt that I haven’t paid off yet.”

What came at the end of the hero appointment ceremony was not the advent of the hero, but the birth of a helper who would overthrow the game.

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