
Glare’s eyes, which had stretched out their hands in front of them, slowly closed.

‘…So, why is he here?’

I hurriedly covered my face with stellar mana, looking down at Glare, who was desperately trying to check my face until just before my eyes were completely closed, and I was lost in thought.

‘I didn’t even think about it…’

This girl, apparently, is the child I rescued from the Succubus Queen’s dungeon in the market alley.

At that time, I was only doing bad things, ruining the empire and returning to the time of my return, so I was very thirsty for good things, so I remember paying special attention to it.

He also put the lucky ring that came out as a reward from the system.

– Ugh…

With that thought in mind, I looked at her unconscious right hand, but strangely, there was no ring.

I’m sure you showed me the ring on my finger before, but maybe because of this incident, I wandered around and forgot?


As I looked around while holding him, I noticed something gleaming in her left hand.

“I’m glad…”

So, when I looked closely, the ring on the ring finger of her left hand was shining brightly in the dark basement.

“…for a moment.”

Thanks to this, the relief is short-lived, and the fact that the hand the ring is on is the ring finger of the left hand comes quite big.

When you showed me the ring earlier, I wasn’t in a good mood, so I didn’t know, but it seems that I usually wear it there…

“Hey, what a cute little boy.”

Do you know what it means to wear a ring on the ring finger of your left hand? Well, even if you knew it, it must have come from the longing or pure heart of a child of this age.

Anyway, it’s special because you value the ring I gave you. In fact, it seems to have been of great help to her as well.

The new disciple of Matapju, which has been frequently mentioned in newspapers recently and Irina spoke with a pout, is this little boy.

I feel really good because it seems that my actions and the ring of fortune created a big variable that was not in the previous episode, and also a positive variable.

‘That’s why people have to do good and live.’

If it hadn’t been for her activity even today, it would have been quite difficult.

She managed to recover most of the survivors and led them here, so Lulu was able to quickly recover the few remaining survivors.

If there were a lot of people spread out in the building, things would have gotten quite complicated, so I just have to thank this little guy.

“By the way… how did you get here?”

But suddenly a question arose. How did this guy get this far?

The entrance and walls of this building were twisted and distorted thanks to Dmir Khan’s space magic and the church’s collapse magic.

And the way to destroy it from the front is an overwhelming force that tears even the space.

For example, my sword strike or star magic, or Isolet noona who went right up to the point of awakening with a sword awakening.

By the way, did this little boy show such overwhelming power?

[Name: Glare]

[Ability: Error]

[Specificity: Error ]


[Goodness Number: Error]


With that thought in mind, I read her information, then widened my eyes and tilted my head.

What do you mean there are so many errors? Even though I’ve seen many numbers with overwhelming numbers or question marks, this is the first time I’ve seen them marked with [Error].


Somehow, the more I know, the more curious I seem to be a kid.

When I get out of here later, I’ll leave Serena to investigate.

– Ugh…

After thinking like that, I slowly lowered the woman I was holding in my arms to the floor.


Then, though it may be a coincidence, she grabbed the clothes around my neck with her small, fine hands.

“…when everything is over, let’s meet again.”

I wanted to pat her as much as I could and buy her something delicious, but if I did, I would be lying on the bed for a few months.

So I carefully removed her hand from me, and I smiled and gently stroked her cheek with a smile, and then I stood up.

– Tub…


At that moment, I heard a chuckle from behind, so I looked back in a hurry.

– Tub…!

And at that moment, a gentle hand wrapped around my eyes.

“Who… yo?”

Thanks to that, in a situation in which my eyes were darkened, when I heard someone whisper in my ear, I smiled and opened my mouth.

“Perloche. What is this doing?”

Then, the hand that was covering my eyes slowly slides down.

“I don’t know?”

Then, she grabs my loose clothes and pulls them towards her.


Suddenly, me and her tongue were mixing in the mouth.



It was a short time, but somehow I felt more dizzy than ever. It was as if someone who knew me well was being used to a weakness that I did not know, and it felt as if it was imprinted on my soul.

“…how many times?”


After telling me to rest for a while, I looked at Perloche’s original personality that popped out for some reason, but when she slowly touched my side with her hand, I felt a dizzy feeling again and said.

“Uh, um… that’s…”

Then, she turned her gaze to the side and stuttered.

“…this scenario.”


I smiled a little at her and told her, and she opened her eyes and answered with a smile at once.

“Innumerable, many.”

It seems like an ambiguous answer for some reason, but it doesn’t really matter.

“So, why are you here?”

When I asked her who was standing up to the tip of her feet and kissing me, then smiling while drooling the saliva that was connected to me, Perloche answered with a raised eyebrow.

“First, I needed to keep my stupid personality hating you, and more importantly… I needed someone to take control of the nukes here.”


“I couldn’t ignore the pain that you’ve felt and will feel, which is going to be quite traumatic.”

Having said that, Ferroche pulled me back again, kissing her once more and whispering in a low voice.

“I’ll take the pain. You can rest now.”

And at that moment, Perloche’s shield made of holy power covered me, and another moment passed.


Perloche’s eyes, who had been kissing me with their eyes closed, suddenly opened wide.


Then, suddenly, Perloche screams and pushes me forward.

“I, nananana bad Frey!!”

Thanks to her, I was pushed back by the shield she had made in advance, and I staggered at her with the dizzy feeling I had felt for a short time.

“Unscrupulous Frey! Pervert Frey! Bad!!”

Saying that, Ferroche had become an idiot who made a characteristic fierce expression instead of the way his spine was getting cold for some reason.

“Eight! Eight!”

“Come on, wait…”

Thanks to that, I was caught by her and slapped with honey balm.

“If you attack others, you can’t use it!”


After the punishment, he folded his arms and looked at me and murmured as he looked at Ferrlote, who was so skeptical, with absurd eyes.

“Recently, I’ve only been attacked…”

“Noisy! This beast…!”

I was furious at those words, and I, while avoiding Perloche who was about to hit my honey chestnut again, inside the shield she had made.

“Lord, Master!!”


“I came here because the nuclear runaway seems to be delayed…!”

When Lulu, who had rescued everyone in the building with the dolls except Serena and Clana’s party, entered the basement, smiled thinking that things would be easier than expected.

– Dumpling…!


When Perloche and my shield, which were encased in the core of the explosion magic, began to crack, I widened my eyes with her.

‘Is this what Perloche said earlier?’

I think I now understand why Perloche came to this place by revealing her original personality.






“Master… this is…”


Lulu, who had commanded the dolls to drag out the unconscious people in the basement, murmured while looking at me.

“…what is the expected degree of damage?”

Still trapped in Perloche’s shield and staring at the reddish blast nucleus, I asked Lulu a question in a low voice.

“This, the possibility that the entire area around this area will be annihilated… is very high.”


The plan went completely wrong.

Originally, this operation was to wrap this explosive nucleus with my magic to minimize damage, and to be buried with Clana and Serena’s party in a collapsing building to conduct a public opinion battle.

If this happens, everyone around us is in danger, let alone our lives.

The little boy who gave me the ring.

The girl who sold vegetables on the street in the old days who patted me on the back while I was vomiting in the bathroom.

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Even the maids who sent letters several times saying they wanted to return to the mansion were all.

Why the hell did this happen? Surely the calculations would have been perfect? It is strange that the runaway time of the nucleus has accelerated exponentially, and it is also strange that its power has more than doubled.

– Kugugung! Kugugugung!!


Since this has happened, there is no choice but to directly control that nucleus.

Just like in the case of the commoners dormitory raid a few months ago.

“Luru, you should leave the building now.”


“As the Demon King’s army, I have to complete the mission the Demon Lord has given me. So come on.”

With that thought in mind, I quietly looked at Lulu and said so.

“Shi, I hate it!!!”

Then, Lulu shook his head in fright.

“Even if I die, I will die with my master!! Without you, I can’t live!!”

Did I unconsciously notice what I was trying to do? Or am I misunderstanding something?

“I, I’ll sacrifice for you! I’ll do my duty for you! Please use me!!”


“I’m your consumable!! So please use me!! If I’m dying for you, I’m happy to die!!!”

Having said that, with a pale, tired face, she grabbed my leg and hung on it.

Apparently, she misunderstood.

“Even if the master dies anyway, I will kill myself!! So please use me instead and the master…”

“Luru, you’re not a consumable item.”


Taking a small sigh, I grabbed Lulu’s cheek, who had been rubbing it against my leg while crying in a panic, and whispered with a smile.

“It’s my pet.”


At the same time, I tore the escape scroll I had for an emergency.

“Huh? Huh?”

She disappeared with the light without even having time to resist.

– Whoo


I, who was left in the basement with Perloche, who had imprisoned me inside the shield, looked at the dust and stone fragments falling from the ceiling and turned my head.

– Tub, Tub…

Perloche was heading towards the core of the explosion with a serious expression on her face.


After a while, she arrived at the core, took a deep breath and jumped into it.


Soon, he began to scream in pain.


Watching the scene, I clicked my tongue and placed my hand on the shield.

– Quietly… Quietly…

Then, her shield began to crack in no time.

No matter how weak my body was, the formidable attack power of the ‘hero’s power’ remained the same.

– Wow…!

I broke the shield by using all the magic of the stars I had summoned in advance, and I muttered to myself as I sailed into the core where Perloche was twisting.

‘I can’t help it…’

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Ever since the day my mother died for me, I have been terribly terrified of having someone sacrifice or suffer for me.

That’s why I tend to carry the burden by myself whenever possible, but Perloche has already gone inside.

This time, it seems like we have to shoulder it together.

– Wow…!

With that thought in mind, I entered the nucleus and embraced Perloche vigorously.


Then, while struggling in pain, Perloche found me and put on a bewildered expression on her face.

“Did you suffer as much as I did?”

I smiled at Perloche, whispered that, and then slowly closed my eyes and began to prepare for the pain that would come to my body…


For some reason, even after a long time passed, the pain did not come to me.









Lulu, who was summoned into the air outside the building, fell to the ground.

“What, what?”

“It’s a surprise…”

Then, the eyes of the survivors, who were looking at the building with anxious expressions, turned to her.

“All, you…”

At the same time, Roswin, who had just woken up and stood up.

“Ho, ho, maybe… Those who escaped… That’s the end…”

With trembling hands, she pointed to a group of survivors who had been dragged out by the dolls she was controlling.

“Lord, Master!!!!”


Lulu, who understood the situation, panicked and ran to the building, and his mouth widened.

“Ah, yet…”

She stood there blankly for a while, then staggered and started following Lulu.

– Curl rumble…!!!


At that moment, the building collapsed, and Lulu’s desperate scream resounded.


Roswin collapsed to the floor helplessly.

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