Chapter 382: secret

Three Eight Eight Secrets

"Who!" The people inside were suddenly alarmed.

Huang Zixuan turned back in a hurry and ran away, ran down the stairs, and patted her chest, secretly yelling.

"Zixuan, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Wuyi's voice suddenly sounded behind her. She was a little confused. The sunspot was gone. Why did Huang Zixuan not return for a long time?

"It's okay, I just ran fast, a little panting, panting, hehe." Huang Zixuan chuckled quickly.

Jiang Wuyi is a bit strange. How could a monk breathe so easily? But she didn't think much, and asked, "What about the sunspots?"

"He ..." Huang Zixuan said, can't tell you, they're doing that kind of thing. She quickly said, "He went to Sister Bai Jieer's house to guide his little apprentice."

"Oh, then forget it."

Huang Zixuan was relieved, and finally passed away. Hey, in fact, it was Bai Jieer's little apprentice who was comforting his brother. But behind Jiang Wuyi, her flexible little head thought again that sister Wu Yi had eaten him with her mouth?

I don't know what it smells like, is it delicious? Brother Heizi also wants to eat for me? Huang Zixuan's little head immediately surrounded countless problems.

As soon as Huang Zixuan was disturbed, the two men's good deeds came to an end.

In short, there are many kinds, it is also very romantic, very exciting, and space reasons, I will not say much, let's mainly talk about the cultivation of immortals.

Returning from Surabaya City, Ye Kong propped up the alchemy furnace in the innermost stone room of Dongfu, released the water and fire gourd, and began to refine the high-end spiritual beast.

Ye Kong is relatively good at the charms, he still has no talent for alchemy, and the chance of failure is still very high. Fortunately, there is the alchemy experience that Ruolan has given to him, otherwise he cannot succeed. How can the high-level spirit beast Dan be so good?

Although he was arguing with the two girls every day and firing guns with Bai Jieer, this did not affect his thinking of practicing Ruolan. After all, the two experienced so many lives, died together, and thrilling days, even if you want to forget, how can you forget.

However, this thought does not constitute a knot, nor will it have any impact on cultivation, because Ye Kong and Lian Ruolan both believe that one day they will reunite!

Let's talk about alchemy. In addition to the experience of refining Ruolan, the success of Ye Kong, as well as the preciousness of the main materials, made his alchemy possible.

Of course, even then, the success rate is very low.

But Ye has a big characteristic, that is, he loves to use his brain in everything. Soon he had a solution.

The low success rate means that there is still the possibility of success! I'll make more per furnace, as long as one of them is successful, isn't it enough?

There is a saying well, ten nets fishing nine nets, catch a net and succeed!

So Ye Kong exchanged a large Dan furnace, each furnace is sixty high-level spirit beasts, one tube for one month, sixty, five years is enough!

Of course, this kind of thing is also achieved by Yemou talents. You have to know how many herbs there are in each oven! He chose all the main materials for three thousand years. What a great number to replace it with a spiritual stone!

I don't know how many 3,000 years of wormwood were cultivated. Until later, Ye Kong found that the polysaccharides that he often used were getting worse and worse.

Ye Kong then understood. This soil is a special soil containing a lot of spiritual power. If the spiritual power is used up, it will become real soil, ordinary soil. This is why the world is getting less and less and finally disappearing.

However, the spiritual power of Xiyang can also be supplemented, which is why Xiyang likes to eat spiritual stones. But you can't make it eat too much, just like that sip of the soil, Ye Kong has not yet understood what this thing is and what it does. However, Ye Kong knew that the sperm-forming soil could not cultivate elixir.

After countless times of alchemy, finally, a furnace of high-order spirit beast was successfully obtained, and two furnaces were considered a semi-successful one. Ye Kong now has sixty high-level spirit beasts and one hundred and twenty middle-level spirit beasts.

Ye Kong originally planned to give the high-level spirit beast Dan to Dayu for training, and the rest of the middle-level let her eat it as a snack. But when he called out Dayu, he found that this girl had no interest in the mid-level spirit beast Dan. It seems that the divine beast is the divine beast. It is not good to eat and drink well.

Dayu does not eat, Ye Kong is more happy. Anyway, the inverse feather gold sculpture is about to come out soon. Before entering the battle, give the middle-level spirit beast Dan to Jiang Wuyi and let her feed the inverse feather gold sculpture. A small character like a golden carving, the middle-level spirit beast Dan is very satisfied with it.

Ye Kong's alchemy did not, of course, tell the two girls, and their prohibition could not open this quiet room. However, the two girls did not follow up. This is good in the Cangnan mainland, and everyone respects each other's secrets.

After all, everyone has a secret. Secret is the foundation of life-saving. The person who lets others see through at a glance is the fastest person to die.

But what makes the two girls weird is that when this kid is often fine recently, he will use a low-order magic weapon to cut a piece of wood and cut the wood into a short stick. After a few days, I felt dissatisfied and broke the stick into pieces.

Neither girl knew what the boy was doing.

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