The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 1294: Reparations

There were too many sudden situations, and everyone in the Temple of Punishment was confused.

The Wei prison code was swept by the force of the wind and thunder in a moment, and Wu Yong waved his hand and tore off the sin fairy rope that he hung around his neck, and he gave up the weapon.

Wei Jiedian then returned to God, angrily, "I will go to Lord Ye Zhenhao to sue you!"

"You better not move 1uàn, now the situation is hn1uàn, if something goes wrong, don't blame me!" Ye Kong took away the sinful immortal that Wu Yong handed over, and this thing was collected, then Wei Jiedian is just like a toothless tiger. Did not arrest him.

The youngest horse over there is still scratching his head, and said, "My little young horse, please master, master, then Xu Yinba has occupied my wife for more than 50 years, just like a beast ..."

Ye Kong stepped down and asked, "Where is Xu Yin?"

Ma Laosan said, "Just in the herringbone cell, killing his wife, he is being blocked in the cell."

Ye Kong turned back and smiled at Wei Yudian, and said, "I don't know which adult would like to follow me."

In fact, Xu Yin's affairs are known to everyone present. For so many years, who doesn't know, I am afraid that everyone except his wife and sister-in-law know.

But today suddenly this nòng came out, the fool can also guess, this has something to do with Ye Xundian.

Chen Zhijie paused and said, "I'll wait for the adult to see it."

He said, of course, everyone behind was willing.

The herringbone cell was in the upper half of Tieyu Mountain. Xu Yinzheng stayed inside and scolded him, and there was a féi corpse on the ground beside him, and there was a light body nv crying on the little netg.

Xu Yin was really annoyed at this moment. Originally in the heights of Tieyu Mountain, the vast starry sky outside the iron window was spectacular. He deliberately ordered the nv child to lie by the iron window, lift up, and enjoy the scene while watching the scene. Two, delighted!

However, he did not expect that when he was happy, he suddenly made a clang, the iron mén widened, a fierce fù with a waist circumference running in, took a broom and split his head 1uàn, and shouted, "Shameless, Kill both of you shameless! Hide what you want, I will show you all the people in Iron Tieshan!

Hun fù is Xu Yin's wife. She is also carrying her brother. She yells while she fights, "Lock the iron mén! Anyway, they are shameless!"

Her brother was the cook and a scam, and no one except her sister listened. Click to lock the outer iron fence mén, but the big mén is open.

Xu Yin was originally afraid of his wife, and was snored by this hit. She wanted to hurry and let the matter rest and lose face. However, he did not expect that there would have been a man outside. When Ma Sanyi saw his wife inside, this guy was originally the master of fairy dancing, and shouted immediately, "The animal, husband, you dare to sleep my wife! Fast, honest, how many times have you slept! How did it go!"

This set is played by the oldest horse and the oldest. The fairy jump is to make his wife hook up with a man, and then to seize money, so it is still very good to play now.

When Féi heard this, the man said well, and shouted, "Hurry up, you dead man, you have slept a few times. Whenever, write it down for me!"

When Xu Yin did the prison work, how could he leave the evidence behind, of course he would not write it.

When Ma's wife saw her husband coming, she cried aloud, saying that Xu Yin had occupied her for more than 50 years on the condition that he agreed to visit him.

The tigress was furious when she heard, "Well, you shameless ghost, you have kept me for fifty years, and I fight with you!"

In hn1uàn, the tigress actually released a fairy sword, and Xu Yin evil was born from the gall. Damn, this evil fù is too annoying. When I'm afraid you can't do it?

The tigress did not really want to kill Xu Yin when she released the fairy sword, but Xu Yin was not polite and directly killed his wife.

The fat chef outside looked at it, anxious, "You killed my sister, Xu Yin, you killed my sister! You forgot that you just came up from the Nether and fell into poverty. Didn't my sister help you, can you have the current middle Luotian heaven fairy? ? You white-eyed wolf! "

"Don't keep hitting me with the broken things eight thousand years ago!" Xu Yin killed someone, calmed down, and thought about it: How did his wife know here? The most outrageous thing is that Ma Ma shouldn't be in a cell. How did he run out and catch it?

At the moment he understood, and said to the little sister-in-law, "Hurry up and let me go out. Don't you understand? This is Ye Kong who is engaging me. Use your brain and don't be used as a gun!"

The chef shouted, "I'll go to your mother's white-eyed wolf, I won't believe you anymore, kill my sister, take my life!"

Xu Yin couldn't help scratching his head and scratching his cheeks. At this moment, he saw a group of people at the entrance of the corridor. Xu Yin turned his head, but now the nv is still bare.

"You are trying to kill me!" Xu Yingang wanted the nv to put on clothes, but the nv ran to the iron fence and shouted, "Adults save me! Xu Yinba's wife, the beast is not as good, Threatening my husband's life has forced me to communicate with him for the past 50 years ... "

Xu Yinhong sat down for a moment, and said that he was really blind. Why did he make a nv man playing fairy dance? These are their old lines.

When the cook saw Ye Kong coming, he seemed to have forgotten the beating. He knelt down and shouted, "Master, let me be the master. Xu Yin kills my sister. He knows the law and breaks the law. Not worthy of prison! "

Listening to this last sentence, Xu Yin suddenly felt completely cold. It turned out that these people were bought by Ye Kong in advance, and today is a set.

"Master Ye, you are despicable!" Xu Yin gritted his teeth.

"No, no, Xu is very despicable, detaining her husband and taking over his wife, Ye is far worse than you." Ye Kong sneered.

Xu Yindao, "Don't forget that you have golden sins, and I have them too. But I am a middle-class Luo Tianxian, and you are a first-class Luo Jinxian!"

Ye Kong turned back, "You hear no, a criminal is threatening the prison, is this what you say is the bright and sunny Tieyuan Mountain?"

Those in prison did not dare to say a word, Chen Zhijie hurried out and said, "Master Ye, this Yin Yin is so fierce and fierce that he threatens the adult. As long as the adult orders, Chen Mou is willing to bring someone into arrest him!"

When Xu Yin heard the rage, he shouted, "Chen Zhijie, you are a stubborn stubby grass. You are careful to be killed by him! Ye Kong said that Chen Zhijie is also a matter of time. Since he took the initiative to show, he gave He had a peace of mind. He said, "Chen Yudian really has a clear love-hate relationship, and law enforcement is like a mountain. But I didn't want to catch him ... "

As soon as Xu Yin heard it, her heart moved. Could this Ye Kong give herself another chance?

Unexpectedly, I heard Ye Kong say again, "It just happened that the East Emperor, the North Emperor and the Middle Emperor, and many of the elders from the immortal world did not leave. I see that they are invited to visit it. As a proof, we Tieyuanshan Without covering up crimes, we have the confidence and ability to clean up our corruption! At the same time, let both the jailer and the jailer's family take a look at this negative example, the phenomenon is to prevent it! "

Chen Zhijie heard that the brain was sweating, and he said that this guy really had some mén, and he did not follow the card to do things at all. This is to make Xu Yin lose his reputation! Most importantly, this guy has a set of rules and can't stop himself.

Chen Zhijie and other prisoners were afraid, but fortunately he was not Xu Yin, this Lord Ye was not a good stubble.

Xu Yin inside himself persuaded himself, fell down on his knees, guilty of Xiansuo and Qiankun Bag, and scratched his head. "Master, you can't kill anyone but Xu has a head, a face, and a face. Xu is subject to adult punishment. I just hope that Xu will be ridiculed by people in the whole fairy world. "

Xu Yin said the same thing. He was locked in there, and anyone could watch life with a smile, and it would be better to die. What's more, he could see that this Lord Ye could do anything despicable and nasty tricks, and he was gone, and it would be unwise to go further.

Ye Kong nodded. "Opening mén, Kuang Peng Wu Yong collected his sins, Qiankun bag was temporarily stored in the coffers, and Xu Yin accepted the trial pending trial. All the people present must not say to outsiders ... Well, Tieyushan also wants to Facial. "

Everyone said, "If you don't want to be shameful, it's just a word from you. Anyway, you can say it all the way."

There, Xu Yin was imprisoned by Ye Kong as a prisoner, and his head was shed with tears, thank you.

Chen Zhijie was sweating again, knowing that Ye Kong had done a good job, and he was not bloody. He could get Xu Yin completely within an hour. It was awesome!

Xu Yingang was just taken away, and Wei Jiedian rushed to his knees, "Master, I was wrong!"

The third wife of that horse shouted, "It was he who introduced me to Xu Yin. In his spare time, he often talked to me ..."

Everyone was sweating. Ye Kong sighed, "It's really embarrassing, locked together, deal with the case!"

Back at the Temple of Shenxing, Ye Kong just returned to the hall and sat down, holding his chahua hat with his hands, and just about to speak ~ ~, he saw Chen Zhijie kneeling down the hall, and said, " Lord Prisoner, Chen has often offended and repaid the adult. "

Prison Code and Deputy Prison Code, although superiors and subordinates, are more of a colleague relationship, without gimmicks. But Chen Zhijie did so in public, his old face was gone. The other prison codes were all stunned, and I knew that Chen Zhijie was afraid.

In other words, they are also afraid. Whoever has nothing to do on the ground is afraid of being dead in the future if they have a face today.

So everyone fell on their knees, and said in unison, "Master Ye, we were wrong, and reparation for the lord." Ye Kong went down, lifted up one by one, and said, "We are disciplined forces, we need to talk about discipline, What discipline is, the first discipline is obedience! Obedience to superiors! In addition, we also need to talk about efficiency. Like I called for a meeting today, I didn't come here for half an hour ... "

Everyone hurriedly said that they would not.

Chen Zhijie asked again, "The youngest man in that horse ..."

"Mr. Ma has done a good job and released it in advance! What is the name of that chef? He has been promoted to chief chef and his treatment has been improved, but he must not be worthy of sin.

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