The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 312: Cat's sixth sense

Sitting in Colson's beloved red classic sports car, Ryan returned to the familiar forest,

Although there are no skyscrapers and neon lights in the urban area, the fresh air and the verdant green that make your eyes feel like you have been purified.

"I still prefer this feeling."

Ryan took the door lightly. Although this red sports car has passed so many years, the texture of the new paint is enough to show how much Colesen loves this car.

Sometimes the car is like a person. How you treat it will give you back in the future,

Compared to a classic car that lacks adequate maintenance and might pick you up on the road at any time, Coleson's car not only looks cool, but can also do things that other cars can't.

such as,

It can fly.

Coulson pressed a button on the car, and the whole car suddenly vacated. After taking a greedy breath of fresh air around him, he beckoned to Ryan and flew directly to the sky that had begun to darken.

After watching Coulson leave, Ryan, after getting acquainted with the air here for a while, crossed the forest and came to the cabin,

The whole looks the same as before he left, that is, the fence has been enlarged, and the decoration of several other original buildings looks more refined.

Wade was lying in the yard playing with his mobile phone at this time. From his twitching Erlang legs, we can see that he is in a good mood.

The finger swiped across the lush beauty on the screen. The vigilance cultivated by many years of mercenary career made Wade subconsciously lift his body and looked in one direction.

"Huh?" Wade froze for a moment, then got up from the recliner. "You're finally back."

Ryan walked half the circle around the fence and passed the only entrance. An invisible red line scanned him and confirmed his identity. The other institutions hiding nearby kept quiet.

Ryan only felt that the hair that had risen slightly before lay down again. After he got closer, he found that the recliner under Wade's **** also changed, although it still looked like a recliner.

However, both the material and the shape are very sci-fi, and you can feel the richness of money at a glance.

"How?" Ryan pointed his chin to the recliner. "The robots broke your recliner?"

Hank was responsible for the repair and preparation of the entire log cabin. He sent the list of needed materials to Hapy every day, and Hapy went to purchase and transported it directly.

However, after Wade also joined in, Ryan clearly noticed that Hapy frowned more often every day, and the tight skin stretched by the fat also showed signs of sagging.

"Not just a recliner."

Wade raised his hand and waved around, and said with some complacency:

"Although the entire base does not look much different from the previous one, it has been found inside and turned upside down."

Speaking of this, he snuggled up close to Ryan and whispered, "Speaking, then you have cleaned up the artificial intelligence?"

"Yes, what do you want to do?" Ryan squinted at him.

"Huh, it's a pity!" Wade showed a regretful expression, "I suddenly had some new ideas today, and it seems that in the near future there is no chance to show it."

Yesterday, the entire project was completed. After Hapi completed the project, he directly hacked Wade's phone and had all relevant contact information.

"Although Tony is a big dog, he can't pit him like that." Ryan educated him two times, and he had to have skills to roll the wool, otherwise what would happen if he became bald once.

"Yes, my fault, my fault, pay attention next time." Wade, while apologizing sincerely, lay back on his recliner, and the parts on the recliner began to move closely, instantly making the backrest fit perfectly. Wade's back arc.

As long as he can get substantial benefits, he doesn’t care to be said a few times, and he doesn’t care to say a few more apologies,

After all, he Wade Wilson,

But the man with no face.

Seeing Wade's attitude of admitting mistakes was not bad, when Ryan was about to reverse the words of Wade's family, Yu Guang suddenly swept to his massage sofa,

Before this sofa cost him more than a thousand dollars, it was almost luxurious against Wade's ordinary recliner.

It's just that now that Wade has changed their equipment, his massage sofa looks a bit shabby.

"Did you miss something?"

"What?" Wade was confused.

"What's going on." Ryan pointed to his sofa. "Why didn't I change it only for mine."


Wade wanted to find a reason to explain but was interrupted by Ryan,

"There is no reason, you have lived up to the expectations of the organization, do you still need me to teach you how to brush wool?"

Ryan forgot the previous words in an instant, "Someone caught a sheep, you must be able to slap it, until you are balding, otherwise when you need money next time,

Do you still want to continue to be an adult nanny and take care of the group of fat belly rich men? "


Wade suddenly wanted to pull Ryan's face to see if there was a face uglier than himself under that white and tender skin.


Just then, a round orange cat cried out on the side of the tree, and when Ryan looked at him, he jumped off the tree with a clever move that was very incompatible with his figure.

"This cat is still alive?" Wade was a little surprised. He hadn't seen this orange cat in the past few days, thinking that it had already been roasted by robots.


The orange cat squinted at Wade, and Ryan seemed to see a trace of contempt in his eyes, as if looking at a mentally handicapped.

"It's pretty clean."

Ryan squatted down and touched the orange cat’s head. His eyes that had been squinted were closed completely, and he leaned gently against Ryan, and his small nose shook twice.

Immediately when Ryan couldn't see, he raised his eyes and quietly looked at the person in front of him.

"It must be this two-legged beast ~ ~ that feeling is getting stronger and stronger."

The orange cat's unconscious meowing sounds seem to contain some complicated language, but in fact it was originally a special cat wandering the world,

Since its owner left it on the earth all day with a black bald head, he felt that he had no hope for the whole cat.

So it resolutely chose to run away. Although it is necessary to catch the food with criminal breath from time to time, but in the future, it finally has hope.

But until an accident made him meet the biped in front of him, his little radar that was looking for happiness suddenly sounded.

The days before were still very calm, and even made it doubt whether his sixth sense was wrong. Only after touching it now, the feeling suddenly became stronger than ever.

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