The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 178: Rocky and Pierce

The same lobby as before,

Still a few people who participated in the discussion before, but compared with the last time, this time the atmosphere is more dull, like a thick layer of dark clouds covering everyone's head.

"What do you think about this?"

Steve glanced at Tony sitting directly opposite him and asked.

They had prepared a lot of means to deal with the mess that the alien who suddenly visited might provoke,

But even if they have thought about it thoroughly, they still haven't thought that the alien who looks like a Saint Seiya would choose to destroy the order of the earth in this way.

As a capitalist country,

When several powerful gangsters in the country just want to stand up and take care of their own losses, the destructive power far exceeds the damage that can be caused by the combination of several super criminals.


Not at the same level at all.

Tony lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, as if searching for something. After hearing Steve's words, he helped his glasses and said:

"I am looking for clues."

"Where?" Nick Fury also looked over. Among the few of them, if it is who they know the most about the economy, then it must be this super rich man with Stark companies.

"Twitter." Tony put the phone aside and regretted: "This alien doesn't seem to have posted his next move on Twitter."


Steve frowned. Although he had been struggling to integrate into modern society during this time, Internet socialization did not touch much.

"I'm telling you the right thing!"

Nick Fury patted the table with a black face. Although he is no longer the director of SHIELD's bright face, he cannot watch an alien do whatever he wants on Earth.

The eagle eye sitting in the corner glanced at Tony without speaking.

If he talks about assassination, infiltration, or destruction, he can stand up and tell everyone one or two, but economic sanctions are like high numbers in college for him, and they don’t understand. !

"This thing is obviously not the idea of ​​this long horn."

Tony put away his joke,

I looked at a screen that appeared on the front wall of the hall, and various media interviews were playing on the screen, and all the media's focus now focused on San Francisco.

"I think it should be the red-haired chick's idea." Ten fingers crossed together, and Tony speculated with his elbows on the table.

Tony doesn’t know if the aliens have such a knowledge of finance, but even if they have a certain knowledge of finance,

If you do not understand the system and status of the entire country and the entire international market, you cannot play this kind of operation, so this kind of plan will obviously not come from the alien.

"How to fix it?" Nick Fury asked.

"It is impossible to fight back economically." Tony spread his hand. "The old guys have enough financial resources to set off a few more financial crises. Moreover, even if we win, for the alien. There is no loss."

Speaking of which, Tony's eyes flashed and continued: "So, we can only use the old method now."

"Go straight and kill him!"

Hawkeye finally found a place to intervene.

"Yes, but..." Tony glanced at the screen and lowered his voice. "It seems that someone is faster than us."

Nick Fury looked up and his face was darker and darker.

He gritted his teeth and cursed:

"Damn old fox!"




In a high-end laboratory full of high-tech instruments, Loki anxiously hammered the wall with his hand and glanced to the right.

A group of old men in white gowns are surrounded by an instrument that hasn't even been built yet. There is intense discussion and it seems to be solving some kind of century-old problem.

"We need time."

Natasha sat expressionlessly on a chair not far behind Rocky. After the sanity was controlled, all other feelings in her mind seemed to be shielded, leaving only absolute sanity.

"But we don't have much time!"

Loki said angrily that he did a detailed investigation before coming to earth,

So he knows what kind of monsters there are on the earth. Even without the little white face with a magic wand chasing the hammer behind his **** a few days ago, there are still plenty of people on earth that are enough to attract his attention.

The tyrants promised him to give him enough confidence to face those existences,

but now,

All plans have been stuck in the first link. If he can't make a machine that can open a space tunnel, what can he use to summon an invincible army?

Taking another look at the scientists who were racking their brains, Loki asked involuntarily: "Are you sure they are the top scientists on earth?"

Although he is not a "god" who specializes in scientific research, his subordinates have told him that the instruments used to make the space tunnel do not seem to require too advanced technology.

Natasha turned her head,

He pointed his finger to the group of scientists, and said one by one: "Not soft, bones, pans... they are indeed from the top companies."

Loki frowned. He didn't know any of the names Natasha said. He was a little irritable and took a breath. "Give them three days. If they haven't been made for me after three days, I will Take them to feed the two-headed monster bird!"

"What is a two-headed monster?"

A trace of doubt flashed through Natasha's eyes,

Just as Loki didn't know anything about companies on earth, Natasha couldn't understand the strange nouns that Loki popped up from time to time.


When Rocky wanted to explain,


The door that had been tightly closed was slammed open by a huge force, Loki turned around, the scepter in his hand began to accumulate energy, and the blue light at the top almost illuminated the entire laboratory .

"Relax, we are not enemies..."

First, a heavily armed force rushed Then, an old man wearing a light blue suit came out of the force,

Pierce raised his hands, indicating that he was not malicious, and then said gently: "My name is Alexander Pierce, are you the legendary **** of mischief?"

"it's me."

Loki narrowed his eyes. The scepter in his hand was still shining brightly. He pointed to a group of soldiers on alert and said, "Since you know me, then you should understand that you people come to death. "

"Of course I understand your power." Pierce said with a friendly smile on his face. "So, I am not coming to fight you."


The corner of Rocky's mouth was slightly curved, and the evil smile of the sign bloomed in the corner of his mouth, "Do you want to cooperate with me?"


Pierce replied cheerfully.


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