Four elongated mechanical struts form an “X” shape that is suspended to hold the central miniatureature spherical reactor.

The spherical reactor is about the size of a fist, the body is silver-gray, and the spherical surface is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting Han Xiao’s handsome face.

“Small-scale Nether Energy Reactor, lavender quality, as an Energy Core, is many times more efficient than a small-scale Cold Nuclear Fusion Reactor.”

Han Xiao stared at Nether Energy Reactor and breathed a sigh of relief.

He used [Heterogeneous Energy] gamble blueprint to get a large number of blueprints for the nether energy machine. First, he created a set of simplistic nether energy extraction devices. After repeated tests, he carefully refining the original nether energy particles, then performing the first batch assimilation and expanding the nether energy. The number of particles took a few days to test the stable manufacturing process to create the first Nether Energy Reactor.

Because the netther energy is risky, Han Xiao only dares to speed up the manufacturing speed only after determining the formal manufacturing plan.

Try the actual effect… Han Xiao fixed his mind and took off a compression ball on the necklace and threw it to the side.

A Mechanical Force bolts the glue on the compression ball, activates it, and in the blink of an eye, the compression ball expands into Crazy Ape mecha – this is the spare mecha in the warehouse, the original one has been destroyed by the eight Pioneers.

“Philip, stay on standby, pop up Energy Core.”

“The instructions have been confirmed…” Philip is alive.

Crazy Ape mecha lifted his head and stood up straight. The chest armor was activated and turned into nano-particles, revealing the internal structure of mecha. A high-concentration nuclear energy reactor bounced out from the chest and lit up slightly. Red light is like the heart of mecha.

Han Xiao took the nuclear energy reactor and put it aside, then picked up the Nether Energy Reactor and stuffed it into the gap of the Energy Core.

A humming sound, the Nether Energy Reactor’s sphere suddenly illuminates the mechanical matrix-like secluded blue pattern, the glowing lines are quickly split and become a gap groove. Mecha’s nano-particles are automatically deformed into the groove, automatically adapting to the new Energy. Core.

The reactor started to work, providing a steady stream of nether energy, centered on the energy core, and the mechanical matrix-like blue lines spread across the surface of the Crazy Ape, spreading throughout the body, and the lines were constantly changing between dazzling and faint, again and again, like a beggar. This process is repeated for a few tens of seconds before stopping.

“Energy Core is updated, mecha is adaptive, Nanoenergy Transmission Conduit has been changed to nether energy mode, self-test is in progress… Self-test is completed, the operation is good, no troubles are hidden, oh.”

Philip has a cheerful tone and looks very happy, like a child who is spoiled.

During the creation of Nether Energy Reactor, Han Xiao upgraded the logic program to Philip with the new [Logical Program Strengthening]. While improving the efficiency of the operation, Philip also downloaded the emotional component, which is more flexible and lively. Not only that, it is active. I changed my voice system, and the voice became a little boy with incredibly moe moe…

Looking at the eye panel equipment introduction, Crazy Ape’s power cap is directly three times the original, can load more components, over the 20,000 Mecha Energy value, instantly upgraded to 57,000, doubled!

With such a huge leap-forward improvement, the importance of peak knowledge is evident.

Han Xiao released the Mechanical Force in the palm and connected Crazy Ape mecha. The next moment, Crazy Ape quickly attached to him and finished wearing.

His mind was moved, mecha arm nano morph, turned into an accurate gun barrel, aimed at the distant wall used for testing weapons.

After Energy Core became Nether Energy Reactor, Crazy Ape’s nano morph weapon component was also upgraded to a nether energy weapon. He adjusted to burst mode and disconnected the gun.


The sound of the nether energy gun is quite crisp. It shoots a blue light cannon. The moment it exits, it expands rapidly. The volume changes from football size to half-person. The target hits instantly and turns into a spherical blue energy shock wave. !

The glare of the glare is fleeting.

Hōng lóng !

Han Xiao blinked and looked again. The whole alloy wall became a piece of debris, and the powder fluttered in the wind.

“The power is very good.” Han Xiao was happy.

Nether energy is not only the signability, just a Nether Energy Reactor, the power has been upgraded several levels, including the [Extreme Energy Output] bonus.

Because the original nether energy is unstable, the conventional nether energy weapon uses the “dormant” neighbor energy converted from the reactor, and the power is controllable. No expansion reaction occurs before activation.

Only the strategic weapon between civilization will infinitely pursue the lethality of the original nether energy. The super-powerful nether energy weapon is under control. If it is used without authorization, the star cluster grade civilization and even the three major civilizations will decisively investigate the investigation… After all, who is also I don’t want to see the planet under my jurisdiction suddenly being flattened by the Nether Energy comet.

For the mechanics of the etherer energy, the major civilizations are very vigilant. It doesn’t matter if you throw garbage everywhere. It is impossible to throw nether energy.

Han Xing can not create such things, Han Xiao can not be created now, level, intelligence is not high enough, knowledge is not complete, to the [Tool Nation] Manison gradation, this killing power, this is also the characteristics of Super A Grade one.

Han Xiao tried a pair of nether energy guns in the mode of peerrate and burst, and then tested the barrier component of Crazy Ape.

Due to the replacement of the Energy Core, the barrier has also become a nether energy barrier, and the appearance has changed. The original energy barrier has a uniform color, such as a translucent mirror with yellow or blue light.

The netther energy barrier looks like a blisters. The middle two-thirds of the area is colorless and transparent, with water-like energy 涟漪. The colorless area is secluded blue, the color is gradual toward the edge, and the color tone gradually deepens. More rounded, not as sharp as the original, but the strength of the barrier is greatly improved.

At the same time, due to the assimilation of the netether energy, when the nether energy barrier is hit, it will absorb a small amount of attack damage, supplement the barrier value, and last longer.

The nether energy barrier also comes with melee impact. Han Xiao opened the netther energy barrier and slammed into the new antique wall. The metal was recessed like a soft mud, leaving a semicircular pit.

At the moment of the impact, the barrier value dropped a little and became a collision force, which improved the melee attack power.

Even if it is an ordinary person, the nether energy barrier is attached to the fist, and the punch of the normal force can also bend the steel bar. This is an important means for mechanic to deal with melee.

“Right, I remember the ability of Nether Energy Reactor to fluctuate.”

Han Xiao suddenly flashed his thoughts, raised his palm, manipulated the reactor to provide energy, delivered it to the palm of his hand, and then shook his wrist. Mecha’s palm immediately popped up a nether energy beam, suspended in the palm of his hand, sleeping, quite stable. It is like a new type of blue media.

He pressed the nether energy mass onto the antique wall. The next moment, the nether energy shock wave swept out, the antique wall slammed and the surface cracked.

“Sure enough, the nether energy mecha can directly release the nether energy energy, with the ownether energy fluctuation skill.”

Han Xiao is very satisfied with the test results. Direct release of energy is a very useful capability. It not only improves the melee power, but also performs various complex applications.

The energy source technology has been tested, Han Xiao started to build the machine, and he first improved the Crazy Ape mecha.

Crazy Ape is the mecha created by 100 higher than Lv. 40. Nowadays, the technological innovation is time to improve. Han Xiao is going to update Crazy Ape, keep up with today’s level and become the core weapon in his hand.

The reconstruction of the mechanical legion is also in progress. Han Xiao refining a large number of nether energy particles as the core material, directly into the massive experience, fusion out the assembly line of the miniature Nether Energy Reactor, allowing the military factory to mass production.

In addition, as the Han Xiao level improved, some of the more advanced mechanical blueprints were unlocked. Han Xiao gambled on some new models of mechanical soldiers and weapons to create their own assembly lines, and a batch of new and advanced mechanical creations were released.

Today, Black Star Legion’s military factory functions are more clear, divided into two parts, Leonard host’s logistics factory, mainly used to supply the full legion, making the road goods. The Han Xiao’s military factory is privately used, and the equipment here is top-notch, regardless of production speed or quality, far beyond the logistics factory.

So far, Han Xiao has only used Leonard to use it. It can be said that only natural disaster grade allows his private military factory to be used.

Han Xiao’s own assembly line, enjoying his personal bonus, the new Specialty [Mechanical Truth Understanding] has greatly enhanced the factory’s mechanical creation attribute. The current cannon fodder type mechanical soldier, the attribute is not lower than the elite soldiers of the regular legion of the “0xx” series before the promotion transfer.

By the time of his rank, the productionability has been blasted, and the reconstruction speed is very fast. As long as he is willing to spend money, he can pull up a new mechanical army in a short time!

Han Xiao’s banknotes became more powerful, spending money like a waterfall, and 4~5 million Inal. In just one month, the mechanical legion was rebuilt. The scale was larger than before the promotion transfer, and the number of soldiers reached 1. More than million!

The regular legion has been compiled to the “016”, while the elite legion has six, from “101” to “106” for a total of 22 Barracks Box.

Money can really do whatever you want!


During this month, War Realm steadily advanced, and two other Pioneer Army also appeared, invading the other two border galaxy from the ridiculous cosmos belt.

At this point, War Realm’s target is clear, they want to encroach on West Wind, Kaya, Chaida three border galaxy.

War Realm added a front line to divide the war situation into multiple battlefields. All members of the No. 0 Agency were put into the battlefield and counterattacked on the battlefields of the three galaxy. However, under the fierce advancement of War Realm, the No. 0 Agency defeated more and less. .

Kaya and Chaida are in a better situation. The West Wind Galaxy battlefield is the most critical. The eight Pioneers are gathering together, which leads to their own advanced combat power. They can’t stop the advancement of War Realm. The enemy has established six bases, which are the cornerstones of each other. .

As the number of strongholds increased, War Realm slowed down the pace of advancement. The Pioneer Army had limited strength, and the number of free troops that could be used was reduced. There were many losses, and the Troop also had a lot of losses, but the Pioneer Army took the logistics. Factory, build a battleship on the spot, supplement the fleet strength.

However, the Pioneer Army was only the leading troop. The target was to build the bridgehead. It took a month for the Pioneer Army to complete the quest, so it stopped propelling, guarded the bridgehead, and waited for the big troop to arrive.

The big troop will not unhurriedly cross the ridiculous cosmos belt. Krent started preparations before the war, quietly established a transfer station in the ridiculous cosmos belt, and built a stable Transmission Stargate with the technology of star cluster grade, whether it is support or supplies. Conveying can save a lot of time.

Krent’s war transfer station hidden in the absurd cosmos band, Amethyst Civilization, although not knowing the location, but know its existence.

On the planet, the Pioneer Army also carried the components of the Transmission Stargate and Krent technicians, and began the construction of the trans-star region Transmission Stargate. Once completed, the logistics problem was solved, and the troop invading Kelton will receive continuous support. Will become a lonely army.

Amethyst Civilization is still unable to stop even if Krent’s strategy is known, because the Pioneer Army has deployed a military quantum leap track base station after building multiple locations, allowing each site to act as a space anchor, connecting with wormholes and watching mutual help.

Once a stronghold is attacked, other strongholds can be rushed at any time, and the speed of support is increased by tens of thousands of times.

In dealing with Alienization Disaster, Gedora used the military quantum leap track base station, which is the strategic equipment of star cluster grade, often used in interstellar warfare, and Gedora is also purchased from star cluster grade civilization.

No. 0 Agency attacked the Transmission Stargate several times, all of which ended in failure. This changed the strategy, no longer wasting troops, reducing the storm, and relied on strategic depth to focus on harassment and recharge.

Amethyst invested a lot of resources to help No. 0 Agency’s member expand the fleet and replenish its strength.

Although Levar did not mention it, it is clear that No. 0 Agency adopted his advice.

With the resources and productivity of the star cluster grade civilization, as long as War Realm completes the Transmission Stargate, the war will gradually enter the tug-of-war stage, and the rear base camp will continue to replenish its forces and enter the battlefield again and again.

People may die, and the fleet will definitely not finish.

The two sides can play for ten years, because the resources are strong – the war is the money, the fight is the productivity.

There was no war for a month. Secret War’s current situation has little to do with Han Xiao. He rebuilt the mechanical legion and continued to expand legion. Amethyst Civilization’s first batch of resources has been used up, 10 million Inal squandered, and he also took more Than 5 million deposit funds.

After spending so much money, Black Star Legion created a new 200 battleship, recruiting a new batch of mercenary, and the momentum is steadily increasing.

It’s very hard to burn, and if it’s not Secret War, Han Xiao won’t get the resources of star cluster grade civilization.

He is ready to fish for another month, and then return to the battlefield after completing the Advancement Quest.

Brushing faction contributions is still useful, and Amethyst has a few peak knowledge to learn.

On this day, Han Xiao was looking for Lackey to discuss, but the base unexpectedly welcomed several uninvited guests.

Thank you for your reward!

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