The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 210: Travel on the train

Three uninvited guests broke into the compartment at this time.

To be precise, it was three boys; the leader was a pale, thin young man.

Briefly describe, he looks like a little white face.

As for the other two boys, they are both big and "extraordinary" in appearance... Standing on each side of Xiao Bai's face, one on each side, just like his pair of bodyguards.

All three are about the same age as Jon, maybe one or two years older.

"Vincent, I think I'm sorry about your father... but the Dark Lord won't..." Xiao Bai said to a boy next to him as he closed the compartment door.

But the conversation between them stopped abruptly.

Obviously, they noticed that there was another person in the compartment.

Two big "bodyguards" sat on the seat opposite Jon; the little white frowned, obviously he didn’t want to huddle with his two big companions, so he came to Jon’s side, the one who was close The seat in the aisle sat down.

"Hello, which college do you belong to?" Xiao Bai Lian obviously felt that the companion next to him was a bit faceless, and he asked slightly coldly.

Especially since the other person looks about the same age as the three of them, this is not normal. After all, Hogwarts is just such a student, and there should be no strange faces.

"I don't think I know..." Jon shrugged. "Because I am an exchange student and have not passed the sorting ceremony!"

"Exchange student?" Xiao Bailian couldn't help frowning.

"Yes!" Jon nodded. "Come to Hogwarts for fourth grade. I spent my first to third grades in Durmstrang."

Hearing "Dumstrang", the other party couldn't help but relax his brows slightly.

He looked at Jon's eyes and also eased a bit.

"Oh, this is Crabbe, Vincent Crabbe, and this is Gore, Georgi Gore." The pale boy glanced at Jon and said casually, "My name is Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

While talking, he stretched out a hand to Jon.

"Patrick, Christopher Patrick!" Jon responded friendly and shook hands with Draco Malfoy.

Then he stood up again and shook hands with Crabbe and Gore respectively.


The train ran on the plains of central England. The fields, forests and villages outside the window galloped past Jon.

The four people in the compartment began to talk friendly.

It is said that four people are communicating, but Jon and Malfoy are the main players... Crabbe and Gore are obviously not talkative, they just agree with them and nod their heads.

"That, Patrick... I think it's not common for exchange students to be at Hogwarts!" Draco Malfoy gave Jon a curious look. "At least I haven't heard of it before!"

"My aunt is English, and she has some connections with a certain Hogwarts school manager..." Jon said vaguely.

"My father originally wanted to send me to Durmstrang. He thinks the education there is better!" Malfoy also said. "It's just that my mother thought it was too remote, so I didn't make it in the end!"

"Yeah..." Jon nodded thoughtfully. "The weather in Durmström is too bad. You have to wear a thick padded jacket for two hundred days a year!"

"The weather at Hogwarts is actually very bad. It rains for half of the year..." Malfoy nodded thoughtfully, and then he asked curiously again, "I heard about Dems Tron’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class is cool?"

"It's okay... We are not a defense against the dark arts class, but a dark arts research class!"

Jon had a vague exchange with Malfoy. After all, he didn’t know much about Durmstrang... and Malfoy was in a photo with a dozen Durmstrang students last year. After eating on the table for a year, I might know better than myself.

So once you talk too much, you may show your feet.

Fortunately, Malfoy did not pay much attention to this aspect. He asked more about Jon’s family background...

"My parents are both wizards..." Jon replied, "They died because of a magic accident when I was very young!"

"I'm sorry!" Malfoy patted Jon on the shoulder.

"If you can come to Slytherin!" Draco Malfoy laughed loudly, "I can cover you then!"

While talking, he brightened the badge on his chest.

"Draco is the prefect of Slytherin!" Gore responded first and introduced to Jon.

"Yes, prefect!" Draco Malfoy was a little complacent, and his Jon silver badge showed a letter "p", which was shiny.

This is the meaning of prefect.

"Oh, by the way, I should go to the carriage where the prefect is! Go and take instructions from the president of the Boys Student Union, and then patrol the corridors!" Malfoy suddenly remembered, he stood up and waved at Jon Waved "Then don't pass it for now!"


Malfoy left, only Jon and Crabbe and Gore remained in the compartment.

The atmosphere became a little dull, but soon the door of the compartment was opened.

A woman with a dimpled smile on her face pushed the cart and asked, "My dear, would you like to buy some food in the cart?"

All three people in the compartment surrounded.

Jon bought some pies and a glass of pumpkin juice.

As for Crabbe and Gore, they both bought a lot of chocolate frogs, pumpkin pies, pot cakes... almost piled up on the table, and Jon doubted he could eat them for several days.

He suddenly understood why these two people could grow so big.

The three of them faced each other and began to feast on.

"Man, you two have great appetites!" While eating, Jon got close to them.

Gore smiled and touched his head, " My parents said the same when they were young..."

"It looks like you and Draco are good brothers!" Jon continued to compliment.

"Yes!" Crabbe nodded, "We grew up together since we were young!"

"It turned out to be a childhood sweetheart...Ah, it turned out to be a child!" Jon's face was suddenly enlightened, "Isn't it because you have experienced many things together!"

"Of course!" Gore patted his chest, still chewing a chocolate frog.

Then they began to tell Jon about the experience of the trio from small to large.

In half an hour, they talked from east to west...

Because of this discussion, the relationship between them has become eager.

"Well, Vincent!" Jon took a chance and switched the subject. "So, your father and Draco's father were also good brothers since childhood?"

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