In a room facing the sun in a humble little hotel in the East End of London.

A boy was lying on the bed, at the same time looking at a letter in his hand in front of a dictionary.

The boy looked fourteen or five years old, with short dark brown hair and gray eyes; at the same time, the expression on his face showed that he was not mature at his age.

The layout of the entire cabin looks a bit weird:

On the table next to the bed, there are many bottles and cans on one side, and a crucible with a slight black smoke; on the other side, there are several heavy books and two small wooden sticks on them— —

One is black and gray, and the other is green; like two chopsticks.

Not far from the little green wooden stick, an iron ring was dropped there; next to the ring was an octahedral silver gadget.

On the opened envelope, there was a shield coat of arms, inside it was the capital letter h, surrounded by a snake, a badger, an eagle, and a lion, four animal heads; at the same time The boy's name:

Christopher Patrick.


For Jon Hart, this is not the first time he has received a letter from Hogwarts.

But since this letter is written in German, this is the best thing in life...

The caring Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, considering that this "exchange student" is from Austria, wrote a letter in German specifically to inform him of the precautions for going to the school and what he needs to bring...

Poor Jon had to buy a German dictionary from a small bookstore, and he looked up the dictionary while guessing the contents of the letter.

After spending most of the day, he finally understood what was written in it:

First of all, in her own name, Vice President Minerva McGonagall welcomed Mr. Christopher Patrick to study at Hogwarts; and informed him as a freshman, the items he needs to bring to school for the first time, such as Say brass balances, cauldrons, pointed wizard hats, etc.

There is also a list of textbooks for this semester. Compared with the previous semester, there are only two new books: "Standard Spells, Level 4", Miranda-Gorsak, and "Magic Defense Theory", Wilbur Te Slin stuck.

But for Jon, he needs to go to Diagon Alley to buy all the books and other things.

Because the original ones remained at Hogwarts and became Jon Hart's "relics."

Fortunately, he is now in London, not far from Diagon Alley.

Some regretted wasting so much time on this letter. There was nothing useful in the letter; Jon threw it on the side table with the envelope.

At the same time, he picked up the "Daily Prophet" that had just been mailed by an owl postman that was stepping on the sole of his foot.


The headline on the front page of the Daily Prophet read: "Mr. Gideon Kram announced that he will be married at the end of the month."

Gideon Kramm is a piper in the band "Odd Sisters" and a famous wizard star. This headline article took more than half of the page to analyze who the bride of Gideon Kram is, and what famous wizards he will invite to his wedding at the end of the month...

Jon patiently read this headline, but unfortunately he didn't find any useful information.

After complaining about the "Daily Prophet" and the reverse development of "The Sun", Jon opened the second edition.

The second edition introduces the state visit of Mr. Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, to Andorra, with a photo of Fudge and the Minister of Magic of Andorra. And the editor pointed out that this incident means that the magical partnership between the United Kingdom and Andorra has entered a new milestone.

After taking a glance to skip the news, Jon looked at the third page of the newspaper.

The title instantly attracted Jon: "Old confused Albus Dumbledore!"

"At noon on July 14, GMT, the International Federation of Magicians voted to deprive Mr. Albus-Dumbledore of the chairmanship; this follows the loss of Albus-Dumbledore’s Wizengar on July 9. After Moroccan's position as the chief magician, the second important identity has been lost."

"Participants revealed that Albus Dumbledore is too old and unable to handle these positions. Since the Triwizard Tournament ended more than half a month ago, Dumbledore's words and deeds are indeed too old; This is most likely due to the sudden death of his proud protégé Jon Hart in the Triwizard Tournament, which caused him to suffer too much..."

"...Sir Merlin is also considering whether to withdraw Albus Dumbledore's first class medal... But it was severely opposed by many older wizards, and the proposal is still in dispute..."

"Finally wait!" Jon put down the newspaper in his hand.

Obviously, Dumbledore was not old enough to be confused, and he would not be hit by his death.

Then there is only one answer, and that is that Dumbledore issued a speech announcing that Voldemort was back; then the wizards of the Ministry of Magic voted to step down.

It seems that Connelly Fudge still has a lot of patience and influence. This is understandable. After all, he has been in charge of the British Ministry of Magic for so many years. It is strange if he can't do anything.

In contrast, Dumbledore, a one-hundred-year-old man, had been out of the world for many years, and his influence was significantly smaller than that of Fudge and the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, based on Jon’s knowledge of Dumbledore, he certainly doesn’t care about these superficial honors... For as long as he is not removed from the chocolate frog picture, others He doesn't care about anything.

At the same time, it does not rule out that Dumbledore used Fudge's hands to deliberately show weakness to Voldemort.

Jon turned his attention to the fourth page of the newspaper.


The fourth edition is about the wanted man from the Ministry of Magic, Sirius Black.

The content is as follows: "According to Mr. Kingsley Shaker, the deputy director of the Auror Office, revealed to this newspaper that the cruel and cunning wanted criminal Sirius Black appeared in Tibet and seemed to have reached an agreement with the Tibetan snowmen. ...Relevant officials of the International Magic Cooperation Department are trying to contact the Chinese Ministry of Magic and request the Chinese Ministry of Magic's help to extradite the wanted criminal..."

Jon couldn't help but smile... Finally, he turned his gaze to the fifth edition:

The title of the fifth edition is also quite attractive:

"Harry Potter, the notorious boy, is he a narcissist? A paranoid? Or a murderer?"

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