Princess Louise Henriette was accompanied by Hosson to the place where the circus was.

   This is a very small circus. The reason why it is small is that the circus has only four members. A clown, a fortune teller, and two trainers.

   However, even such a small circus is rare for the residents of the town-especially now it is during the war.

   The adults watched the ridiculous performance of the clown on the stage, and what fascinated the children in the town was the many animals brought by the two trainers. Among them, the most amazed and curious child was the bear held by the young animal trainer. These are two young grizzly bears. They look fierce, but they are extremely docile in the hands of the trainer, just like the domesticated cats and puppies. Children can even ride on the bear cubs to swagger through the market.

   "Hey, bear trainer. Come here." Hosson squeezed a way for Princess Louise Henriette and walked to the front. He took out a taller and greeted the young bear trainer.

  The bear trainer hugged the child riding on the back of the cub, and walked respectfully to Huo Song.

   "Where do you come from?" Huo Song asked.

   "Master officer, we are from Tsarist Russia."

   "Are you all Russians?"

   "No, sir officer. My companion and I are Russians, and the clown and our fortuneteller are gypsies."

   "Say a few words in Russian for me." Huo Song said in a fierce tone deliberately.

   The bear trainer showed a scared expression. Then, he said aloud in fluent Russian, matching his respectful expression, which made people know that he was saying a compliment at first glance.

   "It's okay." Huo Song threw Taler to the bear trainer.

   Hosson knows some Russian, which he learned while taking care of Russian prisoners. Huo Song could hear that the bear trainer was extremely proficient in Russian and should be an authentic Russian, which made him a little relieved.

   At least, the elector can never hire a Russian to save his wife. Huo Song thought so.

  Besides, Princess Louise Henriette just glanced at the performance of the clown in the circus and walked aside. Although the clown performed well, it was far worse than the clown performance of the circus that she had seen at the court of Königsberg.

  At this time, the fortuneteller of the circus attracted the attention of Princess Louise Henriette.

   The fortune-telling room of the fortune-teller is located next to the stage of the clown. It is a top-top tent. The color of the tent is a deep blue imitating the sky, with the sun, moon and stars painted on it, which looks full of mystery.

   Standing in line outside the tent was full of people hoping for divination. Most of these people were girls. Princess Louise Henriette walked aside just in time when a girl in coarse cloth and a headscarf came out of the pointed tent.

   The girl smiled with joy, as if the boy she liked had confessed to her.

   "How about? Dina, are you sure?" some people waiting outside the tent asked.

   Actually, you don't need to ask this question, you can see it by looking at Dina's smile.

   The girl smiled shyly, she ran away without saying anything.

   Seeing Dina's expression like this, the people outside became more eager to try.

   And Princess Louise Henriette couldn't help but become interested.

   Before marrying Frederick William, Princess Louise Henriette lived in the Union Province. There, noble girls are very popular to use tarot cards or magic **** to fortune their love. Although the princess didn't believe this, because of social interaction, she also played with other noble ladies several times.

   This time, Louise Henriette is in jail, and she suddenly hopes to be enlightened, revealing what the fate of herself and her children will be.

   Princess Louise Henriette walked over. Although there were many people in front of her waiting for the fortuneteller to predict the future for them, when they saw the yellow tights, they consciously stepped away.

   Princess Louise Henriette walked into the spire. As soon as she entered, she smelled the smell of the burning of inferior spices. The princess settled, she looked forward, and saw a person dressed as a fortuneteller sitting behind the table in front of her. On the table is a set of tarot cards-obviously, this is the tool used by the fortune-teller.

   "Dear lady, what do you want to predict?" The female fortuneteller in a black robe with a headgear raised her head with a smile, and said to Princess Louise Henriette.

   At this time, Princess Louise Henriette saw clearly that there was a beautiful gypsy woman in front of her. It's completely different from those diviners with feathers and hairs she had seen before.

   "I want to know my future." Princess Louise Henriette said.

   "Okay, let the tarot cards show the future for you." The female fortuneteller said that she withdrew a set of tarot cards to Princess Louise Henriette.

   Princess Louise Henriette knew that when using tarot cards for divination, the inquirer must first shuffle the cards and mix the cards at will before every guess.

   So the princess picked up the tarot card.

   Just then, Huo Song broke in.

   "Madam." Hosson yelled to Princess Louise Henriette, and then carefully looked at the top tent.

   Actually, the area inside this tent is very small, only enough to set up a table and sit down two people. Huo Song saw it at a glance and understood-there is no one to hide here, and it is impossible to hide.

   Despite this recognition, Hosson still stood firmly behind Princess Louise Henriette. He will guard every step of the way.

   "Mr. Officer, if unrelated people are present during the tarot divination, then it will not work." The female fortuneteller said to Huo Song.

   Huo Song seemed to have not heard the female fortuneteller's words, and still stood motionless.

   "Huo Song,"

  At this time, Princess Louise Henriette spoke: "If you don't mind, would you please wait for me outside?"

   Although Princess Louise Henriette used "don't mind", everyone knew that the princess minded Hosson staying in the tent.

   Seeing Princess Louise Henriette seemed a little unhappy, Hosson hesitated. He carefully looked at the inside of the tent again, and after confirming the safety again, Huo Song slowly backed out.

   Outside, Hosson said to the Swedish guards: "Enclose the entire tent for me."

After    finished speaking, he himself stood motionless at the door.

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