His words caused a lot of discussion among everyone.If the fact is not Rome, but related to Britain, the situation will be completely different.

``I don't know the situation in Britain, but I heard that the personality of the Knight King is very real, and such tricks are not his tactics.

If it were him, it should be the same as before, let us understand his intentions, but can't resist."

Charlemagne also spoke at the right time.

He also didn't want to go to war with Britain now.They had fought in the north for so long before, and now the army needs to rest instead of going to war again.

Originally, Piping was also thinking about Bismarck's words.For now, although he is not dealing with his prime minister, he still believes in his judgment.

But now, Charlemagne's opening is directly counterproductive.

"Charlemagne, what do you mean"

Piping yelled.

Now he has a kind of idea: he wants to fight Charlemagne.

Not only is the opponent threatening him to succeed to the throne, but also because he is jealous of his brother.

"What I mean is very simple, the most important thing at the moment is to find Bradamante.

The whole thing is related to her, and you will understand what happened when you find her."

"Find her.

Yes! That's right, we should find her.

Go to Britain and bring back this shameful betrayer."

With a strong will, Piping's words seemed to directly set a conclusion on this matter.

"Britain, wait..., things haven't been figured out yet."

Bismarck was a little confused.He didn't understand how things suddenly jumped here.

"No, when I defeat Britain, I can naturally let the Knight King hand over that woman.

Charlemagne, I now order you to lead your army under my command, and I will go out personally."

Seeing this kind of Peping, Charlemagne also went back directly.

"Brother, the army has been exhausted during the long battle, and it is not the right opportunity to go out now."

"You want to disobey!"

"I must doubt the rationality of this order."

For a time, the hall was invisibly divided into two factions.As an excellent marshal, Charlemagne knew the strength of his army.

"On the south of Britain, there are only St. George and Siegfried. The King of Knights is entangled by Rome.

"His Royal Highness, we have a truce contract with Britain."

Bismarck reminded immediately.

"Britain assassinated my father, I am now announcing that this contract is abolished."

Piping made the decision directly.

The moment his words were uttered, the whole audience was stunned.

Openly tearing up the truce contract, for a country, this is a very big problem.

Because someone else may tear your contract later, and the reason is...what he is doing now.

"His Royal Highness! I oppose your practice of sending troops."

"Bismarck, even you want to resist orders."

The long-standing conflict between the prime minister and the prince finally broke out at this moment.

no.335 take the opportunity to send troops?

Bismarck certainly understood what this meant, but he was a king who was loyal to the prime minister.

He must think about France as a whole.

"His Royal Highness, you are not a king now, and you are not qualified to give such orders.

If you want to use a diplomatic statement to fix this on Britain, I have no objection, but it is definitely not the time for war."

In the words, Bismarck pointed out the problem directly and strongly.

Peping is now only a regent, not a king, he is not qualified to directly break the contract and go to war.


Piping looked at Bismarck fiercely, but said nothing.

At this time, his eyes turned to Marla, the...new minister.

He wants Marla to support his approach.

After Marla received Pepin's eyes, her heart was very excited.

He had just worried that his speech might be suspected by others, but now that Peping has hinted, he has no such worry.

So... "The Prime Minister said that since it was Britain who murdered the king, if we don't send troops there, who will be afraid of France in the future.

Other countries will only think that we are a country composed of cowards who dare not fight back even if the king is assassinated, and France's international status will plummet."

Marla shouted awe-inspiringly.

His words are very provocative, after all, no one wants to be regarded as a coward.

But Bismarck has never been influenced by such words.

"Marla, shut your mouth.

The contest between nations cannot be solved by emotions. Let alone the problem of soldier fatigue mentioned by Marshal Charlemagne, even in the country, there have been many unstable factors. If we fall into a long war with Britain, the country will once again. How do you plan to resolve the outbreak of a rebellion."

When Bismarck fought back, he directly threw a question.

This question was outside of Marla's notes, and he was stunned for a while.


"His Royal Highness, I just don't want to be seen as a coward, as long as we make a strong statement and express our attitude diplomatically, we don't need to send troops at all, and at most it is like the Knight King once did, Chen Bing in the west."

Bismarck directly gave a solution to the current problem.

He now understands that the prince Pepin wanted to take this opportunity to stand up and overwhelm Charlemagne's prestige, so he wanted to launch a war to improve his status.

Thinking of this, he also gave his own suggestions.

Although this suggestion seemed very stupid to him, it satisfies Pepin.

"Then ask for compensation."

Piping's expression eased.

If you use diplomacy to show that you are a powerful monarch, it will also allow many in the country to see the situation clearly.

This is not too bad.

"No! This time the matter is completely different from the previous one. It is impossible to claim compensation, even if Britain proposes compensation, it cannot be accepted."

Bismarck simply rejected the suggestion.

"What do you mean why Britain is asking for compensation, we can't"

Duke Yuli was also a little confused at this time.

``This time the cause of the incident was that the king was assassinated. If compensation is requested, other countries will think that His Royal Highness is betraying his father in exchange for profit.

France will also become a country where money can buy the king."

Richelieu sighed, feeling that the future of this country is really difficult.

Let alone the trend of division, the military power and internal affairs and diplomacy are currently all supported by Bismarck.If he disappears, the country may instantly go violently.

Just like just now, only Bismarck dared to be so tough and could stop Piping.

Others..."Okay! Then do it.

Charlemagne, didn't you just say that you were tired, well, I will give you a holiday now.

Hand over the military power and go back to rest for two months. The West is handled by Flores Matt."

At this time, Piping finally made a decision.

However, he still did not let go of the idea of ​​suppressing Charlie.

The generals of Charlemagne were a little unhappy about this, but it is impossible to directly oppose it now.

After all, Piping occupies the righteousness.

"That trash is worthy of being my boss."

That Mo said disdainfully.


Charlemagne stopped his men.

He knew that this guy was very arrogant, except for a few people, no one looked down on it.

But now is not the time to lose your temper.

"You are not convinced! Then you can go to rest with me."

Piping immediately borrowed the questions to play.


Then Mo didn't say anything this time.

When the other generals saw that Mo was given the red card, they immediately put away the complaints in their hearts.

They unanimously looked at their marshal, hoping that he could solve it.

But this time, Charlemagne did not give them a perfect response.

He knows that the situation is not good now, and if he continues to fret, Piping is likely to continue to play the red card.

After thinking about it, he agreed to the decision before him.

After all, if you have your own people in the army, you can maintain the control of the army.If you really get all the red cards, the matter will be much more serious.

Therefore, a war that was about to happen was when Bismarck insisted on devolving it to diplomacy.

Piping also got what he wanted, although it was not the best, but the result was in his favor.

After the meeting, Charlemagne's knights gathered together, and they were complaining about what had just happened in a garden.

"That bastard! Marshal, please let me hammer him to death."

Monteban complained to Charlemagne.

"What do you want to do, that's the marshal's brother."

Oliver eased the atmosphere.

"This kind of guy is also worthy of being the marshal's brother."

Roland complained.


Na Mo spit out these two words.

"It makes everyone distressed, but I can't help it.

Who made him my blood relative?

But I still hope that everyone can go to the west with peace of mind. After all, at present, the biggest enemy has become Britain again. That's right. If you also leave, then we will have nothing."

Charlemagne told the current problem.

Others also understand this, but they are still very upset with Piping's approach.

At the same time, in another garden, Mary, as a princess, also received news from the hall.

The person with her at this time was the third prince Louis.

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