However, when her arm touched Kate, the mechanism designed by Da Vinci was passively triggered, and the necklace on Kate's neck flew out a net that gradually became larger, and it flew toward the sea monster.

The sea monster did not expect the sudden change, she quickly avoided, but the hand was still stuck on the part of the net.

At this moment, she was like a bug touched by a spider web.

Trap! Without time to think about it, the sea monster gave up her singing, and she roared like an animal, ready to dive into the sea immediately.

Just moments after she looked back, she found that a thick ice wall had formed in the sea beside her at some point.

The ice wall extended to both sides at a very fast speed, and was about to encircle it.

She slammed her head against the ice wall, ready to hit the ice wall, but there was no effect at all except for dizziness.

She looked into the distance and finally discovered the reason why ice appeared.

Above the wreckage, Lucifer opened his palm forward at this moment, and there was a little snowflake floating on his palm.

"Do it now and save Kate back first."

Lucifer gave orders to the knight beside him.


The knights rushed out of the wreckage immediately, and they rushed to the place where the Kraken and Kate were.

The knight sword in their hands has released magical light, and a few magical crescents fly over the sea, separating the sea monster from Kate.

While evading the siren, Lucifer controlled the ice wall to shrink rapidly, further compressing the siren's range of activities.


Under Lucifer's order, the knights who had rescued their companions immediately retreated.

After all, fighting in the water is not their specialty.

After a while, the ice wall finished shrinking, and the siren was surrounded by it.

Just when the knights thought that the matter was almost over, the besieged sea monster made the last resistance.

This time, she didn't sing, and there was a harsh scream in her throat.This sonic attack made Lucifer's ice wall a faint crack, but it immediately returned to its original shape.

It's... the people outside the ice wall can't help it... cover their ears.

"It's really noisy enough."

Lucifer also couldn't bear the noise, his palm shrank, and the ice wall suddenly shrank.

In a short while, it turned into a three-meter-high and two-wide water tank.

The sea monster was sealed in ice, only one head was exposed, and her mouth was also stuffed with ice.

The siren now looks like it was sealed by an ice tank.

"Well, it's much quieter this way."

After doing this..., Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief.

He waved his hand to the left, and the water tank slowly flew towards the beach.

At the same time, he ordered the knight around him.

"Prepare the carriage and the black canvas, and send her back to my palace in secret. I will interrogate her personally."

"Yes, king!"

no.182 Straightforward method

In a quiet room of the palace, the white walls make the room extremely empty.There is basically no furniture here, only this huge water tank.

Lucifer was sitting in a chair, looking at the sea monster, or mermaid, in deep thought.

The previous capture operations have been completed, and the harvest has been good.

Originally, I thought that the sea monster appeared only on my side, but I did not expect that besides myself, the sea monster appeared in three other places, but Leah and the others were more or less anxious. Act, and let them slip away.

Therefore, as far as the result is concerned, there is currently only one of my own.

After bringing the secret back, Lucifer ordered everyone to keep secret tonight's affairs and never make it public.

The palace has also been under martial law, and people are not allowed to enter and leave at will.

Originally Lucifer wanted to get what she wanted from this sea monster, but unfortunately, this sea monster didn't seem to speak human words.

Just when she was asked to speak, she either yelled directly or hissed her teeth like a beast, so the originally planned interrogation stalled.

At this time Lucifer couldn't help but miss one of his knights of the round table, Ager Shiwen.

I heard that this...Roundtable interrogation can make Hippo speak. Although I don't know if it is a rumor, it is at least much more professional than my own.

Thinking of this, Lucifer looked at the three women around him.

At this moment Leah and Gareth were looking curiously at the Kraken in the tank, while Drake looked thoughtful.

"Although the target was caught, the result is the same as if it was not caught."

After a while, Drake said helplessly.

Originally thought that if you caught the Sea Monster, you could at least get something out of her mouth, but in this case, it was not caught at all.

This sea monster doesn't seem to even speak human words, and it's impossible to provide pirate-related intelligence no matter what.

Lucifer has a different view on this.

"Not at all, at least judging from what happened tonight, the rumors you said before are not wrong.

The pirates are indeed united with the siren, otherwise they will not appear here on a large scale."

From the current point of view, this seems to be the only good news currently available.

If it weren't for any orders, the sea monster would not dare to approach the alleys of human life on a large scale.

After all, their individual abilities are not bad, but in the face of groups of people, they will only subconsciously escape.

"Wang is right, we can only speculate like this at present.

Only in this way, the next naval battle may have to include the sea monster on the side of the pirates' combat power, and the fight may be difficult.

These things are not...people. Once we fall from the boat, they are their prey."

Drake was a little distressed.

If there is a boat, she is not worried about these things.

With her golden deer's firepower, she doesn't have to be afraid of them at all.

If they dare to show their heads, she dares to make holes in their heads.

But if the ship sinks during a naval battle, those who fall into the water may completely lose the ability to resist.

"Hardness is better than being caught off guard."

"What should we do next? If these things are there, the previous bait may not work."

"That said, in that case, Drake, you go back now and prepare a backup plan with Nelson and the others.

Design with the goal of forcing them to fight a decisive battle"

Thinking of this, Lucifer decided to let Drake prepare a backup plan.

In case your own method cannot be implemented, then use her method.

"Alright, I'm going to prepare now."

With that said, Drake left.

Lucifer didn't think about what the mermaid should do for the time being.He looked at Leah's serious eyes and couldn't help laughing.

"Is Leah a way?"

"Wang, please forgive me for nothing I can do.

She looks like some kind of ancient cursed creature, maybe Da Vinci and the others should come."

Leah shook her head, expressing powerlessness.

She was not good at interrogation in the first place, and she was not a magician.

Before that, I didn't understand the magical creature like the sea monster.

In this regard, Lucifer was not surprised.

``I have asked before, Da Vinci said that she could not do anything about it, and she also said that she was not a magician in the biology department.

She suggested that I should try to find a professional witcher.

If you think about it carefully, the Sea-Monster should be considered a monster in the strict sense."

"The Demon Hunter"

"Well, at this moment, I can't help but miss the white wolf Geralt I knew before. I heard that he is... a professional demon hunter, maybe he has a way.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know where he is now, maybe he has already left Britain."

Lucifer thought of a certain professional before.

The white wolf's fighting power may not be considered as much, but his understanding of monsters and his professional knowledge are rarely comparable.

If he is here, he can still try it, but unfortunately, he doesn't even know where he is now.

"Wang, I was just wondering if I can use magic to make her obey her forcibly"

At this time, Gareth also thought of a way.

"Gareth, even if she is obedient, she can't say anything.

The power of magic cannot last long on this cursed creature, and besides, there is no one of us who is good at controlling magic."

In the words, Leah was not optimistic about her approach.

Most things like charm magic can only work for a short time.

The most important thing is that this one can't even say anything in front of him, so naturally he can't ask anything.

However, what she said... reminded Lucifer.

Lucifer felt that the situation before him could be rescued.

"Leah, you and Gareth will take people to the city to find them, see if there are any...professionals such as witchers who understand the sea monster.

If so, bring them over.

Remember, don't reveal the intelligence that we have caught a Kraken."

Lucifer thought about it and gave them an order.

He didn't want them to see the next thing for the time being.



When Leah and Gareth left, Lucifer and the Kraken were the only ones left here.

Lucifer looked at the siren and found that the siren was looking at him with an unusually angry look.

"Is it angry that you hate you who caught me, or hate such an incompetent self?"

Ice steps emerged from Lucifer's feet and came to the sea monster.

This sea monster can barely move its head and palms now, and everything else is sealed in the water tank.

No use at all: power.


The sea monster's mouth was making an inexplicable sound.

"Originally, I wanted to use mild methods as much as possible, but now it seems that I am doing unnecessary things.


Having said this, Lucifer took off his glasses and revealed the magical eyes behind the glasses.

In an instant, the air in the entire room seemed to be infected, and a layer of red mist appeared.

The sea monster who was staring at Lucifer was the first to bear the brunt.The power of the magic eye entered through her eyes and directly penetrated her brain and even her soul.

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