The Journey of the Rainbow Dragon

Chapter 60 Extra: Intertwined Destinies

After experiencing the beast tide, Windmill Town is undergoing major renovations.

People worked very hard in the mood of surviving the disaster, and the city wall was repaired very quickly.

The guard captain found the melancholy mayor on the city wall.

"How about a drink?"


Casa Tavern

In a separate room.


The two of them clinked wooden wine glasses filled with inferior ale and drank it all in one gulp.

White ale hops flowed down the mayor's collar, moistening the worn magic robe.

"Haha, I haven't drunk this kind of low-quality ale for many years. Don't tell me that it only tastes like this."

The captain of the guard laughed and started the conversation between the two.

The mayor didn't reply.

He looked at the white ale flowers in the wooden cup in a daze.

"How many years have we not had a drink together?"

"Luke Uriah"

The mayor looked at his friend across from him and called out his full name for the first time in nearly ten years.

"It must have been about ten years. It seems that after the mercenary group was disbanded, you stopped drinking with me."

Luke, the captain of the guard, laughed at himself.

Then he looked at the mayor seriously and said his full name.

"Marshall Bate"

"It's been ten years, but I still feel like it happened yesterday."

Marshall took another swig of bad ale.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

The rough and crude wine made him cough uncontrollably.

Maybe it was because the wine was too bad. His face turned red and he even coughed up tears.

Luke drank another drink with him silently.

"I remember when I was little, you were the one who wanted to be a magician."

"You dragged me to accompany you to take the entrance test, but in the end I accompanied you to the interview, but I was left behind."

Marshall wiped the corners of his eyes, looked at Luke who was drinking silently across from him, and recalled with a smile.

"Yes, we were both young at that time. Who would have thought that you, who had always longed for the life of a mercenary, would end up on the path of magic."

Luke said with a smile as he refilled Marshall's glass of wine.

The path of destiny is always so elusive.

A young man who likes magic is forced to embark on the path of practicing fighting spirit.

A young man who longed to lick the blood of a mercenary finally fell into the arms of magic.

They became the envy of each other until the girl appeared.

"I regret it, Luke."

Marshall suddenly reached out and grabbed Luke's rough palm, looking at him steadily.

"I really regret it"

"Don't say this.

Listen to me Marshall, today we will only drink and talk about nothing else. "

Luke grabbed Marshall's arm with his backhand and said calmly.

Two middle-aged men over forty just looked at each other.

In the end, Marshall was still the first to let go.

Just like back then, when two young boys with adoring hearts faced the girl, he was the one who let go first.

Marshall picked up the glass again and drank from it.

"At that time, we were in a hurry, but we forgot to look up at the stars above our heads."

"I thought magic could make me forget everything, so I kept looking for new magic to learn after leaving the mercenary group."

"But I found that no matter how much magic I learn, it can't make up for the pain in my heart."

"The day you became captain of the guard was also the day you married Aaliyah."

"I originally agreed to be your witness, so I chose to travel in a hurry, heading west without knowing where my destination was."

Luke listened quietly to his friend's confession.

It was his wedding, but his best brother wasn't there.

Marshall fell into memories and continued to describe what he encountered after escaping.

"I walked to the outskirts of the Ibi Forest in a daze, thinking about finding a monster to kill myself."

"I successfully found a level 6 monster, Buck Bear, and I want to die with more honor."

"I charged at it. As expected, it was just a normal blow and I was knocked to the ground."

"Later, I met the guardian of "Blue"."

Luke sat on the wooden bench and listened silently. This was something Marshall had never told him before.

“I told her my story.

I expected to receive some words of comfort, but she didn't say anything. She just patted me on the shoulder and asked me to pay for the drink. "

Marshall took another sip of wine and suddenly looked at Luke fiercely.

"After what happened, I suddenly didn't want to die."

"His grandma, you bastard who stole my fiancée is not dead yet, how could I be dead!"

"You stupid, mean, heartless, muscular guy"

In Luke's stunned expression, Marshall suddenly cursed with red eyes.

This great magician, who has been a gentleman for nearly forty years, used foul language in front of outsiders for the first time.

Luke did not interrupt his scolding and quietly accepted his friend's cry.

Time seems to have returned to that summer.


Marshall and Aaliyah were childhood sweethearts.

They were born in Windmill Town and met here.

Both parties' families are also neighbors, and their parents made a marriage contract for them.

But due to a strange combination of circumstances, Marshall became a magic apprentice.

He left Windmill Town with an old mage.

This journey lasted 7 years.

Luke, who was found to have no magical talent at all, was disheartened and chose to spend the rest of his life in Windmill Town.

Later, he was accepted as a disciple by an old mercenary, and his progress in practicing fighting spirit was unexpectedly fast.

In just one year, he was promoted from an ordinary person practicing fighting spirit to the black iron level!

You must know that it would take children from normal families at least five years to reach this level.

The old mercenary stayed in Windmill Town, hoping to teach a warrior who would become famous in the mainland before he died.

During this period, Luke and Aaliyah developed feelings for each other, but neither party expressed it.

The vast majority of wild mages will never return to their hometown in their lifetime.

They have dedicated themselves to the eternal god of magic.

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

Seven years later, Marshall returned from his studies.

The wild mage could no longer teach him anything.

This disciple's strength has completely surpassed him.

He chose to go home.

At this time, he has become a great magician.

The first thing he did when he came back was to run to Luke's house, wanting to share the joy with this friend he hadn't seen for many years.

Pushing open the door, Marshall shouted excitedly

"Luke! Have you ever thought about it?"

The scene inside the house was like a bolt from the blue, leaving Marshall stunned.

Two once-familiar figures suddenly became less clear.

Luke and his former fiancée were having lunch, and when they saw Marshall rushing in, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

The three of them ended the day's gathering in silence.

That day, Marshall, who had always been going smoothly, suddenly became decadent.

At that time, Marshall was fully capable of killing them on the spot.

But he didn't.

One is a former best friend, and the other is a former fiancée.

He couldn't do it.

Later, Luke and Marshall formed a small mercenary group and left Windmill Town.

And she agreed with Aaliya that if she could come back safely, she would choose who to marry.

The final result was that he lost.

In other words, neither of them won.

One lost his friendship, the other lost everything.

Learning magic requires a strong heart.

When a person begins to question whether learning magic is the right choice, he has abandoned magic.

And the God of Magic will ruthlessly give up on that person.

Marshall who became a Grand Magician at the age of 17.

After that, he never took a step in the field of magic in his life.


Luke reaches the golden level at the age of 17

He will always stay at this level until now.


"I was so busy on the road that I ignored the beautiful scenery along the way."

Marshall was drunk and muttered as he leaned over the table.

"I'm sorry, my friend."

Luke's eyes were red, he drank the last glass of wine and hugged him.

"are we still friends?"

Marshall looked at the ceiling in confusion.

"We will always be best friends!"

Luke said decisively.

"You bastard!"

Marshall suddenly stood up and punched him on the shoulder, then staggered away.

"Goose-stepping and straight punching, you still remember."

This is the move that Marshall, a young boy, used to practice with Luke when he admired the mercenary.

That was their first time.

Even after all these years, he has not forgotten this trick.


Luke sat in silence for a while.

He wiped away his tears, drank the last glass of ale, and staggered out of the room.

At the door of the tavern, a woman in her thirties was anxiously looking for her husband with her infant child in her arms.

Obviously the guards said he entered the Kasha Tavern.


A familiar voice sounded on the stairs.

"Let's go home."

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