The Journey of the Rainbow Dragon

Chapter 44 Master and Apprentice

under the dome

Ron and Rhine talked for a long time.

Rhine also briefly explained to him the situation in the royal capital of Ovia.

King of the Rose Kingdom: Brian XVII has not held a grand council for a long time, and his usual official duties are only sent to the palace bedroom for processing.

The old and frail king no longer had the heroic appearance of commanding the five armies.

Even if he was once a master warrior, he could not stop the passage of time.

He is over one hundred and ninety years old, and several of his sons have died of old age, but he still has not made a will.

No one in the kingdom knows which prince will be the next king.

Seeing King Brian XVII's body gradually weakening.

There is no accurate information about who will inherit this kingdom.

Naturally, His Majesty the King's six princes did not want to give up the throne to anyone else.

The six people were fighting fiercely in the royal capital of Ovia.

The current situation in the royal capital is complicated, and every family is trying to protect itself wisely, for fear of being on the wrong team.

Three months ago, news came from the Capachi Defense Line that the Warcraft and Orcs in the Warcraft Plains were rioting like crazy.

Several small villages and towns outside the defense line were trampled by the angry beast tide.

This is why this legendary sword master came to be.

Rhine told Ron that this time he accepted the king's personal instructions and went to the Warcraft Plains to investigate the commotion of the Warcraft.

Ron thought for a moment and asked some questions again, and then wished the red-haired boy a safe journey.

Reinhardt understood that the other party might go to the royal capital next. He hesitated before leaving, then turned to Ron and said:

"If your Majesty Ron encounters anything in the capital, please don't do it yourself."

"As long as you hold this token and go to the Hart family, the Hart family will do their best to help you solve your trouble."

"Please don't get angry in the royal capital. After all, there are many innocent civilians living there."

As he spoke, he took out a token made of black iron, with a seven-pointed star in the black wilderness engraved on it.

This is also the emblem of Tamara, the Merciful Lady.

It seems that the relationship between the Hart family and Ms. Mercy is far from simple as Ron found out.

"Do I look like a very grumpy dragon?"

Ron felt that he had been slandered, and Reinhardt sounded as if he was a violent maniac.

"What do you think?"

Reinhardt thought silently in his heart.

"Of course it's not like that. I was just worried that the filth of the royal capital would stain the beautiful scales under my crown, so I took this step. Please forgive me for my rudeness."

Reinhardt's posture was very low. After all, he was also a legendary swordsman.

Ron waved his hands to show that he didn't care.

After saluting again, Rein Hart left this place and embarked on the road to the Warcraft Plains.

The fighting energy under his feet allowed him to fly short distances and leave this grand canyon nearly a thousand meters deep.

As for going to Oracle Town for supplies?

Before leaving, Lady Mercy said it would be best for him not to go to Oracle Town for supplies.

Although he didn't understand what it meant, since the goddess had spoken, Rhine thought it would be the same to go to the next town to supply supplies.

After reaching the legendary level, it actually doesn't matter if he doesn't eat for several months. He can rely on absorbing energy to supply his own activities.

Food only satisfies appetite and speeds up physical recovery.

Ron looked at his back, shook his head and stopped thinking about Tamara. What was urgent now was to sort out his own mental problems.

From the previous conversation, Ron felt that something was wrong with his brain.

The activity of the body that breaks through the limits makes the mind jump infinitely.

Now he often associates simple little things with messy places.

He needed to find a place to be quiet.

The magic circle beneath him flashed past, and Ron disappeared instantly.

The forest where one man and one dragon were originally fighting has turned into a huge basin.

Demigods are powerful enough to permanently alter large-scale terrain.

Maybe after many years, this place will become an attraction.


"Teacher, what are you thinking about?"

Vivian asked Carol who was sitting opposite in a daze with concern.


Carol woke up from a dream, and what happened just now was beyond her understanding.

After Morey opened the box given to him by Vivian, seven-colored light enveloped him.

Afterwards, Morey seemed to be a different person, obeying Vivian's words.

And the way he looked at Carol was no longer lewd.

It's like looking at a piece of meat rather than a person.

At Vivian's signal, Morey left Carroll's room.

The two people in the room were silent.

"Did Ron give you this magic?"

Carroll actually thought of it immediately.

Since this box can release control magic, then Vivian

"Please don't worry, teacher"

Vivian curled her lips and said softly:

"Ron didn't cast this magic on me. I asked Ron for this box."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Ron and I are going to the Royal Capital. This person can help us live there very well, so we used this magic."

"And I think he has evil intentions towards the teacher. If he handles it this way, the teacher will be relieved."

Vivian said confidently.

Carol was a little shocked. Is this still the weak Vivian from before?

"I know the teacher may not be able to accept it for a while."

"But Ron and I really hope that the teacher will not stand against us. I think the teacher will help me keep this secret, right?"

Carol was silent at first, then smiled bitterly.

"How can I stand opposite you and control the magic of the magister? Ron's strength is not that of a young dragon, right?"

"With this kind of spellcasting ability, an adult dragon? An old dragon? You really have met an incredible being."

Vivian shook her head and said she didn't know.

Ron never revealed his strength to her. She only knew that Ron was very strong, but she couldn't tell where he was strong.

But it doesn't matter anymore, her heart has long been bound to him, and no matter whether Ron is strong or weak, she will always be by his side.

Carol sighed and took out the wooden box that he had put back in his pocket.

"What about this box too?"

"No, that box is a magic prop specially made by Ron for the teacher. Ron calls it [mobile phone].

He said that when the teacher is in danger, he can contact him through this magic item. "

Carroll opened the wooden box, and a beautiful seven-colored scale lay quietly in the center.

She closed the wooden box again and sighed.

"I really don't know whether you are lucky or unlucky to have summoned him."

"If possible, I still like the simpler Vivian."

Vivian shook her head and said seriously:

"That innocent Vivian is not innocent. In fact, I was already prepared to run away if the summons failed that day."

"All the copper coins I have saved over the years are intended to be used to buy magic cores and to pay for my escape after failure."

"If I can't become a magician, then sooner or later I will be forcibly taken away by the son of the city defense officer, just like those girls who were played by him and abandoned on the street corner."

Carol had never thought about this. She usually had little time to care about other people's lives except for lecturing and meditation. She only knew that Vivian was very poor.

But even though she had introduced several easy part-time jobs to Vivian, she was still living in such a tight financial situation.

It turned out that she was saving money to buy the magic core and prepare to pay for her escape.

Vivian held on to the hem of her skirt tightly and bit her red lips with her teeth.

"I don't want to be John's plaything."

"I can only escape to other places. But even if I escape successfully, an unknown life awaits me."

"It was Ron who changed everything for me. He made me walk out of the quagmire. I was no longer the Vivian that everyone in the academy despised."

Vivian raised her head, tears shining in her red crystal pupils.

"No matter what, I don't regret meeting Ron. Even if there is an abyss ahead, as long as Ron is here, I can step into it without fear."

Carol sighed. She was worried about the future of her student, but she didn't know how to help her.

"I will keep it a secret for you. If Ron makes any excessive demands on you, just come to the teacher."

Carol straightened her nose and showed her white teeth.

"Don't look at me like this. My father is a legendary mage. That guy Ron may not be his right partner."

Vivian suddenly hugged Carol, her long silver-white hair buried in delicate silk.

She understood that the teacher just wanted to help her and had no ill intentions.

"Thank you, Teacher Carroll."

Carol gently stroked the long hair of the student in his arms.

"Who asked me to be your teacher?"

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